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Chandra X-ray Observatory Your Name Title Date CHANDRA X-RAY OBSERVATORY Presentation to X.

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Presentation on theme: "Chandra X-ray Observatory Your Name Title Date CHANDRA X-RAY OBSERVATORY Presentation to X."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chandra X-ray Observatory Your Name Title Date CHANDRA X-RAY OBSERVATORY Presentation to X

2 Chandra X-ray Observatory Cas A Electromagnetic Spectrum & Great Observatories

3 Chandra X-ray Observatory Cas A Movie Introduction to Chandra The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the third of NASA’s “Great Observatories” Launched July 23, 1999 by Space Shuttle and boosted to high Earth orbit for initial 5 year mission; mission extended to 10 years Orbits Earth every 64 hours, ranging as far as 140,000 km (87,000 mi) – about 1/3 the way to the moon Chandra detects astronomical x-rays by focusing them onto detectors by means of nested grazing-incidence mirrors Chandra’s resolving power is 10 times greater than any previous x-ray telescope —equivalent to the ability to read a stop sign at a distance of twelve miles Science instruments —2 imaging cameras, Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) and High Resolution Camera (HRC); 2 insertable gratings for more detailed x-ray energy analysis (spectroscopy) —Instruments were developed by Penn State University, MIT, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and Utrecht

4 Chandra X-ray Observatory G1.9 Chandra X-ray Observatory

5 Launch and Deployment 3SNRs

6 Chandra X-ray Observatory Cosmo.Param/Missing Baryons Focusing X-rays Grazing incidence mirrors (differ from optical reflectors)

7 Chandra X-ray Observatory Cluster Mass Polishing and Fabrication Polishing a CXO Mirror ShellCXO Mirror Fabrication

8 Chandra X-ray Observatory Dark E Parameter Orion Nebula ROSATChandra

9 Chandra X-ray Observatory Dark E Parameter Cassiopeia A First Light1 Ms

10 Chandra X-ray Observatory Dark E Parameter Galactic Center

11 Chandra X-ray Observatory Whim1 NGC 6240 image

12 Chandra X-ray Observatory NGC 6240 spectra

13 Chandra X-ray Observatory CDFS Perseus Cluster Black holes eject a fraction of infalling matter Ejected matter is detected as radio jets Jets sweep aside x-ray emitting gas, producing voids Repetitive outbursts limit the mass of the central galaxy

14 Chandra X-ray Observatory CDFS Bullet Cluster

15 Chandra X-ray Observatory Closing Slide Opportunity for exploration and discovery with Chandra remains as high as at launch.

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