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WHAT IS IRD? A non-profit humanitarian organization that works on the continuum of relief to development, specializing in conflict and post-conflict settings.

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2 WHAT IS IRD? A non-profit humanitarian organization that works on the continuum of relief to development, specializing in conflict and post-conflict settings. Community-based approach allows more rapid response and greater scalability of projects. More technically-oriented than most non-profits and more community-based than most for-profits. Adept at transitioning programs from relief to stabilization to development.

3 WHAT HAVE WE ACCOMPLISHED SINCE 1998? Assisted more than 100 million people Implemented more than 100 programs Operating in 40 countries Over $1.75 billion in aid More than 3,000 employees globally

4 PRIMARY DONORS U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) U.S. Department of State (DOS) United Nations Church of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) U.K. Department for International Development (DfID) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

5 Programs: Afghanistan Armenia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Cambodia Cameroon Chad Colombia Cuba Ethiopia The Gambia Georgia Haiti Honduras Indonesia Iraq Jordan Kosovo Laos Lebanon Liberia Mali WHERE WE WORK Mauritania Montenegro Mozambique Nepal Niger Pakistan Senegal Serbia Sri Lanka Sudan Swaziland United States Ukraine West Bank/Gaza Yemen Zimbabwe Shipments: Benin Kenya Philippines Vietnam

6 PROGRAM SECTORS Democracy and Governance Sustainable Food and Agriculture Systems Infrastructure Health Community Stabilization Relief & Humanitarian Aid

7 The IRD Approach: Sustainable Food and Agriculture Systems Value Chain Development (input suppliers, producers, processors, financing, marketing) Private Sector Linkages Capacity Building for Sustainability Partnerships

8 AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT Vouchers for Purchase of Inputs and Equipment Development of Producers Associations Regional Markets Conservation Agriculture

9 ZIMBABWE: Restoring livelihoods by strengthening the value chain of smallholder peanut farmers (REVALUE)

10 GAMBIA, SENEGAL and GUINEA- BISSAU: Raising incomes through cashew production

11 MALI: Working with small holders to improve sesame value chain

12 MOZAMBIQUE: Promoting local seed nurseries to increase vegetable production

13 FOOD AID & NUTRITION Assistance to Refugees and Returnees Nutrition Education School Feeding Development of Fortified Food Products

14 CAMEROON: Distributing seeds and farming equipment to refugees from Central African Republic

15 CAMBODIA: Nutrition education for pregnant and lactating mothers

16 LAOS: Utilizing donated food to provide nutritious meals for school children

17 INDONESIA: Working with the private sector to produce fortified food products

18 CAMEROON: Replicating a successful public- private partnership in Africa

19 Combine provided through CRDA, Serbia IMPROVING LIVES


21 David Prettyman, Deputy Director Sustainable Food and Agriculture Systems IRD 1621 North Kent Street Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22209 703-248-0161

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