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A Collaborative Partnership NATIONAL COUNCIL for Community Behavioral Healthcare Presentation for NAMI of Washtenaw County November 2012 Provided by Elizabeth.

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Presentation on theme: "A Collaborative Partnership NATIONAL COUNCIL for Community Behavioral Healthcare Presentation for NAMI of Washtenaw County November 2012 Provided by Elizabeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Collaborative Partnership NATIONAL COUNCIL for Community Behavioral Healthcare Presentation for NAMI of Washtenaw County November 2012 Provided by Elizabeth Spring RN,MS CSTS Youth and Family Services

2 What Is Mental Health First Aid? The help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a crisis until professional treatment is received or the crisis resolves.

3 What You Learn  Overview of mental health problems Depressive/Mood disorders Anxiety disorders Disorders in which psychosis occurs Substance use disorders Eating disorders  Mental Health First Aid for crisis situations  Mental Health First Aid for non-crisis situations

4 MHFA 12 Hour Course Agenda  SESSION 1  Part 1  What is Mental Health First Aid?  Mental Health Problems in the USA  The Mental Health First Aid Action Plan  Part 2  Understanding Depression  Crisis First Aid for Suicidal Behavior & Depressive symptoms 4

5 MHFA 12 Hour Course Agenda  SESSION 2   Part 1  What is Non-Suicidal Self-Injury?  Understanding Anxiety Disorders  Crisis First Aid for Panic Attacks   Part 2  Crisis First Aid for Traumatic events  Crisis First Aid for Acute Stress Reaction 5

6 MHFA 12 Hour Course Agenda  SESSION 3   Part 1  Understanding Psychotic Disorders  Crisis First Aid for Acute Psychosis, Aggressive Behavior, and Psychotic Symptoms   Part 2  Understanding Substance Use Disorder  Crisis First Aid for Overdose  Crisis First Aid for Withdrawal 6

7 MHFA 12 Hour Course Agenda  SESSION 4   Part 1  Understanding Eating Disorders  Crisis First Aid for Eating Disorders   Part 2  Using Mental Health First Aid  7

8 Potential Audiences Hospitals and health centers Employers Faith communities Schools/universities Law enforcement/first responders Nursing home staff Consumers, families and caring citizens Mental health authorities Policymakers Service providers

9 Program Origins  Created in Australia in 2001  Auspiced at the University of Melbourne  Expanded to 17 countries, including Scotland, China, Canada, Finland, Singapore, Ireland, Wales, England, Cambodia, Japan, South Africa, Thailand and New Zealand.  Piloted in the U.S. in 2008  WCCSTS participated in the pilot MHFA instructor training part and were of the first trainers in the US

10 Evidenced Effectiveness  Four published randomized control trials and a qualitative study (in Australia) Increases mental health literacy Expands individuals’ knowledge of how to help someone in crisis Connects individuals to needed services Reduces stigma & increases sensitivity Increased awareness

11 People Are Saying...  “I now feel better prepared for what might happen.” Homeless Shelter Volunteer  “This info can help a person become more understanding, rather than judgmental, of someone with a mental illness” Community Member

12 People Are Saying...  “As a new social worker entering the field this training gave me some useful skills and I love the book as a reference. U of M and EMU Social Work Graduates  “I wish we could have had MHFA training at the beginning of nursing school rather than wait until our mental health nursing course” WCC Nursing Student 12

13 People Are Saying...  “Just weeks after attending the training, I’ve already used the skills I learned in Mental Health First Aid…” Hospital Employee  “I think any professionals who deal with people should take this course, especially emergency personnel, teachers,...” Employment Services Professional

14 By the Numbers: 2008-2011  45,000+ Mental Health First Aiders  1,800+ instructors certified  45 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico

15 MHFA in Washtenaw County 2008 to 2012  CSTS has provided over 30 12 hour certification trainings to approximately 600 individuals  Audiences have included Students from WCC, UM, EMU, Concordia, Wayne State Counselors, instructors and other professional staff from our local colleges Families, consumers, peers, CSTS staff, other county staff, St. Joes, UM hospital staff 15

16 MHFA 12 hour Certification in Washtenaw County  Courses are held routinely during the WCC Mental Health Nursing Program orientation. We started to provide the training for student nurses in 2009 and about 100 students are trained per academic school year  WCC offers the 12 hr training through the Life Long Learning Department twice a year  There are CEUs provided for teachers, nurses and social workers 16

17 Local Organizations that Support MHFA and have Representatives that have Attended the 12 hour Certification Training  NAMI  Center for Independent Living  WCC  Washtenaw County  CSTS/WCHO  Several local faith based organizations  University of Michigan Health System and College  St. Joseph Hospital 17

18 How it Works Training Components  12-hour community program offered by instructors  5-day instructor certification training offered by the National Council, Missouri Department of Mental Health, and Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene

19 Upcoming Instructor Training Programs  If you are interested in attending a program, you must apply to attend an instructor training. apply  October 15-19, 2012: Salt Lake City, UT  February 11-15, 2013: Nashville, TN  April 2-6, 2013: Las Vegas, NV (preceding the National Council Conference)  June 10-14, 2013: Charlotte, NC  August 19-23, 2013: Milwaukee, WI  Tuition for the instructor course is $2,000 per person ($1,850 for National Council) includes all materials 19

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23 Vision By 2020, Mental Health First Aid in the USA will be as common as CPR and First Aid.

24 Thank you NAMI for Supporting MHFA in Washtenaw County 202.684.7457

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