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SUMMARY Azool is a combination herbal supplement designed to help restore balance in our digestive system and promote over-all health and well-being. Azool.

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Presentation on theme: "SUMMARY Azool is a combination herbal supplement designed to help restore balance in our digestive system and promote over-all health and well-being. Azool."— Presentation transcript:


2 SUMMARY Azool is a combination herbal supplement designed to help restore balance in our digestive system and promote over-all health and well-being. Azool contains FIVE herbs that can help: Control one’s appetite by reducing the craving Give satiety much faster, Reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and fats Prevent long term weight gain Promote better metabolism Provide mental alertness, endurance and stamina.

3 HERBAL INGREDIENTS NOPAL (Opuntia steptacantha) : also known as NOPALES in Latin America This Prickly Pear cactus is RICH IN FIBER and PECTIN that absorb water and help provide the feeling of fullness. It contains ALKALOIDS have been shown to have a positive effect on blood sugar as well as reduce carbohydrate cravings1. 1 Diabetes Care 1988 Jan; 11(1):63-6 Hypoglycemic effect of Opuntia streptacantha Lemaire in NIDDM. Frati-Munari AC, Gordillo BE, Altamirano P, Ariza CR. Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico La Raza, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Mexico D.F.

4 H2O

5 NOPAL It can also help reduce Bad Cholesterol levels by promoting the excretion of fat from the body 2 and aids in digestion by absorbing toxins from the bowel as well increasing the passage of food through the system. 2 Journal of Nutrition. v122. n12. (Dec, 1992): Prickly pear (Opuntia sp.) pectin reverses low density lipoprotein receptor suppression induced by a hypercholesterolemic diet in guinea pigs. Fernandez, M.L., Lin, E.C.K., Trejo, A., McNamara, D.J.

6 GARCINIA CAMBODIA CITRIN® (Garcinia cambodia) is an extract from the rind of this Indian tamarind. The extract Hydroxycitric acid reduces the conversion of carbohydrates into stored fat by inhibiting certain enzyme processes.

Fat cells are part of the body’s storage system during starvation. Excess sugar are converted to GLYCOGEN and TRIGLYCERIDES.

WHITE KIDNEY BEAN EXTRACT (Phaseolus vulgaris): the extract has been shown to block the absorption of the starchy foods by as much as 66% by blocking the action of the enzyme that breaks down starch into glucose according to a UCLA study 4. 4 Altern Med Rev 2004 Mar 9 (1):63-9 Blocking carbohydrates absorption and weightloss: a clinical trial using Phase 2 brand proprietary franctionated white bean extract. Udani J, Hardy M, Madsen DC UCLA School of Medicine, Integrative Medicine Program, Northridge Hospital, 8250 Roscoe Blvd, Suite 240, Northridge, CA 91325, USA.

9 ACTION OF THE WKBE AMYLASE is the enzyme that breaks down sugars.
The EXTRACT stops the AMYLASE from cutting apart the starch molecules. In the study, the patients lost body fat not lean muscle. There was a significant reduction in both weight and waist size.

10 GREEN TEA EXTRACT GREEN TEA EXTRACT (Camellia sinensis) : green tea has been found to increase the metabolism of brown fat and burns off energy leading to a decrease in body fat and weight. A study showed that green tea administration in mice lowered its total cholesterol and triglycerides as well as reduced the mice appetite 5. 5 In Vivo 2000 Jul-Aug: 14(4):481-4 Effects of green tea on growth, food utilization and lipid metabolism in mice. Sayama K, Zheng G, Oguni I Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University, Japan.

11 Take 2 capsules daily 30 minutes before meals with 8 oz of water.

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