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Flying Squirrels By: Jonah Jimenez. Adaptations A flying squirrel’s physical traits are it’s fur “wings” and tail. A flying squirrel’s behavioral traits.

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Presentation on theme: "Flying Squirrels By: Jonah Jimenez. Adaptations A flying squirrel’s physical traits are it’s fur “wings” and tail. A flying squirrel’s behavioral traits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flying Squirrels By: Jonah Jimenez

2 Adaptations A flying squirrel’s physical traits are it’s fur “wings” and tail. A flying squirrel’s behavioral traits are building many nests, including cavity, drey & aggregate nests

3 Where does it live? Flying squirrels live in the woods of Canada, Mexico and the USA.

4 Climate Since the flying squirrels live in a wide variety of places, they have a wide variety of climates.

5 What does it eat? Well…… it eats seeds, insects, spiders, slugs, snails, shrub buds, flowers, fruits, berries, fungi, eggs, bark cambium, carrion and........... tree sap. The flying squirrel is an omnivore. The flying squirrel is both predator and prey. The great horned owl is it’s predator and slugs, spiders etc. are its prey. It’s niche is secondary consumer.

6 Learned Behaviors The flying squirrel learns how to escape from it’s predators quickly. The flying squirrel learns how to find it’s prey and lung fast enough to catch it. The flying squirrel has to learn how to glide. And last of all the flying squirrel learns how to make it’s nests

7 Inherited Traits Nocturnal Making low,soft chirp noises when distressed Pure black eyes Climbing trees

8 Food Chain

9 Flying Squirrels can easily chew through wood! A Flying Squirrel’s tail helps stabilize it’s gliding! Flying Squirrels actually love to run on hamster wheels! The smallest type of the flying squirrel is the pigmy flying squirrel The largest type of flying squirrel is the woolly flying squirrel


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