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MAE 576 Final Project CD Sorter with Database Presented by: Matt “ICU” Szymanski Nicholas “PBasic” Gill.

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Presentation on theme: "MAE 576 Final Project CD Sorter with Database Presented by: Matt “ICU” Szymanski Nicholas “PBasic” Gill."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAE 576 Final Project CD Sorter with Database Presented by: Matt “ICU” Szymanski Nicholas “PBasic” Gill

2 Motivation 4 Examine communication between two Basic Stamps 4 Multiple burns, or burns from multiple disks are tedious, and time consuming. 4 Same setup could be used for precise integral motion with a feedback loop

3 Synopsis 4 Two robots- one for control, one for database 4 Data transfer though IR and cable. 4 Mechanical system constrains the motion of the BOEbot for precise motion. BOEbot moves to disk, uses servo motor to skewer CD, and returns. 4 LCD screen shows the user the location of the BOEbot.

4 Physical Layout of Project

5 Software Program Flow 4 Both stamps initialize- BOEbot goes home 4 BOEbot sends “home”, Base sends CD # 4 BOEbot sends update to base -> retrieves 4 Base Displays on LCD- Listens 4 CD is in “computer,” Base sends CD new # 4 BOEbot sends update -> returns old CD 4 BOEbot sends update -> retrieves new 4 At the end program- LCD displays all done

6 Communications- IR, Cable 4 Infra Red –Firestick II –Module emits serially using SEROUT command –Wait “A” command 4 Cable –grounds connected –flow control PIN to signal receiving stamp is ready

7 Successes and Future Studies 4 Successes –accurate control using pushbutton switches –Communication is reliable and robust –CD grabber is consistent 4 Future Studies –Add CD eject button on BOEbot –Serial Comm. between base and computer –Avoid going back to home every trip –Re-ordering CD’s while playing

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