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Key Environmental Issues in Cambodia

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Presentation on theme: "Key Environmental Issues in Cambodia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Environmental Issues in Cambodia

2 Environmental Issue Energy efficiency, technology
Air Pollution (Urban area from traffic) Water Resource management Waste water and sanitation Rural water supply Shortage of Water Resource in some places and keeps increasing Wildlife extinction/ degradation Forest degradation The fisheries decline Land Conflict Pesticide/food contamination Climate Change

3 Urban environmental issues
Water supply and Sanitation- shortage of Water resource Air quality Energy efficiency and technology Land issues Natural Forestry Fishery Biodiversity- endangered species ..

4 Training Priorities Analysis capacity (biological, chemical and geological)- water, solid waste, soil or air Statistical Sampling, sampling technique, sampling preservation and analysis Case study on wastes, soil and air Modeling application for wastewater (migration of pollutants in soil) and air pollution… Remediation of soil pollution (heavy metals and HC)- in-situ and ex-situ

5 Research Priorities Water quality and wastewater treatments
Clean water production and distribution modality Integrated research on soil-water system (anaerobic and aerobic condition) Air pollution monitoring and modeling

6 Equipments Laboratory (28,000) Field work
ICP, AAS, UV-Spectrophotometer, GC, IC Microbalance, TOC, Pure water preparation Incubators, Oven, water bath, glove box, desiccators, electronic balance, mercury analysis in soil Field work High volume sampler, Mini vol, passive tube samplers, Soil samplers, portable laboratory

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