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UNIT 2 LESSON 6. STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO…  Analyze the merits of population growth theories  Articulate the role of government policies with regards.

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2 STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO…  Analyze the merits of population growth theories  Articulate the role of government policies with regards to population growth

3 THOMAS MALTHUS I’m a British Economist & Cleric. I was born in 1766-1834, which is only important to let you know I lived during England’s transition through Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model. I said that population growth would out strip food production. Here’s why…..



6 Malthus Thesis: 1)Means of subsistence (no food  die) 2)Population will increase with increase in the means of subsistence (lots of food  more babies) 3)Checks that will inhibit the productive capacity of population are “private” (choose moral restraint such as celibacy & chastity) or “destructive” (war, poverty, pestilence, and famine).


8 NEO-MALTHUSIANS  Malthus’ predications did not come true  The population continued to increase  Malthus then faded away until 1950’s  Neo-Malthusians have similar/same beliefs regarding population  It’s still rising  Strongly advocate for population control  i.e.; birth control  Different from Malthus in that Malthus focused on moral restraint

9 ESTER BOSERUP I’m the only well-known female theorist you will encounter in Human Geography. I died in 1999 and was born in Denmark. I’m not in your textbook either. I’m an economist and I really didn’t agree with Malthus or Neo-Malthusians. …because…



12 GOVERNMENT POLICIES  Three Types:  1) Expansive  2) Eugenic  3) Restrictive  Government can influence through behaviors

13 EXPANSIVE POLICIES  Expansive Population Policies: “encourage large families and raise the rate of natural increase” (Foulberg, 2012, p. 73  Example: “Mother Heroine” medal in Soviet Union, given for raising more than 10 kids.  Russian version is the “Order of Parental Glory” which is seven children.

14 RESTRICTIVE POPULATION POLICIES  Restrictive Population policies: “reduce the rate of natural increase”.  Birth Control  Prohibition of large families  China 1 child policy  Still so-so existence, but has been adapted to help address the high rate infanticide of females  India had forced sterilization  Election to offices required 2 or less children

15 EUGENIC POPULATION POLICIES  Eugenic population policies: “favor one racial or cultural sector of the population over others.”  Nazi Germany is the most famous historical example  Can be practiced covertly  Resource allocation  Cryptic laws (such as race laws for marriage)

16 STATE POLICIES ARE LIMITED  Not uncommon for a religion to focus on expansionist policies  In Contrast states might focus on constricting policies  Economic factors will motivate growth in developed nations

17 EUROPEAN NATIONS  Many have sought to encourage higher birth rates  Sweden has VERY generous maternity leave  Finland (Baby in a Box!!)

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