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1 South-South in Practice: Implementation of Sustainable Social Protection Floors September 2013 Development and Implementation of an Integrated National.

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Presentation on theme: "1 South-South in Practice: Implementation of Sustainable Social Protection Floors September 2013 Development and Implementation of an Integrated National."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 South-South in Practice: Implementation of Sustainable Social Protection Floors September 2013 Development and Implementation of an Integrated National Social Protection Strategy Vathana Sann (PhD) Deputy Secretary General Council for Agricultural and Rural Development

2 2 Country Overview Kingdom of Cambodia,  Constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia  Landmass: 181,035 Km 2  Population: 14.5 M  Poverty : 25 %  GDP : 915$ /capita  SP Spending: 5.5% GDP

3 3 Rational  SP, part of Cambodian life from reconciliation, rehabilitation, reconstruction and development phase  Labour intensive and social assistances were the major national programs in post-war periods  End-2008, DP and RGC committed to review the existing SSN to address food security during economic crises

4 4 Rational  The new era of Social Protection has begun !!!

5 5 Rational : gaps of existing SP programs  Fragmented programs at ministerial and project sites (> 53 programs, 8 social sector ministries) on limited budget Good morning, national ownership !!! MEF

6 6 Rational : gaps of existing SP programs  The lack of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and the use of different targeting systems (1 program, 1 system)

7 7 Rational : gaps of existing SP programs  The burden of delegating implementation roles to the decentralized government with on institutional capacity

8 8 Rational : gaps of existing SP programs  The need for coordination mechanism for policy oversight and strategy development between RGC and DP

9 9 Strategy development: Development framework Priority Basic needs during emergency Human capital development Employment and food security Social health protection Special vulnerable groups Poverty profile Emergency and crises Constraints to human development Un and under employment Health issue Special vulnerability Legal frameworkExisting prog. Food distribution School feeding, scholarship Public works Health equity, insurance Social assistances Constitution National strategy Sectorial law MDG National Strategic Development Plan International conventions

10 10 Strategy development: Defining scope

11 11 Strategy development: Gradual process

12 12 Strategy development: Balancing economic and social

13 13  Natural disaster and climate changes, and climatic risks remain the challenges to livelihood of the poor  Economic progress lifted millions out of poverty, not all have benefitted from these gains  Many people are still poor, deprived of basic amenities, and vulnerable to economic and climatic risks  Growth alone can not achieve sustainable development with equity: social costs of integration must be assessed Strategy Implementation: Regional policy

14 14  With the opening of a regional job market, labor mobility will rise and broaden opportunities for employment  Low skill workers from Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar, might be pushed out by competition  60% of the workforce is engaged in the informal sector, with little social protection  With increased threats of unemployment, resulting these workers taking even more insecure and low- paying jobs Strategy Implementation: Regional policy

15 15  There might be a negative impact on regional peace, security, and prosperity.  Human development (focusing on children) and healthier, educated, and productive workforce  It is people-centred and socially responsible with a view to achieving enduring solidarity and unity among nations Equitable and inclusive growth Competitiveness in job market Climatic risks Strategy Implementation: Regional policy

16 16 2010 2015 2008 2014 2012 2009 2011 2013 Program NSPP Strategy development with 5 Objectives: Emergency situation, Human Development, Employment, Health, Special vulnerability Guiding principle (M&E, targeting, capacity development) Implementation by local administration (design, financing) CDCF IWG Social Protection Task-Force: RGC Structure, CARD, MoP, MEF MoI and 8 members Policy oversight and high level coordination Social Protection Task-Force: RGC Structure, CARD, MoP, MEF MoI and 8 members Policy oversight and high level coordination IWG / SPCG SPCU SPTF Social Protection Coordination Unit: A secretariat at CARD to facilitate the network between RGC-DP Social Protection Coordination Unit: A secretariat at CARD to facilitate the network between RGC-DP SP Core Group: Selected DP, invited for specific issue, WB, UN, EU, IFAD, ADB, AusAid … SP Core Group: Selected DP, invited for specific issue, WB, UN, EU, IFAD, ADB, AusAid … Interim Working Group on SP: join-RGC-DP forum, volunteer, open forum, 200 members Interim Working Group on SP: join-RGC-DP forum, volunteer, open forum, 200 members Cambodian Development Collaboration Forum: the highest join-RGC-DP forum for reviewing development process: Cambodian Development Collaboration Forum: the highest join-RGC-DP forum for reviewing development process: Strategy Implementation: Coordination

17 17 Strategy Implementation: Coordination

18 18 Milestone 2 Strategy implementation Milestone 2 Strategy implementation Milestone 1 Strategy development Milestone 1 Strategy development National Social Protection Strategy development and endorsement Redefining coordination roles and institutional establishment - SPCU Website - Communication - Reporting system Information Management - SPCU Website - Communication - Reporting system Information Management - Database review - SP Indicators - SP Framework Monitoring and Evaluation - Database review - SP Indicators - SP Framework Monitoring and Evaluation - SP Research Fund - SP Training - Equity campaign Partnership and Capacity Dev. - SP Research Fund - SP Training - Equity campaign Partnership and Capacity Dev. - NSDP Mid-term - ASEAN SP - Micro-insurance - SPER - NSPS Costing - Rate of Return - Policy brief Policy Support and Oversight - NSDP Mid-term - ASEAN SP - Micro-insurance - SPER - NSPS Costing - Rate of Return - Policy brief Policy Support and Oversight Existing program implementations: Social security, HEF, CBHI, SF… Design and scaling up CT, PWP Implementation modality (ISPP, SSD) Making information available for all Evidence-base monitoring SNA Capacity building and Private Sector involvement Turning policy into action Toward a more integrated and systematic approach of social protection and gradual process to comprehensive social security system Backbone strategy SP Implementation and service delivery at Sub-national level 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2015 Mapping and scoping exercise, SP background study, Strategy Implementation: Living document

19 19 Strategy Implementation: Social service delivery

20 20 Strategy Implementation: Social service delivery

21 21 Summary  Strategy development  Determining a clear analytical frameworks based on poverty profile, existing programmes, and legal framework  Defining country-specific scope and definition of social protection  Setting the gradual process of moving from safety-net based to expanded and comprehensive social security  Balancing the national focus on economic development and investment for social development

22 22 Summary  Strategy implementation:  Determining the areas of priorities at regional level where the floor of social protection can be addressed  Promoting the coordination mechanism for the engagement of policy support, M&E, partnership, and information sharing  Enhancing the role of Sub-National Authority to deliver social service with responsibility and accountability

23 23 Challenges and way forwards  SP dialogue is moving from DP agenda to a more harmonized and integrated strategic approach  No intention to phase-out and programs nor institutions, or establishment of new institutions  Moving toward capacity development for SNA for SP design and financing as part of local development plan  Guiding principles on M&E, targeting system (ID-Poor), one-window service are in place for better coordination  Developing human resources to cope effectively with the challenges of modernization and globalization  Participation of the private/business sector and the non- governmental/people's organizations.

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