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Leopard “”””””’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ nitin Sharma leopard.

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Presentation on theme: "Leopard “”””””’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ nitin Sharma leopard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leopard “”””””’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ nitin Sharma leopard

2 Leopard kingdom: animalia phylum: chordata Class: Mammalia Order: carnivora Family: felidae

3 LEOPARD SCIENTIFIC NAME: Panthera Pardus COMMON NAME: snow leopard

4 Geographical range Africa, Asia, middle East

5 HABITAT & TYPE OF SYSTEM The geographical distribution of Panthera pardus extends from the whole of the African continent south of the Sahara and along the North African coast, to the Arabian Peninsula, to the Middle East, to South and South-East Asia up to the Amur Valley in the Russian Far East. Leopards inhabit semi- deserts and savannahs, but also live in coniferous forests in moderate regions, subtropical deciduous forests and grasslands as well as in tropical rainforests, with the exception of Sumatra and Borneo.

6 population Range StateHabitat Area (km 2 ) Estimated Populati on Afghanistan50,000100-200 Bhutan15,000100-200 China1,100,0002,000-5,000 India75,000200-600 Kazakhstan50,000180-200 Kyrgyz Republic 105,000150-500 Mongolia101,000500-1,000 Nepal30,000300-500 Pakistan80,000200-420 Tajikistan100,000180-220 Uzbekistan10,00020-50

7 Population trend Decreasing day by day

8 Countries where they are found Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Congo, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Indonesia, Iran, Islamic Republic of, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Liberia, Malawi, Malaysia, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe

9 Threatened of leopard The main threat to the snow leopard's survival comes from human activities ; Poaching Retribution killings and conflict with herders Habitat and prey loss Lack of awareness, policy, and implementation

10 poaching Leopards are hunted illegally for their pelts, which are sought after especially in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Russia for coats and other garments. Snow leopard bones and other body parts are also in demand for use in traditional Asian medicine. Finally, live cats are sometimes captured from the wild for private animal collections in Central Asia. Many of the poachers are local people from snow leopard areas, who often live on just a few dollars a day. For them, poaching may be a lucrative source of extra income to help them feed their familie

11 Retribution killings and conflict with herders Snow leopards sometimes prey on domestic livestock. Herders in snow leopard areas lead precarious economic lives, and their wealth is almost entirely tied up in their herds. The loss of even a single sheep or goat represents a real economic hardship. Herders often retaliate for these losses by trapping, poisoning, or shooting snow leopards.

12 Habitat and prey loss As humans push ever further into mountainous areas with their livestock, the snow leopard's habitat is degraded and fragmented. Overgrazing damages the fragile mountain grasslands, leaving less food for the wild sheep and goats that are the snow leopard's main prey.prey Legal and illegal hunting for meat and trophies is also depleting prey populations. This situation also increases conflict with local people, because snow leopards are more likely to kill domestic livestock when their natural prey is scarce.

13 Lack of awareness, policy, and implementation Effective conservation programs depend on the support of local people in snow leopard areas, but many herders are struggling to provide for their families and have little extra time and energy to devote to protecting other species. Similarly, many snow leopard range country governments are focused on economic development and providing basic services to their citizens, and it is difficult for them to make environmental protection a policy priority. Political instability, the lack of money to enforce laws and protected area boundaries, and the difficulty of catching poachers in the snow leopard's remote and rugged habitat all make effective protection for the cat more difficult to secure.

14 What phylum The leopard are found in phylum: chordata.

15 Food web

16 food web The “Food Chain” game is created by dividing the players into various categories – herbivores (primary consumers), omnivores (secondary consumers), and carnivores (tertiary consumers). Each category is given a certain number of lives: 9 lives for herbivores, 6 lives of omnivores, and 3 lives for carnivores.

17 consequences There are very less leopard are found over Asia and Africa. Some of get hunted and some died naturally. The leopard has a thick, beautiful grey to yellowish-grey coated with large black rosettes. A few leopards are remaining on this earth. Their population is decreasing day by day. Hunting for its beautiful coat is just one of the reasons this cat has become an endangered species in this universe. In Asia, leopards are found in very low range as they are being hunted by the hunters.

18 Personal response Biodiversity is the variation of life forms. Biodiversity is often used as a measure of the health of biological found millions of distinct biological species, which is the product of nearly 3.5 billion years of evolution. Biodiversity is a contraction of biological diversity. Biodiversity reflects the number, variety and variability of living organisms. Biodiversity includes many species like animals, plants and humans. It’s a study of all living things. Each organism plays a niche role in an ecosystem. If we maintain and tend to our earth, then it will give us good result. Protected areas are an extremely important part of programs to conserve biodiversity.

19 biodibersity Biodiversity is very important. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, or big all have an important role to play. A healthy biodiversity provides a number of natural services for everyone like ; Ecosystem services, such as Protection of water resources Soils formation and protection Biological resources, such as Wood products Food Social benefits, such as Cultural values Recreation and tourism

20 Bibliography biodiversity-important-who- cares#WhyisBiodiversityImportant biodiversity-important-who- cares#WhyisBiodiversityImportant

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