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As your are planning for the future, following expressions are important in francophone countries: Travailler dans une banque: work in a bank Faire des.

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Presentation on theme: "As your are planning for the future, following expressions are important in francophone countries: Travailler dans une banque: work in a bank Faire des."— Presentation transcript:

1 As your are planning for the future, following expressions are important in francophone countries: Travailler dans une banque: work in a bank Faire des études de médecine: study in medical school Faire une école de commerce: study in business school

2 Passer son permis de conduire: obtain a driver license Partir en vacances: go on vacation Aller en France: go to France Être chauffeur de taxi: to be a taxi driver Travailler avec son Frère: to work with his/her brother

3 On page 130, read note culturelle On page 131, Let’s look pictures of Senegal/ students have to locate Senegal on the map **Read in French: Qu’en penses-tu? And Savais-tu que…? About Senegal: food P(peanuts= arachides) On page 132:vocbulary

4 It’s how somebody can build his/her life when young * Finish high school * Join the army Get driver’s license Go to the university, then graduate Look for a job, found a job, get married, Start a family

5 Changing Gear: Students write different steps of the life as on page 132 on white boards. There are 9 steps; each will stand up and read his/her step: from “il a réussi son bac to …il a eu une fille. ** Handouts ** Exit ticket**

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