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RAIN GARDENS Discovery Initiative Bill Sciarappa, Ph.D. Vivian Quinn, Program Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "RAIN GARDENS Discovery Initiative Bill Sciarappa, Ph.D. Vivian Quinn, Program Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAIN GARDENS Discovery Initiative Bill Sciarappa, Ph.D. Vivian Quinn, Program Assistant

2 Development & imperviousness reduces the natural capacity of soil & vegetation to infiltrate and take up rainfall PROBLEMS & POLLUTANTS Flooding Erosion Increased Sediment Beach Closures Non-point Pollution Gas and oil Bacteria-pet waste Eroded soil Road salt Litter Pesticides Fertilizers

3 Stormwater runs over streets, parking lots & lawns & washes into streams, lakes & rivers Polluted Stormwater Sedimentation  Smothers aquatic life Nitrogen  ammonia kills fish Phosphorus fertilizers  Algae blooms Salt & petrochemical contamination  mortality Bacterial peaks  human health hazards

4 What is a Watershed? The area of land that drains to a water body - We’re all connected through waterflows through our watershed. Restoring the natural buffers along our streams, lakes and ponds provides major environmental benefits to all citizens.

5  Engineered wetlands  Infiltration basins  Grassy swales  Bioretention basins  Rain Barrels *  RAIN GARDENS* SOLUTION: BIORETENTION minimizes impact of stormwater Physical water retention & biological & chemical Interaction between soil, vegetation & water * No permits needed

6 WHAT IS A RAIN GARDEN ? A specially landscaped, shallow depression that captures & filters polluted stormwater runoff  Reduces pollution from non-point sources  Conserves water  Recharges underground water supply

7 LOCATION, LOCATION Residential – typically 100-300 sq. ft. Catch rainwater from roof From driveway & sidewalk Anyplace that will allow stormwater to be captured Stormwater is directed into garden by pipes, swales, or curb openings Home Gardens

8 MUNICIPAL RAIN GARDENS Wall Bike Path Sea Girt Asbury Park Fair Haven

9 Protecting Raritan Bay - Keyport Rain Garden

10 SCHOOL RAIN GARDENS Brookdale Spring Lake Heights Keansburg Biotechnology HS


12 Completed & functioning in every season

13 Preliminary Observation  Site Selection  Where it will receive runoff  Area without ponding  Select flat part of yard for easier digging  At least 10 ft. from foundation  Not directly over septic system  Not suitable where the seasonal high water table level is less than 24"  Full or partial sunlight – first choice  Check utility markouts GETTING STARTED

14 Select rain gardens website

15 PLANT SELECTIONS  Select WET & DRY tolerant plants  Suggest native plants  Do not require fertilization  Absorb water more efficiently than lawns  Easier to maintain  Inexpensive  Different heights, shapes & textures  Vary blooming times  Sun & Shade varieties

16 Inkberry Holly: Ilex Glabra - midsized evergreen shrub. Prefers moist soil, but can tolerate dry. 6-8'. SHRUBS Cranberry Viburnum: Viburnum Trilobum - large shrub, as wide as it is tall. Bright red fruit is attractive and edible. Prefers moist, well drained soil. 6-12'

17 Soft Rush: Juncus Effusus - clump forming rush which usually raches about 3'. Stems are unbranched and round in cross section. To 3'. Wild Bergamot: Monarda Fistulosa - perennial found in dry fields, thickets, and woodland borders. 2" clusters of pale pink-lilac flowers in late summer Blue Flag: Iris versicolor - native iris of northern wetlands with blue flowers and sword shaped leaves. PERENNIALS

18 Themed Rain Gardens Bird & Butterfly Tree + Shrub Ornamental bark, flowers, and berries Deer Tolerant Themed Rain Gardens

19 PLANTING Arrange plants according to light needs, spacing requirements & heights Add a layer of mulch Invite your friends!

20 MAINTENANCE  Watering – until established  Weeding - occasional  Remove sediment buildup/trash/leaves at inflow & outflow  Re-vegetate & add mulch as necessary  Soil Testing – every 3-5 yrs  NO Fertilizing – sustains itself  Pruning  Deadheading

21 BEFORE Function Beauty Value AFTER Rainwater wasted Pollution created

22 ESTIMATED COSTS Average small sized homeowner rain garden –$3 to $5/sq. ft. – yourself –$10 to $12/sq. ft. - landscaper Average medium landscaper built rain garden –Material - $2,000 –Labor - $1,500 Average large sized municipal rain garden demonstration Total unit cost $5,000 Expected buy-in of municipality $1,500 & boro labor, volunteer help, community equipment. Possible rain garden contest for streamside living in the municipality


24 Think Globally – Act Locally

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