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Jamestown By DW & DL. When was Jamestown founded?

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Presentation on theme: "Jamestown By DW & DL. When was Jamestown founded?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamestown By DW & DL

2 When was Jamestown founded?

3 1607

4 What colonist at Jamestown insisted that everyone work?

5 John Smith

6 What native American girl saved John Smith?

7 Pocahontas

8 How did Jamestown make a profit?

9 Tobacco

10 What important colonist came to Jamestown in 1609?

11 John Rolfe

12 What European country was the first to sell Tobacco?

13 Spain

14 In 1619 what began in Jamestown ?

15 Slavery OR The House of Burgesses

16 Who was the king of England in 1607?

17 King James 1

18 What was the important assembly that originated in colonial Virginia ?

19 House of Burgesses

20 What was the water route that the Europeans were looking for?

21 Northwest Passage

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