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-allowed British government, not the colonist to control westward movement, in addition, conflict with Indians might be avoided -if colonist moved away.

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Presentation on theme: "-allowed British government, not the colonist to control westward movement, in addition, conflict with Indians might be avoided -if colonist moved away."— Presentation transcript:

1 -allowed British government, not the colonist to control westward movement, in addition, conflict with Indians might be avoided -if colonist moved away from the coast, it might lower the need of British markets on the coast -it protected the interest of British officials who wanted to control the fur trade

2  The British planned to keep 10,000 troops in America to protect their interests  Colonist saw the Proclamation of 1763 as a LIMIT on their freedom

3  1763 became British Prime Minister  His goal was to reduce Britain’s debt and raise money for Parliament  Convinced Parliament to pass the following laws:  Writs of assistance - Tea Act  The Sugar Act - Coercive Acts  The Stamp Act  The Declaratory Act  Townshend Acts

4  1767 Created to prevent colonist from smuggling goods which Britain could benefit from by receiving taxes  Legal documents that allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods  THIS LAW VIOLATED THEIR RIGHT TO BE SECURE IN THEIR HOME

5  1764 Parliament passed the Sugar Act  The act lowered the tax on molasses imported by the colonist in hopes that they would stop smuggling goods  The act let officers seize goods from smugglers without going to court  COLONIST BELIEVED THIS ACT VIOLATED THEIR RIGHTS AS ENGLISHMEN

6  1765 the Stamp Act placed a tax on almost all printed material in the colonies  Newspapers, pamphlets, wills, playing cards, etc.  All printed material had to have a stamp that was applied to it by British officials - COLONIST BELIEVED PARLIAMENT HAD INTERFERED IN COLONIAL AFFAIRS BY TAXING THE COLONIES DIRECTLY AND WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT - PARLIAMENT HAD IGNORED THE COLONIAL TRADITION OF SELF-GOVERNMENT - 1766 Parliament repealed (took back) the Stamp Act

7  1766 passed on the same day Parliament repealed the Stamp Act  Stated Parliament had the right to tax and make decisions for the British colonies “IN ALL CASES”  Therefore Parliament gave themselves absolute power over anything they wished to control

8  1767 Parliament passed a set of laws to try to avoid some of the problems the Stamp Act caused  Created new taxes that applied only to imported goods, with the tax being paid at the port of entry (soon as they docked the boat)  Goods taxed were basic items such as glass, tea, paper, and lead that the colonist had to import from Britain because they did not produce them

9  1773 Parliament passed this act to help the British East Indian Company not go out of business  Allowed the company to sell directly to stores at low prices  The Act favored the British East Indian Company over colonial merchants  CONLONIAL MERCHANTS IMMEDIATELY CALLED FOR A NEW BOYCOTT OF BRITISH GOODS

10  1774 Parliament passes these laws intended to punish the people of Massachusetts for their actions, the Boston Tea Party  This act closed the Boston Harbor until the colonist paid for the ruined tea  Prevented the arrival of food and other supplies that came in the harbor  Took away certain rights of the colonist like having meetings, forming assemblies  Forced colonist to shelter British soldiers in their homes

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