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A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal George Marsh - Delivery of area based programmes through collaborative working Paul Davies - Establishing.

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Presentation on theme: "A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal George Marsh - Delivery of area based programmes through collaborative working Paul Davies - Establishing."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal George Marsh - Delivery of area based programmes through collaborative working Paul Davies - Establishing a Green Deal supply chain Pat Laughlin - Supporting and sustaining SMEs

2 building on the success of the Midlands Region as a national leader in retrofit. linking key sectors, sharing emerging best practice, supporting the evolution of delivery mechanisms and encouraging innovation. ensuring that the Midlands maximises the benefits of the whole house retrofit agenda: – carbon reduction – tackling fuel poverty – up-skilling our workforce – significant investment leading to permanent jobs A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal The West Midlands Retrofit Steering Group

3 REGIONAL Steering Group Retrofit/Energy Efficiency SHAP/SWM / WMCCE Skills Construction Supply Chain Enterprise & Innovation Funding & Investment DELIVERY Sub Regional Bodies/LEP Areas Greater Birmingham Warks/CoventryStoke/StaffsBlack Country Rural – The Marches / Worcestershire Solihull, East Staffs, Bromsgrove, Tamworth, Lichfield, Local Delivery Bodies Coventry Phoenix Solihull Homes Birmingham Energy Savers Procurement – Buy For Good Local Delivery Bodies Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Walsall Built Environment Professional Bodies Legal and Contracts Energy Distribution REGIONAL Steering Group Retrofit SHAP SWM/ WMCCE Skills Construction Supply Chain Enterprise & Innovation Funding & Investment DELIVERY Sub Regional Bodies/LEP Areas Greater Birmingham Coventry/WarksStoke/StaffsBlack Country The Marches Solihull, East Staffs, Bromsgrove, Tamworth, Lichfield, Local Delivery Bodies Coventry Phoenix Solihull Homes Birmingham Energy Savers Procurement – Buy For Good Local Delivery Bodies Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Walsall Built Environment Professional Bodies Legal and Contracts Worcestershire Local Delivery Bodies West Midlands Retrofit Steering Group

4 REGIONAL Steering Group Retrofit/Energy Efficiency SHAP/SWM / WMCCE Skills Construction Supply Chain Enterprise & Innovation Funding & Investment DELIVERY Sub Regional Bodies/LEP Areas Greater Birmingham Warks/CoventryStoke/StaffsBlack Country Rural – The Marches / Worcestershire Solihull, East Staffs, Bromsgrove, Tamworth, Lichfield, Local Delivery Bodies Coventry Phoenix Solihull Homes Birmingham Energy Savers Procurement – Buy For Good Local Delivery Bodies Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Walsall Built Environment Professional Bodies Legal and Contracts Energy Distribution REGIONAL Steering Group Retrofit SHAP SWM/ WMCCE Skills Construction Supply Chain Enterprise & Innovation Funding & Investment DELIVERY Sub Regional Bodies/LEP Areas Greater Birmingham Coventry/WarksStoke/StaffsBlack Country The Marches Solihull, East Staffs, Bromsgrove, Tamworth, Lichfield, Local Delivery Bodies Coventry Phoenix Solihull Homes Birmingham Energy Savers Procurement – Buy For Good Local Delivery Bodies Sandwell, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Walsall Built Environment Professional Bodies Legal and Contracts Worcestershire Local Delivery Bodies West Midlands Retrofit Steering Group

5 A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal The Sustainable Housing Action Partnership Vision To provide leadership in Sustainable Housing by promoting, researching and disseminating best practice in the Environmental, Social and Economic aspects of Sustainable Housing.Objectives Identify & engage the leaders from all sectors of Sustainable Housing Produce at least one “task and finish” Sustainable Housing project each year. Influence European, National and Regional Sustainable Housing Policies and Strategies.

6 A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal The Community Green Deal – preparing to deliver largescale housing retrofit “Community Green Deal” a framework for the delivery of large scale, cross-tenure, whole house retrofit projects using a variety of funding mechanisms. Three key areas: – delivering retrofit measures at scale – financing retrofit measures – economic opportunity - jobs, skills and the supply chain

7 A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal The economic opportunity – jobs, skills and the supply chain WM Retrofit Steering Group & SHAP Task and Finish Group Workstreams 1.Mapping and gapping Green Deal preparation 2.Grid capacity 3.Supply chain and skills 4.Funding 5.Innovation 6.Communication 7.Route map

8 A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal Seizing the Opportunity Paul Davies, Wates Living Spaces Paul Dockerill, Inex Home Improvements Ltd Phil Wilson, WMCCE Ben Onyido, Birmingham City University Pat Laughlin, MEBC (Chairman) Members of the Group Prof. Mark Gaterell, Coventry University, Martyn Juggins, Orbit Housing, Zoe Durrant, Birmingham City Council, Chris Slezakowski, SIG, Victoria Lambert, MEBC

9 Potential Jobs per Annum by Green Deal measure across England Data extracted from EHCS 2007

10 Potential Jobs per Annum by Green Deal measure across West Midlands Region Data extracted from EHCS 2007 based on West Midlands as 9% of England housing

11 Retrofit market will be led by Green Deal and ECOTenureIWIEWI Loft top up Loft virgin CWI Boiler upgrade** Fuel switch Double Glazing* Local Authority £778 million £2.7 billion £64 million £30 million £196 million £1.6 billion £1.4 billion £2 billion Housing Association £872 million £2.3 billion £108 million £93 million £223 million £1.6 billion £1.4 billion £1.2 billion Private rented £4 billion £7.3 billion £167 million £166 million £308 million £2.2 billion £2.3 billion £3 billion Owner occupier £14.8 billion £29.9 billion £1 billion £824 million £1.8 billion £14 billion £4.06 billion £3.2 billion ECO hard to treat subsidy Supported by Green Deal golden rule ECO affordable warmth subsidy * or secondary glazing ** assumes that boilers listed as non condensing are not "A" rated Data compiled from EHCS 2007 and WLS cost data from WLS Willenhall CESP programme UK Wide £106 billion of easily identifiable addressable need

12 DECC believe the market will be led by SWI under ECO201320142015201620172018 Social housing £700 million£800 million £750 million£700 million£550 million Private rented £200 million£400 million£500 million£600 million £550 million Owner Occupier £600 million £500 million£400 million Total£1.5 billion£1.8 billion£1.9 billion£1.95 billion£1.8 billion£1.5 billion Data extracted from DECC Green Deal and ECO impact assessment 23/11/11 DECC modelling will be based on cost efficiencies deIvering increased volumes, value of work may therefore not increase

13 DECC statistical release 17th June 2011 DECC Great Britain's energy fact file 2011 National picture - Current market

14 * Local picture - SWI supported by ECO 116,395 Solid Wall Properties 2% of UK 2% of ECO carbon Saving £19.5 million

15 Lifetime energy saving Install cost ECO Contribution Solid Wall Insulation £4026£9877£5851 Local picture - Typical green deal plan with ECO subsidy SWI £19.5 million from ECO = 3,332 properties a year = 34 year programme £32 million

16 * Local picture - Products and Solutions

17 Market Headline Alert – West Midlands 2000 Jobs £3 bn+ Expenditure Per Year A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal The West Midlands Retrofit Steering Group

18 Product Opportunities OpportunityExamples of Product Requirement New building materials Polymer based Natural breathable materials High performance insulants High K value products for external insulation and internal linings Floor insulation Vapour permeable products Air tightness & thermal bridging Door/window junctions Eave vents Sealant tapes High performance windows Low U value – passivhaus standard Thermal breaks Triple or vacuum glazing Renewable energy and heating sources Solar pv Biomass or bioenergy systems Solar thermal collectors Battery technologies and fuel cells Ancillary products – brackets and fixings

19 Product Opportunities OpportunityExamples of Product Requirement Heating & thermal storage Small combi boilers (<10w) Expansion vessels and heat exchanges Ventilation heat recovery systems Mechanical ventilation heat recovery units Passive ventilation heat recovery systems Ancillary control systems, ducts and filters Energy monitoring and control systems Intelligent monitoring and control systems Light, temperature and humidity sensors and switches Remote monitoring technologies LED Lighting LED replacement bulbs Design-led fixtures and

20 Multi-skilling – Move Away from Traditional Construction Trades Customer Care Skills Essential for Delivery Support Maintenance and Monitoring – Green Deal Measures Need Ongoing Aftercare Cross-Engagement with Other Industries (Green Deal and Manufacturing) – Share Training Models Introduce Flexibility – Flexible Apprenticeships A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal Skills Issues

21 LevelSkills TargetExample Level 1Low Level Skills – NEETs/Long term Unemployed Draught proofing. Top-up Insulation, Hot water tank insulation Level 2New employment – re-skilling External and Internal wall insulation, Customer Care, Surveying Level 3Current & new employment, graduates, manufacturing Gas boilers, Renewable energy, Energy Certification

22 Barriers and Challenges to Growth BarrierInstance Regulatory Unstable policy agenda (e.g. FITs, Introduction of RHI) EMR (Electricity Market Regulation) Planning Policy Building Regulations/Regulatory Standards Economic Insufficient security of demand Piecemeal activity Lack of investment finance Limited market information and business support Technical Inconsistent standard setting Cost of innovation Supply Chain High cost of entry (compliance and accreditation) Buyers risk adverse Market monopolies Behavioural Negative public perception of eco- refurbishment

23 Set out criteria for product type, demand and development - and encourage UK manufacture whether as new product or under licence Implement a manufacturing and business support strategy including: – Dedicated finance – Technology transfer and product innovation – Business support and supply chain development package – Inward investment and joint ventures All-region public awareness raising campaign – the benefits of eco- fit A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal What we can do

24 RGF 3 bid in preparation Proposal to DECC for 3 pilot projects Coventry University ERDF programme – 20 th June launch event Aim High – continuing programme Publication of Task and Finish Group findings A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal Stimulating demand and testing the framework Bids for Funding to enhance momentum in West Midlands :

25 THANK YOU Discussion A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal The West Midlands Retrofit Steering Group

26 A Whole Community Approach to the Green Deal The West Midlands Retrofit Steering Group

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