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UFFCA; PICFI & 2009 Demonstration Commercial Fisheries Presentation to the Salmon Table July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "UFFCA; PICFI & 2009 Demonstration Commercial Fisheries Presentation to the Salmon Table July 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 UFFCA; PICFI & 2009 Demonstration Commercial Fisheries Presentation to the Salmon Table July 2009

2 Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance v Non-Profit conservation organization open to any First Nation organization in the upper Fraser area v Works towards the furtherance of First Nations’ interests wrt the management of UFFCA area fisheries and aquatic resources v Conservation/escapement objectives and promoting stock-selective harvesting a priority – Highly supportive of moving TAC in-river; supports both the above objectives

3 UFFCA & PICFI (DCFs) v Submitted a PICFI EoI (under review) v Assisted with the development of 2009 DCF proposals v Working with the SFC-Siska partnership on coordinative funding proposal – Supporting collaboration between regions v Four fisheries tentatively approved in the UFFCA area for 2009 – CSTC, Lheidli T’enneh, NSTC, TNG

4 CSTC DCF v The Carrier Sekani Tribal Council (CSTC) v Early Summer (Nadina – maximum 5,000 pieces) and summer sockeye (Stellako and/or Late Stuart – combined maximum of 3,500 pieces) v Fishing sites in the Nechako watershed (restricted to beach seine only – SARA issues)

5 Lheidli T’enneh DCF v Lheidli T’enneh (LTB) – Summer sockeye v (Stellako and/or Late Stuart – combined maximum of 5,000 pieces) v Fishing sites on the Fraser River mainstem downstream of the Nechako confluence (gillnet).

6 NSTC DCF v Northern Shuswap Tribal Council (NSTC) – Summer (Quesnel River Watershed sockeye including Horsefly River sockeye) v Potential catch range 5,000 to 50,000. v Beach/boat seine or gillnet v Harvested from Quesnel River mainstem near Likely as well as the Horsefly River

7 TNG DCF v Tsilhqot’in National Government (TNG) – Summer sockeye (Chilko River) v A range of 500 to 1500) will be harvested in the Chilcotin watershed. v Beach seine. v More if available and viable

8 2009 DCF Needs 1. Community support – Fundamental – Conservation and FSC access cannot be compromised 2. Coordinative resources – UFFCA pursuing – Support for common planning and logistical needs 3. Reliable in-season run-size information 4. Sufficient abundance 5. Capacity – support of industry and key agency personnel, & lots of logistical innovation – Key regional agency contacts

9 2009 DCF Objectives (Local) v Provide information to inform regionally-based business planning and CFE structuring – Inform PICFI steps 2 & 3 – Explore harvest, transport, processing, marketing and sales – specific to DCF areas – Identify constraints/challenges and manners in which they can be redressed

10 2009 DCF Objectives (Broader) v Assess opportunities for inter-region collaboration; processing and fresh sales v Explore options & needs for local processing v Explore product potential (value added) – Product-market assessment v Branding/Certification options and benefits v Reporting and workshops to share and learn

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