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Appalachian Information Technology Extension Services GSE/EXT Project (0832913) Empowering young women in Information Technology The Power of Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Appalachian Information Technology Extension Services GSE/EXT Project (0832913) Empowering young women in Information Technology The Power of Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appalachian Information Technology Extension Services GSE/EXT Project (0832913) Empowering young women in Information Technology The Power of Partners Helping students find their way to high tech careers Welcome Parents! Please find a seat & greet your colleagues

2 Objectives Increase awareness of the Appalachian Information Technology Extension Services (AITES) project. Identify hopes, dreams, talents, and skills of daughters or any young female. View and apply Power of Partners. Gain information on importance of your role in the decision-making process in choosing a career. Learn facts about Information Technology (IT) jobs. AITES

3 65% 45% 27% 25% Choices 3AITES


5 There is a Talent Crisis in the U.S. Information Technology (IT) industry. Gender stereotypes and lack of knowledge about IT jobs are preventing young women from choosing IT careers. 5AITES

6 ? ? ? ? ? 6

7 Influx of IT industry into rural areas Job availability in Appalachian Counties Workforce demands exceed supply Economic development is needed Females are an untapped source of IT workers Students are influenced by supporters such as teachers, counselors, and parents in making career decisions. 7AITES

8 There are jobs requiring IT skills in this community These jobs may go unfilled because not enough young people are prepared or encouraged to seek an IT job 8AITES

9 You Stoker Girl Stoker Girl Stoker Girl Stoker Girl Stoker Girl Stoker Girl

10 10

11 The theory behind the goals of the AITES Grant is that girls often get stereotyped messages or insufficient information about jobs and careers from their support system (teachers, parents, school counselors, etc). 11 Stokers such as Teachers Counselors & Administration Pump and stoke fuel to move forward..Supporting on the way Girls ride on front, steer, drive, and make decisions about the course of their career journey AITES

12 Consider the talent crisis in IT in the United States Consider that IT jobs are available in almost every aspect of business, industry and government Consider reasons for the low percent of women who work in IT fields (25%) Consider the barriers young women face when considering IT fields such as: lack of encouragement from stokers, lack of knowledge about the breadth of IT jobs, and gender stereotypes 12AITES

13 13 Using Handout #1 Write down hopes and dreams for your daughter or any young girl’s future success in school and future jobs. Circle one thing you hope for the most. (2 min) Write down some traits, skills, attitudes, and talents that describe your daughter. What ideas do you have in common? (3 min) Know Your Daughters AITES

14 Important Roles for Stokers As stokers, parents play a crucial role in the career decision making process of your daughter. Building trust is most important, as is good listening. To build trust Let her know you have confidence in her ability to make good decisions. Tell her you care and ask how you can help. Listen fully to what she says. AITES

15 The Power of Partners DVD The Power of Partners DVD: Helping Females Find Their Way to High Tech Careers As you watch the DVD, look & listen for: 1.Phrases and Key words that the partners or stokers used to communicate with young women 2.Actions partners might take to discover girls’ skills and talents and promote interest in IT What are some key words and actions you saw and heard stokers use on the video? 15AITES

16 Learning the Decision Making Process Identify goals & a timeline for decision. Determine what information is needed. Set limits. Brainstorm possible options and evaluate each based on your values. Make a decision, outline a plan, and implement it. 16AITES

17 Effective Practical Life Decisions Are based on credible information Are made after considering multiple viewpoints and options. Are consistent with one's beliefs, values, and identity. 17 AITES

18 Support for Decision Making Acknowledge that most practical life decisions do not have a single right answer. Support the process but allow your daughter to take the lead in the decision making. Encourage exploration of multiple information sources and multiple viewpoints. Take time to listen and help clarify what is important to your daughter and what she is good at. Link these job interests. AITES

19 How To Categorize IT Jobs 19AITES

20 Creators Job TitleEducational PrepLocal Employers Software developerAAS Information Systems Technology; BS Comp Sci, IT Web developerAAS Info Sys Tech, BS Comp Sci Software EngineerAAS, B.S. Software Engineering AITES

21 Maintainers Job TitleEducational PrepLocal Employers Database AdministratorCertifications, AAS Systems AnalystAAS Mgmt Info Sys, BS Comp Sci, MIS/BIS Network AdministratorCertifications, AAS, BS MIS/BIS Help DeskCertifications, AAS AITES

22 Supporters Job TitleEducational PrepLocal Employers TrainersAssoc Arts & Sci, BA, MA in Education Systems IntegratorsCertifications, AAS MarketingAAS, BS Business Instructional Technologists MA Education AITES

23 Management Job TitleEducational PrepLocal Employers IT Call Center DirectorB.S., M.S., BIS/MIS Chief Technology OfficerM.S., Ph.D., BIS/MIS, Comp Sci, Education Middle ManagementBS, M.S. MIS/BIS AITES

24 IT Jobs Activity Using Handout #3 i.Read about the IT job assigned to your group ii.Discuss the nature of the job. Guided Questions What requirements would be appealing to your daughter? Be specific: Salary? Interactions with others? Purpose of the work? How would the work style requirements of IT jobs fit your daughter? Write ideas on Handout #1 under “IT Careers- a fit” 24AITES

25 Action Steps for Stokers What could you do immediately to encourage you daughter to practice the decision-making steps as she considers jobs and careers? What are some things you could do or say to challenge and support young females to consider all information as she thinks about jobs and careers Write these ideas in Action Plan space on Handout #1 Circle one thing you will commit to doing very soon! 25 AITES

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