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9 Mrs. Sandra Allen Head Teacher Diary Dates REMEMBER Many thanks All newsletters, class letters and PTA information and dates are on the school website.

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Presentation on theme: "9 Mrs. Sandra Allen Head Teacher Diary Dates REMEMBER Many thanks All newsletters, class letters and PTA information and dates are on the school website."— Presentation transcript:

1 9 Mrs. Sandra Allen Head Teacher Diary Dates REMEMBER Many thanks All newsletters, class letters and PTA information and dates are on the school website. If you would like your Newsletter by e-mail please contact Mr. Gabb Fantastic news!! The school has been awarded Activemark 2008 for involving pupils in 2 hours high quality PE and school sport each week. This award lasts for twelve months and reassessed at the end of this period and hopefully we will retain this award. As part of our home/school partnership please would you complete the ‘What do you think?’ questionnaire issued last week and return to school before the Easter break. Also, we require all Key Stage 2 home/school agreement distributed in Term 1 signed and returned to school. I am pleased to report that we are still meeting our attendance target of 95.5%. Every lesson counts and catching up in school can be difficult for children so it is important that we work together to strive for excellent attendance. I have received a number of requests for absence for the coming terms. Our school policy states that when assessing absence requests the child’s attendance is considered. Absence will not normally be authorised if attendance falls below 90%. A reviewed Attendance Policy will be available on the website during May together with a leaflet distributed to all families during this period. As stated in previous communications absence will not be authorised in Terms 1 and 5 in line with South Gloucestershire’s guidelines. 3.04.09 Easter Service in the church at 2.00 p.m..followed by hot cross buns in the school hall. 3.04.09 End of Term 4 20.04.09 Beginning of Term 5 22.05.09 End of Term 5 1.06.09 School closed for In- service training 2.06.09 Beginning of Term 6 18.07.09 Frenchay Flower Show 24.07.09 End of Term 6 24.3.09 Stop press Chess Report by Aaron Upton Recently, our chess club visited Stoke Lodge Primary School for a close but exciting chess match. As soon as we arrived we were informed that we had a slight advantage because in previous chess matches, Stoke Lodge had a majority of Year 6’s in their team. But this courageous encounter was with a different team, as Stoke Lodge had new and younger players. Our team came out on top with 12 points and Stoke Lodge were extremely close with 8 points. This win is very important to us, as we’ve not won a chess match in quite a long time. To all those all made the jumble sale and auction possible on Saturday. Provisional profit from this event is £350.00. The school has been contacted by registered childminders based in the Downend area who are willing to bring and pick up children. If you are interested please contact the school office for details. Frenchay brownies meet each Tuesday evening at the village hall and are looking for new members. If you would like to join, you can just turn up 7.00 p.m. Special Note Any child that is required to bring a mobile phone into school for a specific purpose are reminded that they need to be kept in the school office.

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