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Presentation on theme: "III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 SEASONAL ANALYSIS OF THE MOD13A2 (NDVI / EVI) AND MOD15A2 (LAI / fAPAR) PRODUCTS FOR THE CERRADO REGION."— Presentation transcript:

1 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 SEASONAL ANALYSIS OF THE MOD13A2 (NDVI / EVI) AND MOD15A2 (LAI / fAPAR) PRODUCTS FOR THE CERRADO REGION Manuel Eduardo Ferreira Laerte Guimarães Ferreira Alejandro Alvarado Peccinini Federal University of Goiás III LBA Scientific Conference Alfredo R. Huete University of Arizona University of Arizona

2 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 The Cerrado biome Biophysical characterization MODIS August 2003 RGB MIR NIR RED  Area core The second largest biome in South America  200.000 km 2 Cerrado mosaic Goiás

3 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Cerrado grasslandShrub CerradoCerrado WoodlandWooded Cerrado Panoramic view Aerial view FERREIRA, L. G.; YOSHIOKA, H.; HUETE, A.; SANO, E. E. (2000). The Response of MODIS Vegetation Indices to the Brazilian Cerrado Seasonal Contrast: An Analysis within the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazon (LBA). Gradient vegetation The Cerrado biome Biophysical characterization

4 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004  A threatened biome by mechanized and intense agriculture, and livestock harvest...  more than 50% of the Cerrado have been converted into pasture, agriculture and urban area (Sano et al. 2002) < 10% 10 - 20% 20 - 30% 30 - 40% > 40% % Conversion The Cerrado biome Degradation stage

5 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Our goals... I – to analyse and compare the MODIS ecological variables for the Cerrado monitoring in the Goiás state...  MOD13A2 (NDVI / EVI)  MOD15A2 (fAPAR / LAI) - Cerrado physiognomies - Pasture - Agriculture II – to assess the Cerrado seasonality through each MODIS ecological variable (temporal component). Focusing on

6 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Land cover map SPOT Vegetation 2000 The Cerrado biome Biophysical characterization Agriculture - intensive Barren / bare soil Closed shrublands Mosaic agriculture Mosaic agriculture / vegetation Open evergreen tropical forest Open semi deciduous forest Open semi-humid forest Open shrublands Open steppe grasslands Flooded savannah Flooded shrublands transition forest Shrub savannah Urban Water bodies

7 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Study Area and MODIS Data Goiás state Tiles:h13v10h12v10 Products: MOD13A2 MOD15A2 1 km spatial resolution Datasets: december 2002 (day 353) to december 2003 (day 353) (24 images for each product) MOD13 Quality Assurance layers (QA) for the respectives VIs

8 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Methodological Approach 1) 1)Data reprojection (Modis Reprojection Tool): -GEOTIFF format -Geographical Projection -WGS 84 datum 2) Data analysis and extraction with softwares ENVI and ArcGis: -Visual analysis of seasonality through 4 color composites: NDVI, EVI, fPAR & LAI (RGB july / march / sep. 2003) - Data grouping in HDR format: 24 bands / images (dec/02 to dec/03) for each product (NDVI, EVI, LAI, FPAR) - Quantitative analysis

9 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Methodological Approach  Data extraction:  Six representative classes of the Goiás landscapes (10 pixels for each target) -Forest -Agriculture -Agriculture -Pasture -Pasture -Cerrado grassland / Shrub Cerrado (Emas National Park) -Cerrado grassland / Shrub Cerrado (Emas National Park) -Wooded Cerrado (Brasilia National Park) -Wooded Cerrado (Brasilia National Park) -Cerrado woodland (Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park) -Cerrado woodland (Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park)   Data extraction based on the analysis of MOD13Q1 data (250m), Landsat imagery, and digital cartographical basis for the Goiás state (1:250.000)

10 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Methodological Approach Agriculture (2) 2 1 3 4 5 6 Forest (1) Pasture (3) Cerrado grassland / Shrub Cerrado (4) Wooded Cerrado (5) Cerrado woodland (6) Targets

11 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Results & Discussion EVI NDVI Visual Analysis NDVI & EVI RGB july/march/sep 2003 209, 081, 273 Better discrimination of drier regions

12 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Results & Discussion LAIfAPAR Visual Analysis fAPAR & LAI RGB july/march/sep 2003 209, 081, 273 Improved differentiation among landscapes

13 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 EVI NDVI LAIfAPAR

14 Results & Discussion NDVI EVI Comparative Behaviour: Physiognomies (dec. 2002 – dec. 2003) Outliers (clouds) - Similar patterns between NDVI / EVI; NDVI / EVI; - Seasonal variations well shown for both vegetation shown for both vegetation indices; indices; Dry season

15 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Quality Assurance NDVI / EVI Fair quality assurance values for NDVI / EVI products, considering three months and all the classes

16 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Results & Discussion fAPAR LAI Comparative Behaviour: Physiognomies (dec. 2002 – dec. 2003) outliers Sprouting / flowering Clouds, image errors -fAPAR / LAI have similar behavior in relation to NDVI / EVI -Better discrimination of physiognomies by fAPAR

17 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Results & Discussion Agriculture Pasture Comparative Behaviour of the Biophysical Variables Outliers (clouds) harvest season (monoculture)  High similarity  1 species signature  Regular cycle: annual culture annual culture Similar to agriculture signatures Variations likely caused by - Low biomass ( Dry season ) ( Dry season ) - Overgrazing Multi-species environment

18 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Results & Discussion Cerrado grassland / shrub Cerrado Wooded Cerrado Comparative Behaviour of the Biophysical Variables -Similar to agriculture: Grasses dominance -multi-specificenvironment Low Biomass (dry season) (dry season) - More complex environment - Less variation in values - Constant biomass along the year year Low Biomass (dry season) (dry season) High oscilation fAPAR / LAI (summer  sprouting / flowering)

19 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Results & Discussion Cerrado woodland Forest Comparative Behaviour of the Biophysical Variables -More complex environment -Constant biomass along the year along the year -Low biomass variation - Different formation - Different patterns between NDVI / EVI and fAPAR / LAI NDVI / EVI and fAPAR / LAI

20 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Results & Discussion Seasonal Response: Index Variation Largest variations associated with LAI (except for agriculture) EVI index showed greater variation coefficient than NDVI. Temporal analysis Variation Coefficient along the year, for all classes

21 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Variation Coefficient Across Landscapes Results & Discussion Spatial analysis Months (2003) NDVI and EVI presented similar variation coefficient across landscapes LAI parameter presented higher variation coefficient along the year

22 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Final Remarks -All MODIS biophysical variables (NDVI, EVI / LAI, fAPAR) responded well to both the seasonal and physiognomic variation considered in this study; -NDVI and EVI indices presented similar responses for each site; the same behaviour was also observed for the LAI and fAPAR indices; -Based on their potential temporal discrimination capability, fAPAR and LAI can be used in land cover monitoring; -A more intense analysis of fAPAR and LAI Quality Layers are still necessary in order to explain the outliers values observed in this dataset.

23 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Next... (e.g. EVI, 1km) Comparison between biophysical variables and land cover information Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Agriculture - intensive Barren / bare soil Closed shrublands Mosaic agriculture Mosaic agriculture / vegetation Open evergreen tropical forest Open semi deciduous forest Open semi-humid forest Open shrublands Open steppe grasslands Flooded savannah Flooded shrublands transition forest Shrub savannah Urban Water bodies (e.g. Land cover Spot vegetation, 1km)

24 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank FUNAPE (UFG) for supporting our participation at III LBA Scientific Conference

25 III LBA Scientific Conference, July 27-29, 2004 Thanks a lot!

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