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World religions Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, & Buddhism.

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Presentation on theme: "World religions Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, & Buddhism."— Presentation transcript:

1 World religions Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, & Buddhism

2 Islam ▪ Muhammad: founder of Islam. Believed to be the Prophet! ▪ Allah: Islam's god ▪ Sunni: majority of Muslims. 2 nd largest religion in the world. Believe they are true followers of Muhammad ▪ Shiite: believe the leader of Islam should be a decent of Muhammad ▪ Mecca: holy city of Islam ▪ Cleric: religious leader ▪ Koran: holy book of Islam




6 Christianity ▪ Jesus: founder of ▪ Jerusalem: holy city ▪ Catholicism: biggest division of ▪ Protestantism: another subdivision of (created by M. Luther) ▪ Pope: leader of the catholic faith ▪ Bible: holy book


8 Judaism ▪ Abraham: one of the main founders ▪ Moses: leads the Jews back to Israel from Egypt ▪ Palestine: homeland of the Jews ▪ Jerusalem: holy land ▪ Israel: Palestine renamed ▪ Rabbi: religious leader ▪ Torah: holy book

9 Hinduism ▪I▪India: major religion there ▪V▪Vedas: original holy book ▪B▪Brahmins: religious leaders ▪U▪Upanishads: collection of all religious beliefs ▪R▪Reincarnation: believe people’s spirits come back ▪K▪Karma: persons actions and what effect it has on your future ▪C▪Cows: holiest animals


11 Buddhism ▪S▪Siddhartha: founder of ▪S▪SE asia: practiced here ▪B▪Buddha: “Enlightened One” ▪N▪Nirvana: state of ultimate peace with one and nature ▪4▪4 noble truths: basic beliefs ▪8▪8 fold path: way to achieve nirvana (blue print) ▪T▪Theravada: holy book



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