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Canterbury Tales Review

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1 Canterbury Tales Review

2 “In company she liked to laugh and chat /And knew the remedies of love’s mischances, /An art in which she knew the oldest dances.” Prioress B. Summoner C. Wife of Bath D. Cook

3 “He knew the taverns in well in every town /And every innkeeper and barmaid too /Better than lepers, beggars, and that crew, / He kept his tippet stuffed with pins for curls, /And pocket-knives, to give to pretty girls.” Knight B. Friar C. Franklin D. Pardoner

4 “Garlic he loved, and onions too, and leeks, /And drinking strong wine till he was hazy. /Then he would shout and jabber as is crazy, /And wouldn’t speak a word except in Latin /When he was drunk, such as tags as he was pat in.” Summoner B. Pardoner C. Plowman D. Yeoman

5 “Singing he was, or fluting all the day; /He was as fresh as is the month of May.”
Squire B. Franklin C. Knight D. Skipper

6 “But what a pity—so it seemed to me, /That he should have an ulcer on his knee. /As for blancmange, he made it with the best.” Manciple B. Miller C. Skipper D. Cook

7 “Her forehead, certainly, was fair of spread, / Almost a span across the brow, I own; /She was by no means undergrown.” Prioress B. Reeve C. Skipper D. Cook

8 “He stayed at home and watched over fold /So that no wolf should make the sheep miscarry. /He was a shepherd and no mercenary.” Yeoman B. Monk C. Plowman D. Parson

9 Gap-toothed; somewhat deaf; weaver; expert on love
A. Franklin B. Wife of Bath C. Reeve D. Prioress

10 “Bold in his speech, yet wise and full of tact, /There was no manly attribute he lacked. /What’s more, he was a merry-hearted man.” A. Manciple B. Host C. Summoner D. Cook

11 “He knew of every Judgment, case and crime /Recorded since King William’s time.”
A. Reeve B. Manciple C. Sergeant at Law D. Knight

12 “His horse was thinner than a rake /And he was not too fat, I undertake,/ But had a hollow look, a sober stare.” A. Oxford Cleric B. Knight C. Parson D. Plowman

13 “A wrangler and buffoon, he had a store, /Of tavern stories in the main.”
A. Cook B. Skipper C. Reeve D. Miller

14 Lover whose hair was curled “as if taken from a press”
Wife of Bath B. Knight C. Squire D. Franklin

15 “He’d sewed a holy relic in his cap; /His wallet lay before him on his lap, /Brimful of pardons come from Rome all hot.” Oxford Cleric B. Pardoner C. Summoner D. Friar

16 Person who suggested the idea of a story-telling contest
A. Knight B. Miller C. Wife of Bath D. Host

17 Manciple B. Yeoman C. Knight D. Squire
“He wore a fustian tunic stained and dark/ With smudges his armour had left mark.” Manciple B. Yeoman C. Knight D. Squire

18 He owned a barge called The Maudelayne.
Doctor B. Skipper C. Miller D. Yeoman

19 Person who had good table manners.
Wife of Bath B. Franklin C. Knight D. Prioress

20 Person whose appearance scared children.
Knight B. Squire C. Yeoman D. Summoner

21 Person who spoke French and cared for animals.
Prioress B. Franklin C. Parson D. Wife of Bath

22 The bad-tempered manager of a large estate.
Yeoman B. Reeve C. Knight D. Monk

23 “… He was never rash/ Whether he bought on credit or paid cash
“… He was never rash/ Whether he bought on credit or paid cash./ He used to watch the market most precisely/ And got in first, and so he did quite nicely.” Monk B. Sergeant at Law C. Oxford Cleric D. Manciple

24 “And in his hand he bore a mighty bow
“And in his hand he bore a mighty bow./ His head was like a nut, his face was brown,/ He knew the whole of woodcraft up and down.” Yeoman B. Miller C. Squire D. Merchant

25 “As for his skill in reckoning in tides,/ Currents and many another risk besides,/ Moons, harbours, pilots, he had such dispatch/ That from Hull to Carthage none were his match.” A. Doctor B. Skipper C. Friar D. Summoner

26 “His house was never short of bake-meat pies,/ Of fish and flesh, and these in such supplies/ It positively snowed with meat and drink/ And all the dainties that a man could think.” A. Merchant B. Franklin C. Sergeant at Law D. Doctor

27 Forester dressed in green
Yeoman B. Miller C. Skipper D. Host

28 “… and he would help the poor/ for the love of Christ and never take a penny./ He paid his tithes in full…” Plowman B. Squire C. Friar D. Cook

29 “a most distinguished man… he followed chivalry” A. Merchant B
“a most distinguished man… he followed chivalry” A. Merchant B. Knight C. Squire D. Yeoman

30 Person who had been married five times
Manciple B. Franklin Wife of Bath D. Host

31 Chaucer’s characterizations of the Prioress, and other people connected with the Church are mainly
(a) idealized, b) flattering, (c) satirical/critical, (d) boring.

32 The pilgrims are going to Canterbury to visit the shrine of
(a) King William, (b)Thomas a Becket, (c) Joan of Arc, (d) Richard II.

33 The twenty-nine pilgrims in the group, taken all together, represent (a) most of the classes of English society, (b) only the lowest classes, (c) the most educated class of English society, (d) only religious groups and merchants.

34 Each pilgrim was to tell (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 4 tales.

35 The attitude toward their journey is one of
dread, (b) boredom, (c) seriousness (d) excitement.

36 31. The framework of The Canterbury Tales is (a) fair, (b) a dinner, (c) a ball, (d) a pilgrimage.

37 The month of departure was
(a) March, (b) April, (c) May, (d) June.

38 The author of The Canterbury Tales is (a) Chaucer, (b) Milton, (c) Shakespeare, (d) Malory.

39 Describe the Wife of Bath
Describe the Wife of Bath. Give one personality trait and one physical traits.

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