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The Revolutionary War The Liberty of America By Zachary Morris.

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Presentation on theme: "The Revolutionary War The Liberty of America By Zachary Morris."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Revolutionary War The Liberty of America By Zachary Morris

2 Who said give me Liberty or give me death
Answer: Patrick Henry

3 Taxes (without representation)

4 Who was king when the colonies were taxed?
Answer: King George III

5 The Stamp act taxed which items?
Answer: Printed items (playing cards, Legal documents, letters, Newspapers ect…)

6 Why did Britain Start taxing the colonies?
Answer: Britain had huge debts Because of the French and Indian War. (They also thought Colonist should pay for soldiers Protecting them)

7 This Cartoon was made by who?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin

8 Britain's Lawmaking Assembly
Parliament is… Answer: Britain's Lawmaking Assembly

9 Name one punishments the sons of liberty gave to stamp agents
Answer: Houses Burned, Stamp Agents Tarred or feathered, Threatened them and attacked them

10 Who Organized the sons of liberty?
Answer: Samuel Adams

11 What is a Tariff? Answer: A tax on imported goods Or just a tax

12 What did the Daughters of Liberty do?
Answer: Made goods that colonist Could use instead of British goods (Wool and Tea)

13 When people refuse to buy
What is a boycott? Answer: When people refuse to buy Certain goods

14 Answer: Fill In the blank
The boycott of goods was hurting _______ businesses. The _______ government decided to take stronger action. In 1768 ______ warships arrived in _______ harbor. Answer: The boycott of goods was hurting British businesses. The British government decided to take stronger action. In 1768 British warships arrived in Boston harbor.

15 The Boston Tea Party

16 What Organization organized the Boston Tea Party
Answer: The Sons of Liberty

17 The Colonist Dressed up as
Answer: Mohawk Indians (Native Americans)

18 Why did Colonist do the Boston Tea Party?
Answer: The king raised taxes on Imported goods, such as tea

19 Answer: The Dutch East Indies company
According to Parliament what should have been the only company to export tea to the colonies Answer: The Dutch East Indies company

20 Who was king of England at the time of the Boston Tea Party
Answer: King George the III

21 How many ships did the colonist break into and dump out the tea?
Answer: Three Ships

22 Answer: BONUS: “Rally Mohawks! Bring out your
Fill in the Blank “Rally ______! Bring out your ________ and tell king ________, we’ll pay no __________!” Answer: “Rally Mohawks! Bring out your axes and tell king George, we’ll pay no taxes!”

23 The Boston Massacre

24 Crispus Attucks was the first ________.
You should probably fill in the blank Answer: Crispus Attucks was the first death In the American Revolution

25 This soldier was the First soldier, who called for back up from the other soldiers.
Answer: Hugh White

26 Who defended the British soldiers in court.
Answer: John Adams

27 What is the definition of Massacre?
Answer: When people with weapons Kill or hurt people who can’t defend Themselves (British having muskets and colonist having snowballs)

28 The Midnight Ride of Samuel Presscot

29 Who were the British going to arrest in Lexington
Answer: John Hancock and Samuel Adams

30 The goal of the British soldiers was to get to which city?
Answer: Concord

31 The Shot heard round the world was in which city?
Answer: Lexington

32 Which colonist on the night of April 18, 1775 actually got to concord?
Answer: Samuel Prescott

33 Which Colonist during April 18, 1775 went completely by land to Lexington
Answer: William Dawes

34 When the British arrived in Concord they were defeated by the Colonist
When the British arrived in Concord they were defeated by the Colonist. The British Retreated to which city Answer: Boston

35 This person was Captain of the Lexington Minutemen.
Answer: John Parker

36 The Battle of Bunker Hill

37 Which hill did the Colonist set up a fort on?
Answer: Breed’s Hill

38 William Prescott led his men up which hills?
Answer: Breed’s Hill and Bunker Hill

39 Which city did the want to colonist fire down at?
Answer: Boston

40 The British succeeded on taking over Bunker Hill on which try?
Answer: The Third Try

41 How many British soldiers were wounded during the battle of Lexington?
Answer: One soldier

42 Complete this famous quote
DON’T FIRE UNTIL YOU SEE THE ________ OF THEIR EYES Answer: Don’t Fire until you see the WHITES of their eyes.

43 Sources Building a Nation “scott foresmen” social studies

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