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 Economics  Nationalism  Social Darwinism  Religion.

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2  Economics  Nationalism  Social Darwinism  Religion

3  Technology  Steamships and railroads  Telegraphs and telephones  Machine guns  Quinine (malaria)  Lack of unity

4  Discovery of gold and diamonds increases desire to colonize Africa  Berlin Conference – 1884-1885  14 countries  Notify and show  By 1914, only Ethiopia and Liberia remain independent


6  Colonial powers  Great Britain  France  Germany  Portugal  Resources / Crops  Peanuts, timber, hides, palm oil  Slave trade virtually ended


8  Muhammad Ali seizes power away from Ottomans  Brings Egypt into modern world  Modernizes army, sets-up public schools, creates small industries  1869 building of Suez Canal completed  British buy Egypt’s share of canal  Egyptian army revolts (1881)  Egypt becomes protectorate 1914

9  British believe they should control  Revolt launched in 1881  Mahdi (Muslim cleric)  1885 British seize Sudan

10  Algeria  Tunisia  Morocco

11  Tries to take over Ethiopia  Menelik II – Emperor  Built large arsenal of modern weapons  Battle of Adowa  Ethiopian forces defeat invading Italian forces  Invade and conquer Libya

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