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California Blueberry Rubus ursinus
The berries are widely used as a food source for wildlife. Interesting Facts: 1. vigorous spreaders, and need high amounts of moisture to set large fruit 2. can form a good sized patch, growing as much as 3 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide ANGELINA LI
Berkeley Sedge Carex divulsa Berkeley sedge is a good solution for areas under stress where lawn grasses often fail. It is not a native species and it is a type of grass. RIKEY CHEN
Amy Wong
Wild Ginger What does it do for the community?
make excellent ground covers for shady sites Used for medicine and food purposes Interesting Facts: Native Americans used the root to flavor foods, but it’s not the same as the ginger in the supermarkets Used for many medical purposes including the treatment of digestive disorders, especially gas, and in a poultice on sores Plant type: Perennial Wild Ginger Common Name: Scientific Name: Asarum canadense Special Features: Attractive Foliage, Deer Resistant, Easy to Grow The flowers of wild ginger, Asarum canadense, are small, dark-colored and hidden by the foliage. Lai Chao
Kevin Truong
California Huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum ) by Jacky Ngay
Perennial sub shrub. Dicotyledon native to the U.S. Most active growth period in the spring and summer. At maturity, it will reach up to 8 feet high and lives up to 20 years. It provides food/materials and natural shade to the environment.
Berkeley Sedge (Carex divulsa) By: Denny Zhu
Genus: Carex Type: Grasses Height: 1 ft. to 3 ft. Spread: 1 ft. to 3 ft. Growth Habit: Clumps Light: Full Sun to Part Shade; Part Shade to Full Shade The Berkeley Sedge is a Native Species It is not endangered or threatened Description: The Plant has long leaves.
Milkmaids Category-Dicot General Type-Forb/herb
Growth Duration-Perennial Plant Nativity-Native to U.S. By Jacky Chau
Stream Violet (Viola Glabella) By: Christopher Ngo
The Wahiawa Stream Violet (Viola Helenae) is generally described as a perennial subshrub or shrub or forb/herb. This dicot (dicotyledon) is native to the U.S. (United States) .
Baneberry (Actaea Rubra)
Baneberry grows rapidly to two or three feet and then puts out long flower stems topped by a cylinder of white flowers. native from northern and western America in the family. (tiara Barrington)
Woolly Angelica Native plant (Angelica tomentosa)
It is native to the coastal mountain ranges of California The leaves may be nearly a meter long but are actually made up of many leaf like leaflets, each up to 12 centimeters long and lance-shaped to oval and sometimes toothed (carmen calderon)
Salal Plant Common name: Salal
Scientific name:Gaultheria shallon Pursh Growth Habit: Shrub This Salal Plant is a Native Species. It’s actively growing during: Spring, Summer, and Fall BETTY HO
CA Blackberry (Rubus ursinus)
Native plant The berries are used as a food source for wildlife. Offers excellent escape and nesting cover and is good for erosion control Habitat: Shrubs JENNIFER LAM
Wood Rose (Rosa gymnocarpa)
Native Plant Wood Rose provides food for birds such as humming birds An interesting fact about this flower is that it gives off a fragrance The flower’s fruit is edible Growth Habitat : Shrub VAN LA
California Blackberry Rubus ursinus
The berries are widely used as a food source for wildlife. vigorous spreaders, and need high amounts of moisture to set large fruit can form a good sized patch, growing as much as 3 ft. tall by 6 ft. wide NATIVE Offers excellent escape and nesting cover and is good for erosion control Angelina Li
Lai Chao Lai Chao Wild Ginger What does it do for the community?
make excellent ground covers for shady sites Used for medicine and food purposes Interesting Facts: Native Americans used the root to flavor foods, but it’s not the same as the ginger in the supermarkets Used for many medical purposes including the treatment of digestive disorders, especially gas, and in a poultice on sores Lai Chao Lai Chao Plant type: Perennial Common Name: Native Species! Scientific Name: Asarum canadense Wild Ginger Special Features: Attractive Foliage, Deer Resistant, Easy to Grow The flowers of wild ginger are small, dark-colored and hidden by the foliage.
Stream Violet (Viola Glabella) By: Christopher Ngo
The Wahiawa Stream Violet (Viola Helenae) is generally described as a perennial subshrub or shrub or forb/herb. This dicot (dicotyledon) is native to the U.S. (United States) .
Berkeley Sedge (Carex divulsa) By: Denny Zhu
Genus: Carex Type: Grasses Height: 1 ft. to 3 ft. Spread: 1 ft. to 3 ft. Growth Habit: Clumps Light: Full Sun to Part Shade; Part Shade to Full Shade The Berkeley Sedge is a Native Species It is not endangered or threatened Description: The Plant has long leaves.
Fringe Cups Native plant species
Provide food [for hummingbirds], herbs, provide oxygen, great for bird gardens or butterfly gardens Growth form: forbs It doesn’t tolerates drainage and seasonal flooding Tellima grandiflora
Giant Trillium Trillium Cholorpetalum
The giant trillium are native plants and the live in groups in a woodland or shady area. They are subshrub type of plants, which mean they grow usually under 0.5 m. Their flowers come in a variety of colors- purple, white, and yellow. Denise Man
Wych Elm tree(ULMUS Glabra) By: Eric saechin
Invasive To sasual creek Can reach to 40 meter; uneven leaves Can get disease like Dutch elm disease Bad for Env. Of sasual creek Deep stuck in roots;derooting is difficult Can spread to 10 ft
Redwood Sorrel (Oregon oxalis)
Redwood Sorrel’s role in a community is to preserve moisture and it makes a lush, solid, inviting carpet on the cool floors of a redwood forest. Also, they act like dripping umbrellas and covers hidden spots where tree frogs hide. It’s edible too. Redwood Sorrel is known as a forb because it has soft stems and leaves. Erika Huang
Angelica tomentosa Wooly Angelica Native Plant Dicot Compound umbel
Perennial Herb Used for medicine, cake decorations, candies, and to ward off evil spirits Likes rich, moist garden soil in partial shade, especially likes cool northern regions By Becky Tsang
Cape Ivy 1) Scientific name: Delairea odorata
2) Its an invasive species What makes it a "BAD" plant? Cape ivy grows rapidly, and takes root wherever a leaf node touches the ground. Tiny portions of stem can survive for long periods before resprouting. Plants can live an extended period without light or water. The dense vines overtop and smother out native shrubs, tree seedlings, and associated herbaceous plants. Cape ivy is a threat to the integrity of coastal scrub and riparian vegetation. Ana Patito
Giant Trillium Trillium Cholorpetalum
The giant trillium are native plants and the live in groups in a woodland or shady area. They are subshrub type of plants, which mean they grow usually under 0.5 m. Their flowers come in a variety of colors- purple, white, and yellow. Denise Man
Scientific Name: Monardella villosa
Coyote Mint Common Name: Scientific Name: Monardella villosa Growth Habit: Forbs Interesting Fact: Smells like a minty toothpaste and was used by Spanish as cure for sore throats. What it does in the community: Butterflies use as a nectar source. BETTY HU
Fairy Bells Disporum maculatum
Scientific Name: Disporum maculatum Common Name: Fairy Bells Ranges from Michigan to Georgia Forb Provides oxygen, and it prevent erosions. BETTY DO
Jimmy Luong 3- 4 period http://en. wikipedia
Common Name Poison Oak Scientific Name Toxicodendron diversilobum Ability to cause allergic rashes after contact The areas of Untied States and Canada Forb/Herb Resemblances of Poison Ivy
Small False Solomon’s Seal
Smilacina racemosa It is a forb, and it is not native. The root is used medicinally as an astringent, demulcent and tonic. The powdered roots make an excellent poultice for bruises, piles, inflammations and tumors. RIKEY CHEN CHRISTINA LEW
Western Sword Fern Polystichum munitum
This long type of grass was eaten by Native Americans during the spring when they had no food to eat. They would usually be found on the ground in rather moist forests. Western Sword Ferns are have an extremely rough texture and are able to withstand dry weather if there is much water and little sunlight. Cool weather is preferred by this plant for best growing activities. Done by Andrew Kwan Western Sword Fern: F -Picture, What it does for community,
Large Solomon Seal By Justin Li
Scientific Name: False Solomon Seal The leaves are long and broad, coming to a point. Noticeable Veins Running the length of the leaf Fruit: Round, Red Berries Found in low sub alpine areas, widespread in wet forests and clearings JUSTIN LI
Kevin T. Nguyen Period:3-4
Viola sempervirens Also known as Evergreen Violet It is a Native plant from Alaska to California. Once the Evergreen Violet had taken roots it will spread it seeds. Species of the Evergreen Violet is a forb/herb. It grow in shaded and well drained soil area. It provide home for animals and provide nutrient for habitats. Kevin T. Nguyen Period:3-4
Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) By: Andy Pham
Genus: Tradescantia Kingdom: Plantae Native in eastern United States from Maine to Alabama, and Canada in southern Ontario Blooms in the Spring & Summer Colors: pink, blue, purple, or white Has three petals and six yellow anthers
Fringe cups -(Tellima Grandiflora) Native
This plant needs a moist, partially shady to totally shady spot to thrive. The leaves may grow as large as a fist when it is older and in the perfect spot. Tellima or fringe cup makes an attractive ground cover and will slowly extend itself into other areas of your garden if you let the flowers go to seed. It is not invasive though and can be easily weeded out if you don’t want it moving into a particular spot in your garden. Sophie Li
Five fingered Fern Scientific Name: (Adiantum pedatum)
Found in Western North America(Native) Perennial Known for “Fingered foliage”, Hasani Brown)
Star Flower Trientalis borealis
It is a forb and is native to Northern United States Bee-pollinated white flowers found in small clusters and shoot development Self-pollination is possible but rarely results in fruiting. Possibly is wind dispersed but falls near parent plant and does not germinate in the cold. The consumption of Trientalis borelais greatly reduces the occurrence of infection, which develops in autumn and could potentially select for higher disease resistance En.wikipedia.rog/wiki/trienlaslis_norealis By:Vicki Luong
Common Name: Elm Tree Scientific Name: Ulmus
Non-native (non-invasive) Does not reproduce by a seed It provides shade It is a dicot Root system: Single stem It’s wider on the top than the bottom Growth form: Tree It is a perennial Nancy Truong Period: 6
Coast Redwood By: Shirley Lo Period 5 and 6
Sequoia Sempervirens Coastal Redwood Native A shelter for animals and also help give oxygen much more fresh air Trees ~It can grow 60 inches in twenty years Things about this plant is the clones that are listed in the trade do not seem to do as well in the interior as the seedlings. Shirley Lo Period 5 and 6
Redwood Sorrel Oxalis oregana Native It’s a Forb
Perennial=growth formation The leaves were eaten by Native Americans, in small quantities By Melina Huang Period 5-6
Berkeley Sedge Berkeley Sedge Carex divulsa Invasive plant
May create an safe and undisturbed home for many other organisms. Plant Form: Shrub By: Malcolm Davis Period 5 & 6
wild ginger is a small plant with paired,
heart-shaped leaves emerging from the ground Youíll find it in partially sunny wooded areas throughout eastern North America Diana?
White Trillium By: Philicia Ragsdale
Common name: White trillium Scientific name: Grandiflorum Native or invasive?: This flower is invasive to California but native to the U.S. (mostly Canada) Growth Form: Forb Interesting Facts: belongs to Lily family, some species have pink petals, three leaves,
Hawaiian Baby Wood-Rose By Richard Kong
Scientific Name: Argyreia Nervosa Common names: Wood-Rose, Baby Wood-Rose, Hawaiian Baby Wood-Rose, Elephant climber, Silver-Morning-Glory, and Vidhara The Wood-Rose is Native. The Wood-Rose’s are used in medicine as a pain reliever or a Hallucinogen.
Large False Solomon’s Seal
Large False Solomon’s Seal _Smilacina racemosa _Native Plant _False Solomons Seal is a cm. tall perennial often found in bunches _powerful scent _widespread in wet forests and clearings By: Chan M.
Woolly Angelica by Ismael Chavira
Angelica tomentosa It is a native plant Dicot It helps give oxygen,medicine,food,cover,and shade Forb/herb
Cardamine C. California
Common Names: Milk Maid, Cuckoo Flower, Lady’s Smock Forb/herb Root system type: Brassicaceae It grows in 31 locations: Baja California…. Etc. It is a dominant plant It is a native plant It is a dicot Decreasing throughout the country Found in abundant numbers along many redwood pathways. By: Le Thuy Hang Dang Period 5/6
Wild Ginger Asarum canadense Perenial
Excellent ground cover and use in medicine Native plant by. Christopher Chhin Period 5-6
About the California Huckleberry & what it does FOR our community
Known as Perennial Subshrub, it is native t the U.S. Most active growth period in the spring and summer, greatest bloom in late spring Long life span, reaches up to 8ft.high;maxiumum height at 20yrs.of 8ft. Not available for nurseries, slow ability to spread through seed production Has medium tolerance to drought and water conditions It is a Dicot It can provide food It also gives off oxygen Ajai Robinson
By: Stephanie Hang Period 5/6
Common names: Wood Strawberry and California strawberry Species: European Scientific name:Fragaria vesca Family: Rosaceae Purpose: To provide food Habitat: trails and roadsides, embankments, hillsides, stone and gravel laid paths and roads, meadows, young woodlands, sparse forest, woodland edges Wood Strawberry
Salal -Gaultheria shallon Pursh
-Though salal is typically found in the wild, it is also seen in cultivation. -this plant is mainly as a source of food. Nancy Hernandez 12/18/19 Per.5/6
Baneberry Diana Burgos 12/18/09 Per.5&6
Hedera caneriensis (Algerian ivy)
Not native to north America It is a vine Its duration is perennial It is used for ground covering Their vigorous growth must be contained BY VIDAEL SARSENO
Common Name: Coyote Mint Scientific Name: Monardella villosa
Native Used by Native American groups as a remedy for stomach upset, respiratory conditions, and sore throat. Growth Form: Subshrub Forb/Herb Birds & insects eat the seeds from the coyote mint. Kent Ho _villosa
Poison Oak Toxicodendron diversilobum
Native specimen Shrub Mainly eaten by goats, gophers, and prairie dogs Used by the Japanese to make lacquer Helps protect other plants in the community Albert Nim
Cape Ivy by Steven Saefong
Delairea odorata Found in most Costal Califronia watersheds Threat to Native Habitats Difficult to remove Found in areas difficult to get to and sensitive to disturbances
Fairy Bells Common name – Fairy bells
Scientific Name – Prosartes lanuginosa Distributes in the USA(AL, AR, GA, KY, MD, NC, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV) and Canada(ON) Forb Provides oxygen and prevents erosion Jennifer Duong
Stream Violet By Brian Saechao Common name- Stream Violet
Scientific name- Viola glabella Growth Habit: Subshrub Shrub Forb/herb Native plant.
Scientific Name: Polypodium glycyrrhiza
Licorice Fern Scientific Name: Polypodium glycyrrhiza Native Plant Roots chewed for their pleasant flavor Evergreen native to western North America Non Invasive Species Uses its spores on the underside of its leaves, releasing them in cool weather and high humidity. By: Julie Huynh
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