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Tom Craven Matt Simon Anne Trainor.  Construct a RHESSys ecohydrologic model for Sandhills Region.

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Presentation on theme: "Tom Craven Matt Simon Anne Trainor.  Construct a RHESSys ecohydrologic model for Sandhills Region."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom Craven Matt Simon Anne Trainor

2  Construct a RHESSys ecohydrologic model for Sandhills Region

3 Sandhills Eight-County Area. Shown on a blue to red color ramp is an 20 foot elevation model of the region. Dashed black lines indicate primary roads, blue lines - major hydrology. Ft. Bragg (right) and Camp Mackall (left) boundaries are shown in fuchsia.


5  Sub-basin – Cape Fear 14, Part of the Cape Fear River Basin







12 The entire sub-basin was processed using Arc Hydro in ArcGIS 9.2 using a LiDAR-derived digital elevation model (DEM) created from the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP) by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT This DEM has a 20 ft spatial resolution or roughly 6 meters.

13 Reclassified LULC from 15 to 4 classes – Hardwood Deciduous Forest Shrub/Scrub Woody Wetlands – Evergreen Evergreen Forest Mixed Forest – Open/Barren Developed (open space, low and medium intensity) Barren – Herbaceous Grassland Herbaceous Cultivated Crops Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands Open Water

14 Land Use Type30 m pixelsPercentageCumulative % Evergreen Forest1162350.57% Grassland/Herbaceous400317.41%67.98% Barren Land (Rock/Sand/Clay)343114.93%82.91% Woody Wetlands - Deciduous17967.81%90.72% Developed, Open Space12285.34%96.06% Developed, Low Intensity2771.21%97.27% Deciduous Forest2481.08%98.35% Mixed Forest2381.04%99.38% Shrub/Scrub1140.50%99.88% Cultivated Crops120.05%99.93% Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands60.03%99.96% Open Water60.03%99.98% Developed, Medium Intensity40.02%100.00% Totals22986100.00%

15  Arcview (Arc2World) to construct world file  Template File Parameters  Single Soil Type: Sandy Loam  Land use: Undeveloped  4 Vegetation Types from 30 m LULC  Topography  DEM, Hill slope, Wetness index, Slope, Aspect  Patch Identification  Composite of hill slope, wetness index and LULC  Trial 1: 4,161 discrete patch ids Raster calculator: LULC + WI*100 + hill slope * 100000  Trial 2: 91 discrete patch ids Raster calculator: LULC + WI*10



18  Get the model running  Incorporate variation in soil types and depths  Use explicit routing to examine hydrologic connectivity

19  Add option to write a logfile with state variables  Examine templates and create worldfiles in class for the example watershed  Initial gray areas  Exact method for creation of useful grids  Headers in.def files  Going from scratch was difficult but yields a better understanding of the inner workings

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