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Online transfer database David Copplestone Principal Scientist – Radioactive Substances EMRAS II Vienna January 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Online transfer database David Copplestone Principal Scientist – Radioactive Substances EMRAS II Vienna January 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online transfer database David Copplestone Principal Scientist – Radioactive Substances EMRAS II Vienna January 2010

2 Outline Purpose Registration & login Database navigation Add/edit data Data acceptance Summary & reporting options

3 Purpose

4 Purpose of the database Collate & summarise transfer data Outputs IAEA handbook ICRP transfer task group Database will remain available Fast, efficient updates

5 Purpose Range of ecosystem types Range of wildlife groups and ICRP reference animals and plants Collecting data on adult wholebody concentration ratios Other lifestages for ICRP RAPs NO data from review articles Frequently asked questions & answers

6 Registration & Login



9 Database navigation


11 Help file Guidance Background Definitions Data entry method/format Hyperlinked pdf document Download or read online

12 Add data




16 Copy & paste into text boxes




20 Habitat choices Freshwater Flowing, lake Marine Open water, coastal Terrestrial Wetland, semi-natural grassland, forest, coastal sand dunes, agricultural grassland Estuarine Terrestrial, water

21 Wildlife groups FreshwaterMarine Amphibian Bird Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous Crustacean Fish benthic feeding, forage, piscivorous Insect Larvae Mammal Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous Mollusc Bivalve, gastropod Phytoplankton Reptile Vascular Plant Zooplankton Benthic fish Bird Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous Crustacean Large, small Fish benthic feeding, forage, piscivorous Insect Macroalgae Mammal Carnivorous, herbivorous, planktivorous Mollusc Bivalve, cephalopods, gastropod Other invertebrate Pelagic fish Predatory, non predatory Phytoplankton Polychaete Worm Reptile Sea anemones/true coral Vascular Plant Zooplankton

22 Wildlife groups Terrestrial Amphibian Arachnids Bird Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous Bird egg Earthworm Fern Flying insect Fungi Mycorrhizal, parasitic, saphrophytic Gastropod Grasses and herbs Invertebrate - Detritivorous Lichens and bryophtyes Mammal Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, Rangifer spp. Marsupial Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous Reptile Carnivorous, herbivorous Shrub Tree Coniferous, deciduous

23 Wildlife groups Estuarine (terrestrial)Estuarine (water) Amphibian Annelids Arachnids Bird Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous Bird egg Crustacean Large, small Flying insect Grasses and herbs Invertebrate - detritivorous Mammal Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous Mollusc Bivalve, gastropod Other invertebrate Shrub Bird Carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous Bird egg Crustacean Large, small Fish benthic feeding, forage, piscivorous Insect Macroalgae Mammal Carnivorous, herbivorous, planktivorous Mollusc Bivalve, gastropod Other invertebrate Phytoplankton Polychaete worm Reptile Sea anemone/true coral Vascular plant Zooplankton

24 ICRP RAPs BeeAdult, colony Brown Seaweed CrabAdult, egg mass, larvae DeerAdult, calf DuckAdult, egg EarthwormAdult, egg FlatfishAdult, egg FrogAdult, egg, mass of spawn, tadpole Pine tree Rat SalmonidAdult, egg Wild GrassMeristem, spike

25 RAPHabitatFamily Species * BeeTerrestrialApidea See Brown SeaweedMarineFucaceae Fucucs species CrabMarineCancridae See DeerTerrestrialCervidae See 2C_genera_and_species 2C_genera_and_species Duck Terrestrial, Freshwater Anatidae Ducks (, geese (Anser spp., Chen spp. & Branta spp.) & swans (Cygnus spp.) EarthwormTerrestrialLumbricidae See FlatfishMarinePleuronectidae See Frog Terrestrial, Freshwater Ranidae See Pine TreeTerrestrialPinaceae See RatTerrestrialMuridae Old World rats and mice (Murinae), gerbils, jirds and sand rats (Gerbillinae) as well as Leimacomys buettneri, Lophiomys imhausi and the Subfamily DeomyinaeMurinaeGerbillinae Deomyinae TroutFreshwater, MarineSalmonidae Freshwater white fish (Coregoninae), Grayling (Thymallus spp.) and the Subfamily Salmoninea which includes salmon (Salmo spp. & Oncorhynchus spp.) trout (Salmo spp. & Salvelinus spp.) & chars (Salvelinus spp.)Coregoninae Wild Grass Terrestrial, Freshwater Poaceae Grasses (see ra) ra

26 Air Soil Water

27 Air Soil Water [sediment added] Media wetdry – fills automatically Media units – appropriate selection


29 Whole body Whole body – no gut Whole body – no fur/feathers/shell Whole body – no fur/feathers/shell & no gut Liver Bone Reproductive Other plant parts Wood



32 Edit data (before accepted)



35 Data acceptance

36 Data via website goes to a holding area, checked online and then accepted/rejected (user discussion)

37 Data acceptance Data via website goes to a holding area, checked online and then accepted/rejected (user discussion)

38 Data acceptance Data via website goes to a holding area, checked online and then accepted/rejected (user discussion) excel spreadsheets, checked then uploaded en mass If: Accepted – in database and available in outputs Rejected – not available in outputs, user notified, log of who, want was entered kept

39 Summary & reporting options





44 Reporting Outputs CR summary by habitat (5 high level + each individual habitat) CR summary by wildlife group List of contributors (all, accepted and rejected data) List of references


46 In summary…

47 Add data Excel sheets Direct entry In summary…

48 Produce the summary output In summary… Add data Excel sheets Direct entry

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