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By Kate Rivingston Strategy Report. Where Pre-Reading Strategy was Found Started Search on, looking for strategies to use in an inclusive.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kate Rivingston Strategy Report. Where Pre-Reading Strategy was Found Started Search on, looking for strategies to use in an inclusive."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Kate Rivingston Strategy Report

2 Where Pre-Reading Strategy was Found Started Search on, looking for strategies to use in an inclusive setting in Preschool/Kindergarten Found Phonological Awareness: Instructional and Assessment Guidelines By: David J. Chard and Shirley V. Dickson (1999) at Informal Interview with Nancy Sleator, the Reading Specialist at Lansdowne Friends School (11/20/10). Ms. Sleator recommends: The Sounds Abound Reading Strategies to support phonemic strategies. She has used this program effectively. Ended up at the LinguiSystems Website at

3 Description of Strategy and Supportive “Sounds Abound Storybook Activities Program” Problem: Many children do not process different parts of words (e.g.- the end of words, and need additional supports to understand language. Inclusive Practice: Enhance awareness for all children, since many children are as yet unidentified with LD in Preschool. Strategy: Incorporate activities into Literature Curriculum every day Age appropriate multi-sensory activities that are fun and highly engaging that develop phonemic awareness. Sounds Abound Storybook Activities uses books that are favorites: Caps for Sale, The Little Red Hen. See handouts being passed around for “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” Research that Supports this Strategy The National Reading Panel: Teaching Children How To Read: an Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and it’s Implications for Reading Instruction, at

4 Instructional activity that teaches synthesis of phonemes into words. Guess-the-word game at the Preschool level Objective: Students will be able to blend and identify a word that is stretched out into its component sounds. Materials Needed: Picture cards of objects that students are likely to recognize such as: sun, bell, fan, flag, snake, tree, book, cup, clock, plane Activity: Place a small number of picture cards in front of children. Tell them you are going to say a word using "Snail Talk" a slow way of saying words (e.g., /fffffllllaaaag/). They have to look at the pictures and guess the word you are saying. It is important to have the children guess the answer in their head so that everyone gets an opportunity to try it. Alternate between having one child identify the word and having all children say the word aloud in chorus to keep children engaged. (

5 An Instructional activity that teaches segmentation at multiple phonological levels. Segmentation activities, at the Kindergarten level Objectives: Students will be able to segment various parts of oral language. Activity: Early in phonological awareness instruction, teach children to segment sentences into individual words. Identify familiar short poems such as "I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream!" Have children clap their hands with each word. As children advance in their ability to manipulate oral language, teach them to segment words into syllables or onsets and rimes. For example, have children segment their names into syllables: e.g., Ra-chel, Al-ex-an-der, and Rod-ney. When children have learned to remove the first phoneme (sound) of a word, teach them to segment short words into individual phonemes: e.g., s-u-n, p-a-t, s-t-o-p. (

6 An instructional activity that teaches phoneme deletion and substitution. Change-a-name game at the Kindergarten level Objective: Students will be able to recognize words when the teacher says the word with the first sound removed. Activity: Have students sit in a circle on the floor. Secretly select one child and change their name by removing the first sound of the name. For example, change Jennifer to Ennifer or change William to Illiam. As you change the name, the children have to identify who you are talking about. Extension Ideas: As children become better at identifying the child's name without the first sound, encourage them to try removing the beginning sounds of words and pronounce the words on their own. (

7 Why This Strategy? Helps all learners, and activities help students with different learning styles make the connection between sounds and words Teachers can use to assess abilities of the children who struggle Different activities for different ages/abilities Affordable: Sounds Abound Storybook Activities is $39, and there are many free download activities to be found online. Odds are you have the books in your classroom already. Book can be copied for others. Preschool and Kindergarten teachers incorporate reading books daily, and the activities allow students to be more active, rather than passive listeners. I really like it! Parents can use program (using library books) to support learning over Summer. Parent friendly materials: I used this for my child in Kindergarten

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