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About the website: The House of fraser website targets the following target audience and intends to sell the following products to it’s audience:  Main.

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Presentation on theme: "About the website: The House of fraser website targets the following target audience and intends to sell the following products to it’s audience:  Main."— Presentation transcript:


2 About the website: The House of fraser website targets the following target audience and intends to sell the following products to it’s audience:  Main target audience:  Males/females  All age ranges starting from children and above

3  Products that are sold online:  Clothing  Accessories  Furniture/home entertainment  Beauty products  Electricals  Departments that are available online:  Men/women  Home  Beauty  Electricals

4 Website Design: Graphic design: These are visual presentations as shown on the website. Different colours are used in order to attract the visitors attention. The homepage shows that the graphic design has been used in many ways such as text, illustration and colour. The graphics used on the website are both functional and artistic and effective communication is used through this as the message of the “Autumn Sale” is highlighted clearly. Logo: The logo is the left hand side of the screen which clearly stands out and it is highlighted in a different colour (white). This is because the background is dark therefore a lighter coloured logo tends to attract the visitors attention. Pitching: This website pitching is clear and simple as it gives its visitors a clear signal and message of what they sell and which target audience they sell for. Each category of products is highlighted in different departments which visitors can click on and see which products they are interested in.

5 Site Development: Concept: The website concept of House of Fraser is created very well. As they have clearly sent out their message to their visitors, for example the communication tasks identification is vital because the correct message has to be sent to the audience, therefore this section identifies the best way messages can be delivered. Navigation: The navigation used on this website gives the visitor and reader immediate knowledge of the depth of the site. By looking at the navigation links this gives the visitor an idea on what is on offer and what is on the website that they want to see. The House of Fraser website has a fully featured navigation bar that assures its visitors that there is lots to see and do on the website, this encourages the visitors to explore the website further.

6 First impression of the website : what does the website provide? The first view of the website provides all features and functionality visitors would expect from a site. As the website has been designed and developed by a user centred design approach. This is because: There is high visibility of the search functionality, shopping basket, summery of key info, a useful mini basket dropdown feature and the login/register link. There is clearly labelled and planned category navigation. Also a clear modeled checkout process and a highly strong focus on persuasion architecture.

7 How does the website attract the customers? Putting brands at what appears to be forefront of their online strategy, which is shown above shows the customers that the House of Fraser website provides an synergy between their online experience and brand keen visitors.

8 Homepage: The visual, flash driven main promotion, as shown above is used to promote the current latest offers or trends. This can provide an area of stimulation for the visitor, however it also allows House of Fraser to expose key product ranges and individual products from their wide range.

9 Continued: House of Fraser is more focused on brands rather than the product ranges. As shown above House of Fraser has chosen to introduce products through a featured brands section, rather than showing branded products from different categories. They are following through the brand focus strategy in similarity of their competitors such as John Lewis.

10 Online shopping behaviour and personalisation: The top level category page that significant real estate begins to be used to show you previously viewed products. The user focused facility, is not often adopted on competitor websites, however one of the many important areas of personalisation is adopted by websites such as Amazon. This is because it is a beneficial way of allowing a user to quickly revisit a product they have looked at earlier and what they liked.

11 Product page: By not providing a very different layout to the product page compared to House of Fraser competitors such as John Lewis, House of Fraser has adopted quite an image-led user interface, where as you zoom into the image it fills the full width of the product page.

12 Shopping basket: The user is not presented with many distractions. For this key buying process page there are a variety of user experience enhancements that House of Fraser should consider such as: Check notes section.

13 Checkout process: To adopt best practice and reduce abandonment. Check notes

14 SWOT: Strengths: Has produced an excellent e-commerce website which perfectly suits its target audience and compliments its high street presence Clear focus on branding and imagery Clear message sent out to the audience Easy to use It is not confusing for the visitor as on the homepage all the links are available to different departments and sections The homepage attracts the visitors attention with graphics used Weaknesses: House of Fraser is more brand focused than product range, this can limit their product range as various brands may only produce certain products and not others. By House of Fraser using brand focus can limit the variety of product ranges that are being promoted at this level. There is no animations, it can be advantage to add animations in order to attract the visitors attention.

15 Continued: Opportunities: Can expand the website further in the future and update it with newer functions and softwares. Can add animations Can add departments and sectors online Threats: House of Fraser sell similar products and brands as many other websites such as John Lewis, Debenhams, and non-store websites such as This gives the visitor an opportunity to surf through other websites and keep their options open which can be a disadvantage to House of Fraser. There is a lot of competition online for House of Fraser with other online websites. Their competitors such as John Lewis and Debenhams

16 AIDA: Attention: The House of Fraser website is created in order to attract the visitors attention. The graphics, design and message sent places a major role in catching the visitors attention. House of Fraser website has successfully achieved this. Interest: The House of Fraser website clearly shows on their homepage various information and special offers, sales and incentives which are available online. This attracts the visitors attention and encourages them to explore further. Desire: The website encourages its visitors to feel compelled in order to engage further with the brand. They do this by offering special incentives and sales. Action: House of Fraser have made a simple checkout process for it’s customers to use once they want to go through the buying process. The checkout process is in three stages. This makes it easier for the visitor to take steps to buy or register for more information.

17 Advantages of the website: Increases invisibility Increases brand and name Is open to a wider audience Creates awareness Helps customers gain information about House of Fraser

18 Improvements: Can add animation More products and brands can be available Colour scheme can be changed to make it more appealing to the visitor Adding more features

19 Overall Review: There are possible user experience improvements that could be introduced, House of Fraser has produced an excellent e-commerce website which perfectly suits its target audience and compliments its high street presence. With a degree of richer user experience functionality introduced, and a clear focus on branding and imagery, whilst adopting very much a user centred design approach and significant persuasion architecture techniques, House of Fraser's first transactional web presence is designed to be a great success and very much a destination website for style and brand driven online shoppers.

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