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A criminal activity in which people are recruited, harbored, transported, bought, or kidnapped to serve an exported purpose (Google Definition). Examples:

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2 A criminal activity in which people are recruited, harbored, transported, bought, or kidnapped to serve an exported purpose (Google Definition). Examples: Sexual slavery Forced labor Child soldiery Click to go to next slide

3 Estimates of people trafficked per year, by region Click on countries to learn more.

4 Best Known For: Child Soldiery Biggest users of child soldiers Take children as young as the age of 10 for their military The children are forced off to camps where they are trained, beaten, and starved Burma is also a transit for human trafficking from China to Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore (“Burma”) Government involvement: (Click on “government” to find out!) Republic of the Union of Myanmar Southeast Asia The Academy for Educational Development.“Burma.” Human The Academy for Educational Development. Web. 12 Nov. 2010.

5 What are they doing to prevent human trafficking in Burma? The Women's Affairs Federation and National Committee for Women's Affairs held over 8,000 sessions to educate women about the dangers of human trafficking. The government distributed pamphlets and newsletters, and aired radio and television commercials to give people a better understanding of trafficking. “The government has collaborated with non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations to offer educational programs, poverty alleviation, vocational skill training, and micro-credit loans. Ten TV spots have been allocated to UNIAP and UNICEF to increase awareness of trafficking.” Trafficking is now included as a part of training for incoming police and military officers. The government has identified over 400 prosecutors in only 191 cases. Fifty-three of these offenders have been convicted, with sentences ranging anywhere between five years and life imprisonment. According to police reports, the Burmese government has returned over 419 victims of trafficking. The Academy for Educational Development. “Burma.” Human The Academy for Educational Development. Web. 12 Nov. 2010.

6 Best Known For: Sexual Exploitation Cambodia is a transit country for trafficking between Vietnam and Thailand. Children in Cambodia are sold for sexual exploitation and forced labor in begging rings, street vending, and stands that sell flowers. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Youth Rehabilitations found that 76 percent of trafficked persons returned from Thailand had come from families who owned land, 93 percent owned their own house and had no debt on the land or house, and 47 percent stated that their mother was the facilitator of their trafficking. Click here to find out about the Cambodian Government: The Academy for Educational Development. “Cambodia.” Human The Academy for Educational Development. Web. 12 Nov. 2010. Cambodia, a country about the size of Missouri (69,898 square miles, or 181,036 square kilometers), is located in Southeast Asia, on the Indochinese peninsula.

7 What are they doing to prevent human trafficking in Cambodia? 1996 Law on Suppression of Kidnapping, Trafficking and Exploitation of Humans: indicates the illegality of trafficking women, men, or children. If caught, minors under the age of 15 will serve between 15-20 years in prison; anyone older than 15 may serve up to 14 years imprisonment. According to the Cambodian Ministry of Interior, the police arrested 65 people for human trafficking, and 53 were convicted with penalties ranging from 5 to 24 years of imprisonment in 2006. The Cambodian government is raising awareness through posters, television, radio, and traditional local theater. In 2006, the police conducted an awareness raising campaign among 20,000 students in Seim Reap and 3,000 students in Phnom Penh. Cambodia continues to assist U.S. law enforcement authorities in the transfer to U.S. custody of Americans who have sexually exploited children in Cambodia The Academy for Educational Development. “Cambodia.” Human The Academy for Educational Development. Web. 12 Nov. 2010.

8 Best Known For: Sexual Exploitation More than 40% of 484 prostituted girls rescued during major raids of brothels in Bombay in 1996 were from Nepal. In cross border trafficking, India is a sending, receiving and transit nation. Receiving children from Bangladesh and Nepal and sending women and children to Middle Eastern nations is a daily occurrence. Every year between 5,000 and 7,000 Nepalese girls are trafficked into the red light districts in Indian cities. Many of the girls are barely 9 or 10 years old. 200,000 to over 250,000 Nepalese women and girls are already in Indian brothels. Hughes, Donna M. “India.” Factbook on Global Exploitation.Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. Web, 16 Nov. 2010. Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, between Burma and Pakistan

9 What are they doing to prevent human trafficking in India? Government authorities make uneven efforts to prosecute traffickers and protect trafficking victims Government authorities continued to rescue victims of commercial sexual exploitation and forced child labor and child armed combatants, and began to show progress in law enforcement against these forms of trafficking A critical challenge overall is the lack of punishment for traffickers, effectively resulting in impunity for acts of human trafficking; As of 2008 India had not yet ratified the 2000 UN TIP Protocol CIA FACTBOOK:

10 Best Known For: Sex and labor exploitation Kenya is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation Kenyan children are trafficked within the country for domestic servitude, forced labor in agriculture(such as working on flower plantations), cattle herding, in bars, and for commercial sex, including involvement in the coastal sex tourism industry Kenyan men, women, and children are trafficked to the Middle East, other East African nations, and Europe for domestic servitude, exploitation in massage parlors and brothels, and forced manual labor, including in the construction industry. Click here to find out about the Kenyan Government: ya-2.htm Kenya, a country in Africa which is in size occupies about as much land area as two Nevada's would. Is located in Eastern Africa, bordering the Indian Ocean, between Somalia and Tanzania

11 What are they doing to prevent human trafficking in Kenya? Kenya’s government is failing at this time to punish traffickers Although they are making an effort to challenge traffickers as well as investigate on going evils of trafficking. Kenya does not prohibit all forms of trafficking While it prohibits sexual exploitation of people it is not so harsh as far as work exploitation is concerned. On a positive note; in 2008, The Ministry of Labor raided and shut down an unregistered recruitment agency that was illegally sending Kenyan migrant workers to Dubai. With the assistance of NGO lecturers, the Kenya Police Training College provided anti-trafficking and child protection training to police recruits Info on Kenya’s governemtn…

12 Best Known For: Sex and labor exploitation Singapore is a destination location for women and children who are trafficked from Thailand, the Philippines, the People's Republic of China and Indonesia. Once here they are forced into commercial sexual and labor exploitation. Many women migrate here to become prostitutes and later are forced into sexual servitude. Click here to find out about Singapore’s government. tries/singapore Singapore is about 3.5 times bigger than Washington DC. It is a small island at the southern tip of the Malayan Peninsula between Malaysia and Indonesia

13 What are they doing to prevent human trafficking in Singapore? The Singaporean Government was placed in tier 2 the 2007 U.S. Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report for fully complying with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking but was making significant efforts to do so.2007 U.S. Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report Singapore does not have a specific anti-trafficking law, however it does have many laws to prosecute, protect, and prevent human trafficking. Such laws include the Women’s Charter, Children and Young Persons Act, and the Penal Code. The Singaporean Government funds shelters and local NGOs provides health care, security, and developmental programs for victims of human trafficking.

14 The United Nations estimates that up to 7 million women and children are trafficked around the world. This is estimated to gross 7 billion dollars annually Victims of trafficking are subject to gross human rights violations including, rape, torture, forced abortions, starvation, and threats of torturing or murdering family members. Traffickers recruit women and children through deceptive means including falsified employment advertisements Poverty Lack of education Exploitation and mistreatment of people Cambodia’s illegal sex trade generates $500 million a year. No less than 55,000 women and children are sex slaves in Cambodia, 35 percent of which are younger than 18 years of age. Over 5,000 women and children have been trafficked from the Philippines, Russia and Eastern Europe and are forced into prostitution in bars servicing the U.S. Military in South Korea information/human-trafficking-facts-figures/

15 Traffickers are… Members of sophisticated networks of organized crime Family members and friends of the victim Those who have already been victimized by trafficking

16 The best thing you can do is educate yourself! The more people who know about this, the less likely it is to occur. Donate to organizations such as The Project to end Human Trafficking Blue Heart Website

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