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1Rabobank International Price Risk Management A presentation to the European Commission Pairs 5-6 th July 2004 Nigel Scott, Global Head Commodity Financing.

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Presentation on theme: "1Rabobank International Price Risk Management A presentation to the European Commission Pairs 5-6 th July 2004 Nigel Scott, Global Head Commodity Financing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1Rabobank International Price Risk Management A presentation to the European Commission Pairs 5-6 th July 2004 Nigel Scott, Global Head Commodity Financing and Hedging African Cotton Producers

2 2Rabobank International "This information has been prepared for information only and does not constitute an offer or commitment. This information does not constitute investment advice and is not intended for the use of private customers as defined by the rules of the FSA. Members of the Rabobank Group trade on their own account and may from time to time hold or act as market makers in securities mentioned in this document, or may act as advisors, brokers or commercial / investment bankers to persons mentioned in this document. Please note that no member of the Rabobank Group makes any warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions herein. All parties are advised to seek independent professional advice as to the suitability of any products and to their tax, accounting, legal or Regulatory implications. Rabobank International is the trading name used by Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. Rabobank International London Branch is regulated by the FSA and De Nederlandsche Bank."

3 3Rabobank International Rabobank, the largest financial service provider in the Netherlands Member Banks Rabobank Nederland Gilde Venture Capital Gilde Venture Capital Robeco Asset Management Robeco Asset Management Stroeve Stock Brokerage Stroeve Stock Brokerage Schretlen Private Banking Schretlen Private Banking De Lage Landen International Leasing De Lage Landen International Leasing Interpolis Insurance Interpolis Insurance Alex Internet Brokerage Alex Internet Brokerage Sarasin & Cie International Private Banking Sarasin & Cie International Private Banking Retail banking Member banks Retail banking Member banks Other Support Other Support Wholesale banking Rabobank International Wholesale banking Rabobank International AAA rated by Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s Member banks: 328Members: 1.4 Mio

4 4Rabobank International America Atlanta Buenos Aires Chicago Curaçao Dallas Mexico New York* Santiago de Chile San Francisco Sao Paulo Toronto Washington D.C. Europe Amsterdam* Antwerp* Dublin Edinburgh Frankfurt* Geneva Guernsey London* Luxembourg Madrid Milan Moscow Paris* Poznan Utrecht Warsaw* Zurich Asia Bangkok* Beijing Hong Kong Istanbul Jakarta Mumbai* New Delhi Shanghai Singapore* Taipei Tokyo X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X With a focus on food & agribusiness outside the Netherlands Australia & New Zealand Auckland Sydney* Wellington

5 Rabobank International Commodity price risk management solutions Tools in the Toolbox

6 6Rabobank International Cotton price management tools Fixed Price –Futs / Swaps Price paid World market price Requires credit. Can be done for African price of cotton with Rabobank Cotton Swaps, limited liquidity NY hedges liquid with some basis risk

7 7Rabobank International Cotton price management tools Price Insurance - Options Price paid World market price Does not require credit. World Bank / ITF CRM programme teaches and explains and help link with Price Providers

8 8Rabobank International Proposal for a quick fix which is effective Price Insurance – 2 Options Price paid World market price Does not require credit. Fits with World Bank / ITF CRM programme EU – Catastrophe Option ITF – Opportunistic Option

9 9Rabobank International Nigel Scott Executive Director, Global Financial Markets Nigel has been Global Head Commodity Price Risk Management and Structured Commodity Finance (OECD countries), two global teams engaged in the trading of physical and derivative commodity (Cotton, sugar, coffee, cocoa, etc) transactions and asset backed finance structures, for Rabobank International since 2001. He has worked for Rabobank International since 2000. Nigel started working for Cargill in Grain, NGFI and Vegetable Oil as a Merchant (1991- 1993) under Cargill’s Commercial Management Trainee scheme, working as a grain and NGFI commodity trader. He then became a Cotton Trader for Ralli Brothers and Coney, UK, and Hohenberg Brothers (1993-1998). Nigel then worked in Cargill’s Financial markets Platform as a Senior Structurer for Cargill Investor Services in 1998, and started a number of Soft Commodity Swaps derivatives markets, including cotton swaps. Nigel frequently acts as an Arbitrator as a member of the Liverpool Cotton Association, is a Director of the Liverpool Cotton Association and is a member of FOSFA and an arbitrator for the L.C.A.S. Nigel obtained a BSC (Hons) from Imperial College, London, in Microbiology. Biographies

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