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Great Benefit from installing The Kemco Witman in Calcium Carbonate Production Plants by reducing drying cost and CO 2 emissions. “Kemco Witman” Centrifugal.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Benefit from installing The Kemco Witman in Calcium Carbonate Production Plants by reducing drying cost and CO 2 emissions. “Kemco Witman” Centrifugal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Benefit from installing The Kemco Witman in Calcium Carbonate Production Plants by reducing drying cost and CO 2 emissions. “Kemco Witman” Centrifugal Powered Screw Ejecting Dryer 1 Part 1 : Calcium carbonate

2 1) Wide applications of Calcium Carbonate: Rubber Glass Paper PaintAsphalt filler Plastic 2

3 2) Typical Calcium Carbonate Production Flow: 3

4 1.Reducing drying cost and CO 2 emissions in Calcium Carbonate Production Plants 2.Preferable feed size is <10mm for crushed rock and <5mm for sandy material. 3. Continuous operation. 3) Main concepts for Developing the Kemco Witman: 4

5 1.Continuous operation: Continuous feeding and stable moisture content of product. 2. High dehydration performance (Max. acceleration 1000G) To reduce the moisture content of limestone: 9-5mm material : Down to less than 1.2% 10-3mm material : Down to less than 1.0% 3. An optional heating device is also available. To reduce the moisture to less than 1%. 4. Compact size. 5. Easy maintenance. Easy maintenance via front maintenance door. 4) Main features of the Kemco Witman: 5

6 5) Process flow: Feed (5.2t/h) + Working water (2.4t/h) Dehydrate by centrifugal power Heat (Optional) Products Centrifugal dehydrationCentrifugal dehydration and heater drying Feed Working water Heat Dust Dusty water Product 6

7 Drain pipe Feed Hopper Main Body V belt cover Main motor Chute for product Model N452K Vibration absorbing rubber 6) Process flow: 7

8 脱水成品 Feed Drain Products Heat テーパースリット スクリーン 供給パイプ Working water 7) Mechanism: Basket Screw Inlet pipe Reduction gear Electric Motor WaterProducts Screen 8 1)Screw and basket (equipped with screen inside) rotate at high speed (approx. 1,700 rpm) generating the centrifugal force by which the material is dehydrated. 2)The screw turns at a slightly higher speed than the basket. The difference of speed makes screw eject products. Water and small particles come out through screen. 3)The screen mesh size is 0.2mm to 0.3mm.

9 ScrewScreen 8) Main components: 9

10 Model N452K Feed: Lime stone:5-0mm 9) Performance: Feed volume (t/h) Moisture (%) Co-relation: Feed volume (t/h) and moisture content Heater off Heater on 10

11 ※ 1 . JIS A 1102 骨材のふるい分け試験による測定結 果 10) Size distribution: Feed: Lime stone:5-0mm Feed Products Fine particle in drain water Sieve mesh size (mm) New feed: 5.2t/h, Working water:2.4t/h % 11

12 In addition to a reduction of moisture; Improvement of color, due to elimination of silt, is also noted. Feed Product Moisture: 10%1% 11) Comparison – Before & After: Feed: Limestone: 5-0mm 12

13 ModelCapacityMotor N-452K5 to 10 t/h15kW N-570-K10 to 20 t/h30kW Maximum permissible feed size is 10mm 12) Model line ups and capacity: 13

14 13) Dimensions: 14

15 Model N452K A minimum 200kgs of sample feed is required per sample test. Drain pipe Air blower Feed hopper Chute Heat inlet Conveyer Witman Conveyer Hopper Electric motor 14) Test plant: 15

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