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What does central IT really cost? An attempt to find out! Heidi Fraser-Krauss Head of IT Services University of York.

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Presentation on theme: "What does central IT really cost? An attempt to find out! Heidi Fraser-Krauss Head of IT Services University of York."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does central IT really cost? An attempt to find out! Heidi Fraser-Krauss Head of IT Services University of York

2 Why? To understand where money is spent. To be able to compare our costs with those of other providers- cloud….. To be able to price services that we offer to others. Curiosity! To have evidence to argue for more resource. To understand central vs. local provision costs.

3 Its worth noting….. Our methodology evolved, we had to start somewhere

4 How- understanding services? 1.Started with getting an understanding of our systems and services – DNS – Finance system – Active Directory – Storage 2.Listed physical and virtual servers and attributed each server to a service There were lots of gaps!

5 How- Costs? 3. Got a handle on license and maintenance costs – Hardware maintenance – O/S licences 4. Added up hardware capital costs 5. Worked out a cost for a virtual machine – Physical infrastructure – VM license

6 How- Costs? 7. Worked out a cost per Gb of storage – Differentiated tiers 8. Attributed these costs across the different services 9.Group heads allocated staff-time to the previously identified services 10. We attributed staff costs to services – Difficult to do as no time sheets – Accounted for time spent supporting non-central systems

7 Work in progress….. Software license costs – To date a broad brush for major systems Attribution of data centre costs – Capital – Running costs More accurate attribution of power and cooling – Can do it per server More sophisticated use of TraC costs Add in depreciation of capital costs Cover whole University

8 Keeping up to date Attribute purchase orders to service Once model in place and costs known shouldn’t be difficult to keep things up to date

9 Lessons learned Need a firm grasp of services at a detailed level – Takes time – Things get missed out Staff cost allocation without time sheets is a best guess. We used an iterative approach for obtaining costs – This annoyed people – It could have been done in one iteration

10 Challenges How to allocate network costs or other costs that are truly infrastructural? – How do you cost the network for student record system?

11 Some figures….. Storage tiers /Gb/year – £6.29 NetApp – £ 1.25 Sunfire X45100 Wireless/year £338,000 PURE/year £41,000 Identity management/year £79,000 SITS/year £163, 000 Agresso/year £95, 100 VLE/year £155,000k Managed print service/year £386,000

12 Thanks to…. Stefan Wielgosz Data Centre Manager Sarah Hall IT Accountant

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