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General description Our ecosystem includes a mountain creek, the surrounding area as well as the an artificial lake created by a dam. The creek creates.

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Presentation on theme: "General description Our ecosystem includes a mountain creek, the surrounding area as well as the an artificial lake created by a dam. The creek creates."— Presentation transcript:


2 General description Our ecosystem includes a mountain creek, the surrounding area as well as the an artificial lake created by a dam. The creek creates a valley with hydrophilous vegetation where plane trees dominate. The name Platanakia derives from the Greek word Πλάτανος (Platanos) which means plane tree (Platanus orientalis). Our area of investigation ends to a dam that creates an artificial lake which attracts a lot of bird fauna. Thermi dam (end) Platanakia (start) City of Thermi City of Panorama Platanakia creek

3 Location – area Our creek lies between Platanakia location near the city of Panorama down to the Thermi dam near the city of Thermi. Along the creek lies a trail of about 6 km under plane trees among the maquis vegetation of the surrounding hills. The dam creates an artificial lake with the following coordinates: 40 o 33’Ν and 23 o 02’E. Our ecosystem covers an area of about 5km 2. The creek collects it’s water from Mt.Hortiatis run off area Mt. Hortiatis (alt. 1201m) Platanakia Koronia lake City of Panorama Platanakia creek Thermi artificial lake

4 Vegetation - Habitats In our ecosystem we find 3 basic habitats: 1.Vegetation of intermittently flowing mediterranean creeks 2.Mediterranean maquis 3.Vegetation around artificial lakes Platanakia creek We also find cultivated and grazing land Grazed land Cultivated land

5 1.Vegetation of intermittently flowing mediterranean creeks Hydrophilous trees, bushes and herbs are found in this type of vegetation. Plane trees (Platanus orientalis) and willow (salix alba) dominate along the creek and give the light green strip in the photo in the right. Common bushes are oleanders (Nerium oleander) and chastes (Vitex agnus-castus) Common aquatic herbs are Lemna minor Water mint (Mentha aquatica) Nerium oleanderPlatanus orientalis

6 2.Mediterranean maquis The term maquis is generally taken to be derived from the Corsican name for the low shrub habitat that prevails in the mediterranean region. This widespread and species-rich vegetation type is characterised by its composition of evergreen sclerophyllous shrubs that range in height between 1m and 5m. Maquis form the most extensive habitats in Greece. They stretch from sea level up to 700m of altitude. They have deep roots in order to reach water during the summer dry months. Their leathery leaves lower transpiration rates during the hot weather. In our ecosystem hills around the creek are covered with maquis. Among others dominant species are : wild olivetree (Olea oleaster), Kermes oak (Quercus coccifera), wild pear (Pyrus amygdaliformis), Juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus), heath (Erica arborea), Cistus (Cistus incanus), Broom (Spartium junceum) etc.

7 Maquis October 2011 December 2011 Plane trees Heath Kermes oak

8 Artificial Lake Our artificial lake does not exhibit the typical lake zonation. We can see shore vegetation with Lithrum salicaria Salix alba Vitex agnus-castus but we don’t see any reed or waterlilies Lithrum salicaria

9 Group 1 Damianidou Eleftheria Liaka Alexandra Panou Damaskini Poirazi Stefania Siopidis Archelaos

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