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Where in the World is CAMBODIA? Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos Cambodia is.

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Presentation on theme: "Where in the World is CAMBODIA? Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos Cambodia is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where in the World is CAMBODIA? Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos Cambodia is slightly smaller than Oklahoma Has a tropical climate with a monsoon season (May-Nov) dry season (Dec-April) Cambodia has 20 provinces; it’s capital is Phnom Penh The Mekong River is a huge resource for both fish and travel

2 Who lives in CAMBODIA? 90% Khmer, 5% Vietnamese, 1% Chinese, and 4% other 95% Buddhist, 1% Christian, 4% other Languages: Khmer, English, French Average age of Cambodian: 21.3 yrs old More than 50% of the population is less than 21 years old. The population lacks education and productive skills, especially in the provinces. Main Industries are tourism, garments, rice, fishing…soon oil Currency: Riels or US Dollar (4,000:1)

3 History of Cambodia Angkor Wat (a famous Buddhist temple) is centered in the flag

4 Norodom Sihamoni 51, one of the sons of King Sihanouk is a dance teacher and until recently Cambodia's ambassador to UNESCO in Paris. King of Cambodia:

5 Cambodia gained their independence from France after WW2 in 1953. In April 1975, after a 5 year struggle, Communist Khmer Rouge Force captured Phnom Penh and evacuated all cities and towns. At least 1.5 million Cambodians died from execution, forced hardships, or starvation during the Khmer Rouge regime under POL POT. 1999 was the 1st full year of peace in 30 years, after the remaining elements of the KR surrendered. Some of the KR are still awaiting trial today. SINSIN

6 In a recent survey by World Vision- “50% of the boys surveyed were sexually abused before they were 9 years old.” There are 100,000 girls and women trapped in Cambodia’s sex-related industry Girls as young as 7 or 8 have been forced into prostitution 1,200 girls and women are trafficked each month from rural villages to the city SINSIN Colossians 1:13 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin. HOPE

7 Cambodia Missionary Team

8 Rob teaching the adults

9 Worship at New Heart Baptist

10 Baptism at New Heart Baptist

11 Shirley Moore teaching children

12 Youth Fellowship

13 ESL Classes at New Heart Baptist

14 What will I be doing in Cambodia? Evangelistic Outreaches in Phnom Penh and neighboring countries Preaching God’s Word Assisting the church to train future leaders in Cambodia Assisting the church to train future leaders in Cambodia Plant Churches in Cambodia. Disciple young men and youth. Teach at the local Bible College. Titus 2

15 $15,544/9 months = $1320.47 monthly expenses $2160 (plane ticket/visa/evacuation insurance) $200 (immunizations) $1200 purchase of a laptop $100 Malaysia Missions Conference $95/month Missions Board $620/month for adult support $250/month for rent $355.47/month (health insurance, self-employment tax) Going to Cambodia... Priceless! Support Needed for Demetrius to serve in Cambodia

16 Network of Support World Overcomer Ministries Warner Robins, GA Steamtown Church, Scranton, PA Grace Bible Church Dunmore, PA Individuals like you Berean Church Scranton, PA

17 So what’s next? Finish last year of Classes at BBS and complete last phase of U.S. Army Chaplaincy training in summer 08. Building relationships/raising support September 07-August 08 Serving in Cambodia: September 08

18 Pray that God would continue to grow me to be more like His son, Jesus. Pray that God would supply both Prayer and Financial support for the Ministry in Cambodia and opportunities to encourage others into full- time ministry. Pray for wisdom for the endless opportunities for ministry! It is challenging living in place where the physical and spiritual needs are so significant! Pray for those who come to Christ and face persecution Pray for my language studies and adjustment to Cambodia

19 How about YOU? Will you join the ABWE missionary team and me to share the HOPE of Jesus Christ to the Khmer people?

20 Pray for CAMBODIA Sending Church: 130 University Drive Dunmore, PA 18512 570- 342-5651 My Field Address: P.O. Box 213 Phnom Penh 3 Cambodia Demetrius Walton Assisting the church to train future leaders in Cambodia

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