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Chapter 5 Review MR. GIRALDO 8 th Grade U.S. History Tequesta Trace Middle 2009-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Review MR. GIRALDO 8 th Grade U.S. History Tequesta Trace Middle 2009-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Review MR. GIRALDO 8 th Grade U.S. History Tequesta Trace Middle 2009-2010

2 Checking for Understanding __ refuse to buy items from a particular country __ document that enabled officers to search homes and warehouses for goods that might be smuggled __ 3.a formal expression of opinion __ 4.incoming money __ 5.rag figure representing an unpopular individual A.revenue B.writs of assistance C.resolution D.effigy E.boycott Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left. E B C A D

3 Checking for Understanding __ 1.ideas or information designed and spread to influence opinion __ organization that spread political ideas through the colonies A.propaganda B.committee of correspondence Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left. A B

4 Checking for Understanding __ 1.companies of civilian soldiers who boasted that they were ready to fight on a minute’s notice __ 2.American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won __ 3.a group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies __ 4.American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence A.militia B.minutemen C.Loyalist D.Patriot Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left. B D A C

5 Checking for Understanding __ 1.the introduction to a formal document, especially the Constitution __ 2.a formal request A.petition B.preamble Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left. B A

6 Multiple Choice 1.The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited colonists from moving west of the 2.The king and Parliament viewed the American colonies as a 3.What act taxed almost all printed material in the colonies? 4.Who opposed any compromise with the American colonists? 5.Whose letters to her husband suggested increased rights for women? 6.Who ran the first post office established by the Second Continental Congress? 7.Who wrote Common Sense? 8.To search a colonist's house, a British customs officer presented 9.Who persuaded the House of Burgesses to take action against the Stamp Act? 10.Which act gave the British Parliament the right to tax and make decisions for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever"?

7 Multiple Choice 11.Colonial leaders used the Boston Massacre killings as 12."The shot heard 'round the world" refers to the actions of the minutemen at 13.Which colonists did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for rebellion? 14.Which colonists wanted to fight the British for American independence? 15.George Washington was chosen commander of the Continental Army upon the recommendation of

8 Matching document permitting searches 2.united protesters opposed to British rule 3.prevented supplies being shipped to Boston 4.shouted "The regulars are out!" 5.victim in Boston Massacre 6.taxed printed material 7.advocate of women's rights 8.Patriot leader 9.redcoat leader 10.preamble



11 Reviewing Key Facts What did the British do to keep colonists from moving westward? The British issued the Proclamation of 1763 to keep the colonists from moving westward.

12 Reviewing Key Facts What was the purpose of the First Continental Congress? Its purpose was to unite all the American colonies in protest of British taxes.

13 Reviewing Key Facts How did the events of 1776 move the colonists closer to self-government? The Declaration of Independence was approved and the struggle for American independence had begun.

14 Reviewing Key Facts According to the Declaration of Independence, if a government does not protect the basic rights of the people it governs, what do people have the right to do? The people have the right to alter or abolish the government and create a new government.

15 Reviewing Key Facts Identify the four sections of the Declaration of Independence. The four sections are: the preamble, the list of rights American citizens felt they should have, the list of grievances against the king, and the announcement that the United States would be formed as a new and self- governing nation.

16 Critical Thinking Drawing Conclusions Why did the colonists think that the Stamp Act ignored the colonial tradition of self-government? British Parliament taxed the colonies directly without their consent.

17 Critical Thinking Analyzing Information According to the Declaration of Independence, what are the three basic freedoms to which every person is entitled? The three basic freedoms are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

18 Geography and History Activity Study the map below and answer the questions on the following slides.

19 Geography and History Activity Colonists could not reach the Great Lakes, the Ohio River, and the Mississippi River. What bodies of water did the Proclamation of 1763 prevent colonists from reaching?

20 Geography and History Activity Spain claimed this land. What nation claimed the land west of the Mississippi River?

21 Geography and History Activity It became part of the Province of Quebec. The land west of the Appalachian Mountains became part of what province?

22 Geography and History Activity The Appalachian Mountains were an approximate boundary. What natural feature was cited in the Proclamation of 1763 as an approximate boundary?

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