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Latin/Greek Roots Lesson 16-20.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin/Greek Roots Lesson 16-20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin/Greek Roots Lesson 16-20

2 EX Meaning: out Exhale: to breath out Exit: to go out
L16A Exhale: to breath out Exit: to go out Exclude: to shut out from the group Expect: to look out for

3 IN Meaning: in Indent: to set in from the margin
L16B Indent: to set in from the margin Include: to shut in with in the group Inhale: to breath in

4 Intimidate: to instill fear or shyness in
L16c Intimidate: to instill fear or shyness in Intrude: to thrust or barge in without an invitation Inspect: to look into or at carefully

5 SPECT Meaning: look Inspect: to look into something carefully
L17a Inspect: to look into something carefully Expect: to look out for Spectator: one who looks at or watches Spectacles: devices to look through to see more clearly (glasses)

6 JECT Meaning: throw Inject: to throw in Eject: to throw out
L17b JECT Meaning: throw Inject: to throw in Eject: to throw out Reject: to throw back Projector: a device that throws an image forward to a screen

7 INTER Meaning: between
L18a INTER Meaning: between International: between nations Interstate: between states Intersect: to cut between or through

8 RE Meaning: back Reject: to throw back Reflect: to bounce back
L18b Reject: to throw back Reflect: to bounce back Recall: to call back to memory Reduce: to bring back to a smaller size Remit: to send payment back Repel: to push or drive back

9 PRE Meaning: before Precede: to go before Predict: to tell before
L19A Precede: to go before Predict: to tell before Prepare: to get ready before an event

10 CLUDE Meaning: shut Include: to shut in with the group
L19B Include: to shut in with the group Exclude: to shut out from the group Conclude: to shut down or finish Preclude: to shut off a possibility before it can occur

11 FER Meaning: carry Infer: to carry meaning into the mind
L20a Infer: to carry meaning into the mind Prefer: to carry a strong liking, before all others Ferry: a boat that carries vehicles or people across the water Offer: to carry a willingness to help

12 SUB Meaning: under Submarine: a vessel that moves under water
L20b Submarine: a vessel that moves under water Subway: a train that moves under ground Submerge: to put under water

13 Subterranean: underground
L20c Subterranean: underground SUBject: an individual thrown under the authority of another subJECT: to throw under the authority of another

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