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Mount pelèe Jaden Lacour. Caesalpinia Caesalpinia is a genus of flowing in the lugume family.

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Presentation on theme: "Mount pelèe Jaden Lacour. Caesalpinia Caesalpinia is a genus of flowing in the lugume family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mount pelèe Jaden Lacour

2 Caesalpinia Caesalpinia is a genus of flowing in the lugume family.

3 Crepe Giner Crepe Giner is possibly the best know cultivated species of the genus Costus.

4 Rainforest Around 40% to 75%of all biotic species and indigenous to rainforests.

5 Streptosolen Jamesonii Sreptosolen Jamesonii is part of the Solanaceae family that produces loose clusters of flowers gradually changing from yellow to red as they develop.

6 Prunus carolinea Prunus is one of the flowers In the Rosaceae family and it is endemic to Colombia.

7 Arranyán In Spain it refers to the myrataceae shrub Myrtus Communis (common myrtle)

8 Passiflora Tarminiana Passiflora Tarminiana is a species of passionfruit the yellow fruits are edible and their resemblance.

9 Macrocrapaea The genus macrocrapaea with 105 species and two hybids of 0.5 m herbs shrub.

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