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By Kelsey Wagner Arizona Cyprus Colorado Blue Spruce Concolor Fir Eastern Red Cedar Fraser Fir Leyland Cyprus Norway Spruce Virginia Pine.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kelsey Wagner Arizona Cyprus Colorado Blue Spruce Concolor Fir Eastern Red Cedar Fraser Fir Leyland Cyprus Norway Spruce Virginia Pine."— Presentation transcript:


2 By Kelsey Wagner

3 Arizona Cyprus Colorado Blue Spruce Concolor Fir Eastern Red Cedar Fraser Fir Leyland Cyprus Norway Spruce Virginia Pine

4 Balsam Fir Canaan Fir Douglas Fir Eastern White Pine Grand Fir Noble Fir Scotch Pine White Spruce

5 Arizona Cyprus Colorado Blue Spruce Concolor Fir Eastern Redcedar

6 Fraser FirLeyland Cyprus Norway Spruce Virginia Pine

7 Balsam FirCanaan FirDouglas Fir Eastern White Pine

8 Grand FirNoble FirScotch Pine White Spruce

9 25-30 millions live Christmas trees are sold each year 350 million Christmas trees are currently being grown Trees are a renewable resource All 50 states in America have Christmas tree farms

10 Contain non – biodegradeable and toxic materials Not recycleable No Cjristmas Tree Scent

11 Know what size and height of tree will fit in house Research species to see tree’s inside life Choose tree that is freshest and has springy, not dry needles Have fun!

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