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Trainee Teachers and ‘ Race’, inclusion and diversity A workshop for trainee teachers.

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1 Trainee Teachers and ‘ Race’, inclusion and diversity A workshop for trainee teachers

2 Background This workshop has been designed as a result of research undertaken with 60 trainee teachers on a PGCE course. The aim of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for trainee teachers to explore the issues of ‘race’, inclusion and diversity as they affect their experiences as developing professionals. This workshop will also be useful as a launch pad for further sessions on these topics.

3 Definitions Trainee teachers were asked to define the following: ‘Race’, inclusion and diversity. ‘Race’ was defined in terms of Ethnicity (57%) ‘Ethnic background of a person’ Origins (28%) ‘where your ancestors come from’ Culture (18%) ‘cultural heritage or background’

4 Definitions Trainee teachers were asked to define the following: ‘Race’, inclusion and diversity. Inclusion was defined in terms of Include (46%) ‘including all whatever the differences are.’ Accessible (45%) ‘Ensuring that all have access to an education regardless of SEN, race,gender, ethnicity and sexuality’ Equality(28%) ‘ Equal opportunity regardless of background-together’ Not exclude (20%) ‘process and practice to ensure that people are not unjustly excluded from any aspect of education’

5 Definitions Trainee teachers were asked to define the following: ‘Race’, inclusion and diversity. Diversity was defined in terms of Difference (52%) ‘the differences between groups, individual or cultures that make them unique’ Variety (45%) ‘the variety of individuals in the school (race, ability, SEN etc).’ Ethnicity (32%) ‘ the range of races or ethnicities within a specific group’

6 Activity 1 In groups study the range of definitions for each term ‘Race’, inclusion, diversity. 1.To what extent do you agree or disagree with the definitions cited? 2.Devise a group definition for each term. Write on the flipchart sheet. 3.Be prepared to explain it.

7 Relevance and Importance Trainee teachers were asked how important they feel it is to learn about ‘race’, inclusion and diversity in relation to other aspects of learning to be a teacher? – Very important (47%) –Important (35%) –Quite important (18%)

8 Relevance and Importance Trainee teachers were asked whether sessions on ‘race’, inclusion and diversity on a teacher training course should be compulsory for all? The majority felt that these issues should be compulsory: –‘Race’ (83%) –Inclusion (93%) –Diversity (85%)

9 Activity 2 Explain the benefits of trainee teachers addressing these topics for the following groups: –Trainee teachers –White pupils in schools –Ethnic minority pupils in schools –Local school community

10 Scenarios The following are quotes from trainee teacher interviews. Read the quotes and consider the questions. (All quotes are from White British trainees)

11 Scenario 1 With inclusion I think it is really important but I’m a bit scared of it based on something tutor actually said the other day. He said ‘Be careful when you are teaching in your classes that you don’t inadvertently create stereotypes.’ For example if you’ve got a classroom full of kids and you’ve got one Black kid in your class and you are covering a book which has some other cultures and traditions poetry maybe, and you start talking about Black slavery you may inadvertently make that kid the post boy for Black slavery in your class and he doesn’t necessarily have any connection to that. In his mind he doesn’t see himself as anything to do with Black slavery, he sees himself as British. I am scared of that. I don’t know how to be inclusive. In what ways could you address the issues raised for this trainee teacher? How would you advise and support her? How can you ensure that you do not validate, create or support stereotypes in your practice?

12 Scenario 2 Inclusion is including all children in a school environment and giving them all an opportunity to learn though that may not be that they all learn the same thing at the same pace, but that they all have an opportunity to access learning. And that the school acknowledges diversity of all sorts of gender, ethnicity and culture. How important is inclusion to you as a trainee teacher? In what ways as a trainee teacher can you ensure that you acknowledge ‘all sorts of gender, ethnicity and culture?’

13 Scenario 3 I think anyone’s identity is quite important as a teacher you are in the spotlight all day long at the front of the class and you’ve got to be quite comfortable with your identity and I think that’s easier if you are White because it is going to be less of an issue… I think I will be treated in a way that is normally considered the norm. Whereas I think if I was Asian or Black I would be worried that I would be treated in a different way. What are your thoughts on this trainee teacher’s view that if you are White being comfortable with your identity is less of an issue? Why do you think this trainee teacher feels that people of Black or Asian descent would be worried that they would be treated differently?

14 Scenario 4 I travelled in Africa a couple of years ago and also experienced the other side of the coin because I was the odd one out and everyone was pointing at you and looking at you. And small children especially like, often they hadn’t seen a White person before and they would shout and yell and it was a bit like a celebrity. But that was nice because it was always positive. It was always like ‘Wow, a White person!’ Whereas here obviously if you might not experience it [being different] in such a positive way. But it certainly made me realise how much it is to be the norm in this country because I’m White, because I don’t stand out anyway. By contrast there I definitely stood out. Why do you think this trainee teacher feels that being different might not be experienced positively in this country? What can you do as a trainee teacher to enable Black and Asian pupils to experience being different in a positive way?

15 Conclusion This workshop has been designed to provide opportunities for you to discuss issues relating to ‘race’ inclusion and diversity. This is intended to be an introductory session. You will need to follow up this session with further reading.

16 Further Reading Richardson, R. and Miles, B. (2003) Equality Stories: Recognition, respect and raising achievement. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books. Richardson, R. and Wood, A. (1999)Inclusive Schools Inclusive Society. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books Bhopal, K., Harris, R. and Rhamie, J. (2009) The Teaching of ‘Race’, diversity and inclusion on PGCE courses at the University of Southampton. Report for Multiverse

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