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Tighter British Control. I. Growing Apart A.King George III kept 10,000 soldiers in colonies to enforce proc. 1763 B.England is in Debt after War 1.Quartering.

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Presentation on theme: "Tighter British Control. I. Growing Apart A.King George III kept 10,000 soldiers in colonies to enforce proc. 1763 B.England is in Debt after War 1.Quartering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tighter British Control

2 I. Growing Apart A.King George III kept 10,000 soldiers in colonies to enforce proc. 1763 B.England is in Debt after War 1.Quartering Act is passed- 2.Sugar Act is passed- C.Colonial leader James Otis says- Taxation without representation is tyranny

3 II. Stamp Act A.The Stamp act fell on all colonists 1.All documents printed on stamped paper 2.Purchased by silver coin only (scarce)

4 III. Protest A.October of 1765, nine delegates went to N.Y. to draw up a petition of the stamp act 1.Right to tax colonist was up to colonial assemblies, not England's parliament B.Colonists boycott British goods C.The Sons of Liberty formed 1.colonists affected by Stamp Act, tar and feather custom officials

5 Liberty tree as a gallows Stamp act is posted upside down Protesters in Boston Customs official (tax collector) tarred and feathered

6 IV. Parliament repeals Stamp Act A.Parliament realized that the Stamp Act was a mistake 1.It is repealed in 1766 B.Parliament passes the Declaratory Act 1.Gave parliament supreme authority to govern the colonies C.How do the Colonists feel now?

7 V. Resistance from Colonists A.The Boston Massacre 1.Resentment for the redcoats grew in the colonies a)- 2.Group of youths and dock workers traded insults with the redcoats and a fight broke out resulting in 5 dead colonists 3.Called a Massacre by Sons of Liberty B.Boston Tea Party 1.Protesting the Tea Act- 2.342 chests of tea were tossed into the ocean from 3 tea ships docked in the Harbor a)Making a point-

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