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Published byUriel Wheaton Modified over 10 years ago
Presentation: Portfolio Committee – Safety & Security Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Provincial Police Stations Western Cape Province – 169 31 Stations 73 Stations 38 Stations 27 Stations
D V CASES REPORTED TO ICD W. CAPE (01 April 08 – 31 Mar’09) CCNPOLICE STATION ALLEGATION OF NON COMPLIANCE RECOMMENDATIONSSTATUS 2008050520Belville Failure to ensure the safety of the victim Evidence was found to support the complainant allegations. The member that served the Protection Order should have not left the complainant at the respondent’s premises. The member received a verbal warning. The case was closed as Substantiated 2008060241Atlantis Failure to ensure the safety of the victim No recommendation has been made as yet pending application Awaiting response from SAPS 2008040250Manenberg Failure to ensure the safety of the victim No recommendation has been made as yet pending Application for Exemption Awaiting response from SAPS 2008050328Bishop Lavis Failure to ensure the safety of the victim Complainant’s allegations were unfounded. SAPS assisted and but she failed to co-operate. The case was closed as Unsubstantiated 2008030311LansdowneFailure to ensure the safety of the victim Complainant’s allegations were unfounded. The victim did not complain about any poor service from SAPS Lansdowne. The case was closed as Unsubstantiated
DV Non Compliance - Cont CCNPolice StationAllegation of Non ComplianceRecommendationsStatus 2008050253LadismithFailure to ensure the safety of the victim Evidence was found to support the complainant allegations. It was recommended that Disciplinary steps be taken against the members. The case was closed as Substantiated 2008060468RavensmeadFailure to ensure the safety of the victim No recommendation has been made as yet pending Application for Exemption Awaiting response from SAPS 2008050335Wynberg Failure to Open a Criminal docket and refer the matter for Prosecution Members of Wynberg SAPS adhered to the Domestic Violence Act & National Instruction. The case was closed as unsubstantiated 2008050364Michells Plein Failure to Dispatch a police vehicle to the scene of Domestic Violence Members came out to the crime scene and arrested the suspect The case was closed as unsubstantiated 2008060378FranschhoekFailure to note the reason why no charges or arrest was made Evidence was found to support the complainant’s allegations. The member received a verbal warning. The case was closed as Substantiated
DV NON COMPLIANCE - Cont CCNPolice StationAllegation of Non ComplianceRecommendationsStatus 2008060468Ravensmead Failure to arrest the respondent It was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Disciplinary steps were taken against the member, he received a verbal warning and the case was closed as Substantiated. 2008090034Saron Failure to arrest respondent on breach of protection order. It was recommended that the member receive a sanction for the non-compliance of the Domestic Violence Act Substantiated, members received corrective counselling 2008090094Kraaifontein Failure to arrest the respondent It was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Disciplinary steps were taken against both members and the case was closed as Substantiated, both members received verbal warnings. 2008100641Grassy Park Failure to assist, and send out van, Failure to arrest respondent It was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Awaiting outcome of departmental investigation or application for exemption. 2008110107Conville Failure to arrest respondentIt was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Awaiting outcome of departmental investigation or application for exemption.
DV NON COMPLIANCE - Cont CCN Police Station Allegation of Non Compliance Recommendatio ns Status CCNPOLICE STATIONALLEGATION OF NON COMPLIANCERECOMMENDATIONSSTATUS 2008110189Kleinvlei Failure to open a case docket for victim, failure to arrest respondent It was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Awaiting outcome of departmental investigation or application for exemption. 2008120350Groot Braak Rivier Failure to arrest responded It was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Awaiting outcome of departmental investigation or application for exemption. 2008120423Kleinvlei Failure to assist the complainant It was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Awaiting outcome of departmental investigation or application for exemption. 2009010009Delft Failure to arrest responded It was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Awaiting outcome of departmental investigation or application for exemption. 2009010275Kensington Failure to assist the complainant in opening a docket It was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Awaiting outcome of departmental investigation or application for exemption.
DV NON COMPLIANCE - Cont CCNPOLICE STATION ALLEGATION OF NON COMPLIANCE RECOMMENDATIONSSTATUS 2009010358Ravensmead Failure to arrest responded It was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Awaiting outcome of departmental investigation or application for exemption. 2009010520Pacaltsdorp Failure to arrest respondedIt was recommended that departmental steps be taken against the member or application for exemption to be submitted Awaiting outcome of departmental investigation or application for exemption.
Proactive Oversight DatePolice StationCompliance RateFindingsRecommendations 14/04/2008HeidelbergPoorStation was rated 60% which amounts to poor. Files 39/4/2/3 not in CSC, not all victims were taken to the Victim Support centre for assistance.. File 39/4/2/3 should be more accessible to SAPS members at the station. All victims of Domestic Violence should be taken to the Victim Support centre at all/any time 15/04/2008SwellendamGoodStation was rated 77% which amounts to good. Although members still need training in Domestic Violence Act and National Instruction.. Members should get in- house training in Domestic Violence 15/04/2008BonnievalePoorDomestic Violence register are not completed correctly. Station Commissioner should pay more attention to the Domestic Violence registers in the CSC as the members are not completing it correctly. Members should get DVA training as a matter of urgency
Proactive Oversight - Cont DatePolice Station Compliance RateFindingsRecommendations 18/06/08.DelftSatisfactoryStation was rated 66% which amounts to satisfactory. The 508(a) is not completed, 508 (b) does not correspond. It was recommended that the Commander do proper inspection on all DV register. 31/07/08.MaitlandSubstantially Compliant The station seems to have everything in place with a rating of 87%. All registers were easily accessible to us. Vehicle did not have the necessary document. However It is recommended that all vehicles have the form 1 & 11 with them. 31/07/08.KensingtonNon Compliant The station was rated at 47%. Registers were not checked and up to date. Members at the SCS did not know what to complete in the 508(b) register, only after ICD intervention was the member clear on their duties. It is recommended that a members should be responsible for weekly checks of all Domestic Violence registers. Members at the station who have been trained in the Domestic Violence Act should train other members at the station. Members at the station urgently need training in executing their duties. 20/08/08.HermanusNon CompliantThe station was rated at 47 %. No form 1 or 11 not found on vehicles. The 508(b) was not available in CSC and once it was found it was incomplete. 508(a)’s incomplete. Protect orders and warrants are not filed and needs to be in a file. It is recommended that the CSC Commander pay attention to all the Domestic Violence Registers, one member should be responsible for checking all DV registers on a weekly basis to ensure compliance. Regular inspections should be done by Commander to ensure that the form 1, 11 and a list of service providers are on the vehicles.
Proactive Oversight - Cont DatePolice Station Compliance Rate FindingsRecommendations 20/08/08.Kleinmond Substantially Compliant The station was rated at 80%. The 508(a) & 508(b) not corresponding The station is doing fairly well, hence they need to ensure that the 508 (a) and updated and corresponds with the 508(b) at all times. 17/09/08.NyangaFairly Compliant The station was rated at 60 %. National Instruction was not in the CSC. 508(a) is incomplete and not filed correctly. Member’s pocket books are not maintained. Protect orders and warrants are not filed and needs to be in a file. It was observed that lower rank members are not adherering to instructions in terms of compliance, they should be dealt with at station level. Once I ascertained that members are not complying I went to HRM to find that currently there are no complaints against any member, hence there is non-compliance by members. The Commanders need to ensure strict compliance of the Domestic Violence Act. 17/09/08.BellvilleSubstantially Complaint The station was rated at 93%. It is recommended that the station should continue with compliance of the DV Act and keep up the good work as this station has the potential to achieve 100 % compliance. This station received Domestic Violence training from the PC’s office, Legal services, Discipline management, Crime prevention, Inspectorate and ICD in January all register has been put in place and updated, this station should be recommended for work well done.
Proactive Oversight DatePolice Station Compliance Rate FindingsRecommendations 18/09/08.GenadendalFairly Compliant The station was rated at 73%. The Domestic Violence Act and National Instruction was not in the CSC. A updated list of service providers needs to be place in vehicles. The station is compliant in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, however we cannot penalize them as they do not have sufficient females at the station. There are just a few technicalities which can be addressed by the Station Commissioner in order to obtain a better compliance. 18/09/08.CaledonNon Compliant The station was rated at 27%. No 2008 508(a) could be found. 508(b) incomplete. List of service providers could not be found. Pocket books not maintained. Protect orders and warrants are not filed and needs to be in a file. Monthly procedures could not be found. The 508 (b) was in complete, the 508(a) which was handed to me was old and did not have any 2008 completed forms in it. It seems as the station is not taking Domestic Violence very serously, it is therefore recommended that the Station Commissioner became hand-on with regards to Domestic Violence and the compliance thereof. Although all our aspect of the station visit was not covered we would just like to bring the following to the attention of the Station Commissioner. 18/09/08.GrabouwFairly CompliantThe station was rated at 73%. A updated list of service provider needs to be placed in the CSC and on vehicles. 508(b) is incomplete. 508(a) not readily available in the CSC. OB is not thoroughly maintained. It must be noted that the station is currently under contraction therefore a thorough Inspection in terms Domestic Violence could not be conducted. However there registers are in place but needs to be checked and sign regularly by Commanders.
Proactive Oversight DatePolice Station Compliance RateFindingsRecommendations 14/10/08.PaarlFairly Compliant The station was rated at 67%. Vulunteers are not available after office hours. A updated list of service provider needs to be placed in the CSC and on vehicles. Protect orders and warrants are not filed and needs to be in a file. Monthly procedures could not be found. It is recommended that a Domestic Violence Co-ordinator be appointed to deal with all Domestic Violence registers and issue. It is also recommended that the station should approached volunteers to assist with being on standby. 14/10/08.Phillipi – EastNon CompliantNo list of service providers could be found in CSC or on vehicles. The 508(b) was incomplete. Sum incidence was not recorded in the 508(b). There was no 508(a) register. OB does not correspond with the 508 (b). No copies of any protection Orders were available A copy of every Protection Order and Warrant of arrest should be filed in file 39/4/3/1. It is recommended that all relevant forms relating to Domestic Violence should be in the CSC and on all vehicles. The station Commissioner should ensure that a file 39/4/3/1 is opened and all Protection Order & Warrant are filed therein. It was also observed that suspect shoes and clothes were left in the pigeon holes in the CSC, all belonging of suspect should be booked into the SAP 13 and not lying in the CSC. Commander should ensure that this does not occur again. The station Commissioner needs to ensure that a list of service providers must be placed in the CSC and on all vehicles.
Proactive Oversight DatePolice Station Compliance Rate FindingsRecommendations 14/10/08. Lingeletu WestFairly Compliant The station was rated at 67%. No list of service providers could be found in the CSC or on the vehicles. Entries in the 508(b) are incomplete. OB entries are not comprehensive. National Instructions were not in the CSC. No form 1 or 11 could be found in vehicles. The members needs to make proper entries in the OB regarding Domestic Violence complaints as it was not clear what transpired at the scene. The station need to ensure that a copy of the National Instruction is placed in the CSC and stay there at all times. The station Commissioner needs to look at the uniqueness of his area in order to set out steps for his members to assist members of the public. The station Commissioner also needs to ensure that a copy of his Station Instruction is at all times in the CSC. A list of Service provider’s needs to be in the CSC at all times, the same list also needs to be placed in every vehicle. The Station Commissioner need to ensure that the Form 1, 11 is placed on every vehicle. 29/10/08. ThembalethuFairly CompliantThe station was rated at 60%. No list of service providers in vehicles. 508(a) was not available in CSC. Protection orders and Warrant are not in a file. The station Commissioner needs to ensure that a list of the service providers are placed in all vehicles. The 508(a) should be readily available in the CSC. The station Commissioner needs to ensure that a file 39/4/3/1 is opened and all protection orders and warrant’s of arrest are filed therein. It is recommended that all members receive training in Domestic Violence. Commanders should also give clear directive to all members in regards to Domestic Violence. Members should also make an effort and read the Station Instructions as it will give guidelines which sets out how members need to deal with members of the public. Kindly not that this station audit was conducted @ 17:00 on the 29/10/08, sum staff had already left for the day and therefore sum questions could not be answered.
Proactive Oversight DatePolice Station Compliance Rate FindingsRecommendations 30/10/08. Pacaltsdorp Substantially Complaint The station was rated at 80%. No list of service providers in vehicles. The station Commissioner needs to ensure that all vehicles have a list of service providers. Furthermore I think that the station is doing very well in terms with compliance with the Domestic Violence Act and the National Instruction. I would also like to thank Cap. Swart for assisting us after 17:00 on the 30/10/08. 31/10/08. ConvilleFairly CompliantThe station was rated at 67%. No list of service providers in vehicles. File with protect orders and warrant is old. The station Commissioner needs to ensure that all vehicles have a copy of the list of service providers. The files in the CSC for the protection orders are very old and needs to be updated. All protection orders and warrants of arrest need to be filed.
Proactive Oversight DatePolice Station Compliance Rate FindingsRecommendations 04/11/08. GugulethuNon Compliant The station was rated at 40% 508(b) incomplete. No list of service provider in vehicles. Protect orders and warrant’s are lying loose. The 508(b) is incomplete, no pocket book entries are made my members, no OB numbers in the register and the outcome column is not completed. It transpired that one person is completing the 508(b) daily, I disagree with this. All members should be exposed to Domestic Violence incidence and how to complete the registers. Commanders need to ensure that all vehicles have updated list of service providers with them. The 508(b) are incomplete, sum don’t have dates and others don’t have reference numbers. File 39/4/2/3 could not be found. OB numbers not reflect in 508(b), members attending to the complainants does not complete the 508(b) hence therefore I did not look in the OB. Protection Order and warrants of arrest are all lying loose. Station Commissioner needs to ensure that a file 39/4/3/1 is opened and all relevant documents are filed therein. 04/11/08. LangaFairly CompliantThe station was rated at 73%. No list of service providers in vehicles. 508(b) incomplete, 508(a) not filed. Commander need to ensure that each vehicle has a updated list of service providers. The 508(b) does not have OB numbers, no pocket book numbers. No comments can be made on the 508(a) as I only found one (1) which was not completed correctly. Due to there being no OB numbers the OB was/could not be checked.
Proactive Oversight DatePolice Station Compliance Rate FindingsRecommendations 04/11/08. ManenbergFairly Compliant The station was rated at 60%. No list of service providers in vehicles. 508(b) incomplete. File 39/4/2/3 not updated. Protection order and warrant’s of arrest not filed. Commanders need to ensure that an updated list of service provider are on all vehicles. Entries in the 508(b) is not completed, hence register is being checked and sign by Commander corrections thereof are not done by members. A few OB numbers does not reflex in the 508(b). File 39/4/2/3 should be updated at the end of each month. A file should be opened, file 39/4/3/1 and all Protection Order and Warrants of arrest should be file therein. 13/11/08. Vredenber g Substantially Complaint The station was rated at 80%. 508(b) incomplete and does not correspond with OB. Warrant’s of arrest and protection order not filed. The 508(b) and the OB should be correctly completed by members attending to the Domestic Violence compliant. I am stressing the fact of members completing the 508(b) and OB as all members should know what registers to complete for a Domestic Violence Incident. I am herewith encouraging the Station Commissioner to expose all his member to Domestic Violence Incidence. The station Commissioner should also ensure that the file were the warrant of arrest are currently in should be marked clearly as file 39/4/3/1.
Proactive Oversight DatePolice Station Compliance Rate FindingsRecommendations 13/11/08. SaldanhaFairly CompliantThe station was rated at 53%.The station need to get a list of service providers, this need to be placed in the CSC and in all complaints vehicles. The 508(b) is not completed correctly Commanders need to give attention to entries made by members. The 508(a) and the 508(b) is not consistent. The 508(a) are not completed correctly. Kindly note that OB entries are made in respect of Domestic Violence complaints, hence they are not comprehensive. The Station Commissioner need to ensure that a file 39/4/3/1 is opened and all Protection Orders and Warrants of arrest are filed therein. It transpired in the operational Plan that women and children issue are not one of the station priority crimes, the Station Commissioner should attend to this as Domestic Violence is a growing crime in South African.
DVA: Workshops with SAPS DateVenueAudienceICD Role 16/04/08.Kraaifontein Police StationKraaifontein SAPS members ICD together with PC’S office (training committee) is conducting a 2 day DV skills transfer workshop. 23/04/08.Mitchell’s Plain Police StationMitchell’s Plain SAPS members ICD together with PC’S office (training committee) is conducting a 2 day DV skills transfer workshop. 21/05/08.Bishop Lavis Police StationBishop Lavis SAPS members ICD together with PC’S office (training committee) is conducting a 2 day DV skills transfer workshop. 04/06/08.Saron Police Station Ceres,, Wolseley, Tulbagh, Saron, Prince Alfred Hamlet SAPS members ICD together with PC’S office (training committee) is conducting a 2 day DV skills transfer workshop. 02/07/08.Nyanga SAPS Nyanga Shift Commanders. Senior Managers & other available members. Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act. 23/07/08.Cape Town Central SAPSCape Town Central Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act.
DVA: Workshops with SAPS DateVenueAudienceICD Role 06/08/08. Paarl SAPS Paarl & Mbekweni Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act. 13/08/08. Wynberg SAPS Grassy Park & Wynberg Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act. 20/08/08. Hermanus SAPS Stanford, Hermanus & Kleinmond Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act. 27/08/08. Wynberg SAPS Claremont, Mowbray & Rondebosch Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act. 03/09/08. Wynberg SAPS Landsdowne & Athlone Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act. 01/10/08. Bellville South Civic Centre Bellville South & Ravensmead Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act.
DVA: Workshops with SAPS DateVenueAudienceICD Role 22/10/08. Manenberg SAPS Manenberg, Gugulethu, Nyanga & Philippi East, Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act. 12/11/08. Milnerton, Maria Sports grounds Milnerton & Table View Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act. 10/12/08. Wynberg SAPSLanga, Lansdowne, Claremond, Wynberg, Athlone & Kensington Shift Commanders, Senior Managers & other available members Lectured members of the station on the ICD mandate. The duties imposed upon members in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, and the consequences of failure to comply with the Domestic Violence Act.
Vacancies 2 Vacant post’s (1) Case Analyst (permanent post to be filled on the 1 Mar’ 09) (2) Admin Intern (to be advertised for the new financial year)
REASONS: STAFF LEAVING Lack of career – pathing Low salary levels @ ICD vs other Gov. Depts. Non implementation and funding of evaluated posts Flat structure
Internal Promotion Monitor : Z Khalfe – 01 Jan’08 Case Analyst : T Samuels – 01 May’08
Proposed Satellite Offices George : Southern Cape Malmesbury : West Coast Western Cape Provincial office has no satellite office thus unable to sufficiently and timeously attend to matters in the above mentioned areas, (the furthest town in the aforesaid areas is 5 – 6 hours drive) which are distant from the main office thus proposing the above satellite offices. Notwithstanding the above known fact and proposal made for satellite offices no funds and resources have been made available to the Western Cape office to open up a satellite office since the inception of ICD from 1997. Therefore ICD Western Cape office is not in a position to set up a satellite office for the year 2009 – 2010. Wes
THANK YOU Thabo Leholo Provincial Head: W.Cape
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