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About is a teen and young adult website that encourages the early detection and intervention of mental health and substance.

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2 About is a teen and young adult website that encourages the early detection and intervention of mental health and substance use issues. Ages 13-25 Seeks to increase public awareness and reduce stigma. Initiated by Fraser Health in the fall of 2009; now a partnership between Fraser Health and BC Mental Health and Addiction Services.

3 About educates and provides early support for five conditions: depression, anxiety, stress, substance use (drug & alcohol) & psychosis. In late 2012, will expand to include social anxiety and disordered eating. is an interactive website where visitors can check out how they’re feeling & get connected to support early & quickly. Support includes education, self-help tools, web links, chat link & assistance connecting to professional resources.


5 Quizzes Screening tools – provide level of severity of symptoms. Does not provide a diagnosis. Feedback is tailored to the scores. Provides recommendation to seek support.

6 Self-help and Community Resources Links Self-help resources for each of the conditions. Access to community resources: Mental Health Support & Information Line YouthinBC help phone lines & online chat ( Kids Help Phone and web counseling (

7 What to look for – early signs. Overview of anxiety, depression, stress, substance use and psychosis. Safer alcohol and drug use tips. Tools for stress management. Information Resources

8 Targeted at teens/young adults and parents, friends and those who work with teens/young adults. Delivered via third party organizations already communicating with the target audiences. Schools, recreation clubs, libraries, public health offices Posters, postcards, factsheets, articles and social media tools. Print materials available in PDF and some in print. Public Awareness Program

9 Creative Posters, postcards and ads

10 Factsheets & Worksheets

11 Importance of Early Intervention for Teens and Young Adults Mental health and substance use disorders are the primary health issues experienced by people in their teens and early 20s. 1 in 5 B.C. youth will experience a mental health or substance use disorder serious enough to cause significant distress and impair their ability to function at home, school or work, and with peers. Incident Years Lived with Disability (YLD) Rates per 1,000 Population by Age & Broad Disease Grouping, Victoria, Australia, 1996

12 Identifying an issue early and intervening early: Helps young people get better in less time. Can prevent things from becoming worse. Significantly reduces related negative impacts on self-image, self-esteem and social development. Importance of Early Intervention for Teens and Young Adults

13 Evidence suggests young people are not always well informed about mental health issues. Young people often lack knowledge of the early symptoms of mental disorders, and when, how and from whom to seek appropriate help. As a consequence, many young people with distressing mental health difficulties struggle to find appropriate assistance. Promoting mental health literacy in young people and their key helpers/gatekeepers can lead to better health outcomes. Health Literacy and Teens and Young Adults

14 Teen and Young Adults’ Information and Help-Seeking Studies indicate the majority of young people with mental health concerns seek information or assistance from friends, family and/or the internet. Over 60% of young people affected by mental health concerns do not seek professional help, according to current estimates.

15 Identify local opportunities to promote – Coffee shops, community organizations working with teens / young adults, churches, etc. – Display posters, offer postcards and factsheets. – Integrate PDFs and articles into existing newsletters, websites and communication tools. Visit to order PDFs and materials and to access support tools How You Can Support

16 Enhance for mobile technology Utilize social media: facebook, YouTube Add links to video and/or infographics Self-help tools to fill gaps Healthy living/prevention section Mobile apps – screening tools, self-management What’s Next for


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