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RUSSIAN ACCESSION TO THE WTO. GOALS:  Improvement of existing conditions for access of Russian products to foreign markets and provision of non- discriminatory.

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2 GOALS:  Improvement of existing conditions for access of Russian products to foreign markets and provision of non- discriminatory treatment for Russian exporters;  Access to the international dispute settlement mechanism;  Creation of a more favorable climate for foreign investments as a result of legal system change in accordance with the WTO standards;  Expansion of opportunities for Russian investors in the WTO member-countries, particularly, in the banking area;  Creation of conditions for growth of domestic production’ quality and competitiveness as a result of increased flows of foreign goods, services and investments to the Russian market;  Participation in negotiations of the international trade agreements taking into account national interests;  Improvement of the image of Russia as a competent international trade participant.

3 Main stages of Russia’s WTO accession negotiations 1. 1995 - the “Memorandum on Foreign Trade Regime” 2. 1995 - supplements to the Memorandum, encompassing the so- called “new” areas: trade in services, trade related intellectual property rights, trade related investment measures 3. 1996 - specifically addressed Russian documents related to the “new" issues 4. 1996 - the non-tariff regulation, customs valuation, and legislative developments review, the problems in Russian agriculture in the light of the accession negotiations 5. 1997- government trade and trade related intellectual property rights 6. 1997 - Russia’s legislation development, including laws on procurement, technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and agriculture.

4 Main stages of Russia’s WTO accession negotiations (cont.) 7. 1997- was held in a formal setting and addressed: Russia’s legislation development; Russia’s legislation development; industrial subsidies; industrial subsidies; trade related investment measures (TRIMS); trade related investment measures (TRIMS); preferential trade agreements. preferential trade agreements. 8. 1998 review of the bilateral negotiations progress; review of the bilateral negotiations progress; Russia’s legislation development, including that pertaining to investments; Russia’s legislation development, including that pertaining to investments; technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phytosanitary measures; technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phytosanitary measures; industrial subsidies; industrial subsidies; customs valuation procedures; customs valuation procedures; number of bilateral consultations. number of bilateral consultations.

5 Main stages of Russia’s WTO accession negotiations (cont.) 9.1998 review of the latest developments in legislation;review of the latest developments in legislation; trade related intellectual property rights;trade related intellectual property rights; agriculture.agriculture. a number of bilateral consultationsa number of bilateral consultations 10.2000 review of Russia’s legislation development;review of Russia’s legislation development; services;services; industrial subsidies;industrial subsidies; customs valuation;customs valuation; technical barriers and sanitary and phytosanitary norms;technical barriers and sanitary and phytosanitary norms; review of bilateral negotiations andreview of bilateral negotiations and the future agenda of the Working Party.the future agenda of the Working Party.

6 Main stages of Russia’s WTO accession negotiations (cont.) 11.2000 review of the latest developments in legislation;review of the latest developments in legislation; trade related intellectual property rights;trade related intellectual property rights; preferential trade agreementspreferential trade agreements bilateral negotiations progress review bilateral negotiations progress review 12.2001 Russia’s legislation development,Russia’s legislation development, discussions on the submitted Russia’s updated Trade Policy Reviewdiscussions on the submitted Russia’s updated Trade Policy Review a multilateral meeting on agriculture.a multilateral meeting on agriculture. 13.2002 bilateral negotiations (tariffs and services),bilateral negotiations (tariffs and services), negotiations on agriculture;negotiations on agriculture; work on bringing Russian legislation in compliance with WTO norms and ruleswork on bringing Russian legislation in compliance with WTO norms and rules

7 Main stages of Russia’s WTO accession negotiations (cont.) 13-16 – year 2002: the article-after-article discussions on the draft Report, multilateral consultations on agriculture One important result of the meeting was a tighter schedule of talks for the first four months of 2003. 19-21 – year 2003: new suggestions on the text of the final report, including the ones referring to financial and currency policies, competition, division of authorities between the center and the subjects of the Federation and exemptions on certain tariffs.

8 Main stages of Russia’s WTO accession negotiations (cont.) 22-25 – year 2004: Final report on Russia’s accession to the WTO.Final report on Russia’s accession to the WTO. At present, there are 67 member countries (EU counts as one) in the Working Party on Russia's WTO accession involved in the negotiations, over 50 of them are involved in the negotiations on goods market access and more than 30 ones - on services market access.

9 U.S. – Russia WTO Bilateral Market Access Agreement Highlights and Key Results: Creates new market access opportunities and should strengthen economic relations between our countries.Creates new market access opportunities and should strengthen economic relations between our countries. Addresses long-standing trade irritants between the two sides and puts trade relations on a more cooperative course, particularly with respect to agriculture where veterinary services will work closer together.Addresses long-standing trade irritants between the two sides and puts trade relations on a more cooperative course, particularly with respect to agriculture where veterinary services will work closer together. Sets the stage for an intensification of work in the multilateral phase of negotiations where the RF and the United States and other trading partners will work in close collaboration on Russia’s Protocol of Accession and Working Party Report.Sets the stage for an intensification of work in the multilateral phase of negotiations where the RF and the United States and other trading partners will work in close collaboration on Russia’s Protocol of Accession and Working Party Report. Encourages greater transparency and a strengthening of the rule of law in Russia and fosters economic reform in Russia, which will improve the conditions for expanded commercial relations between countries.Encourages greater transparency and a strengthening of the rule of law in Russia and fosters economic reform in Russia, which will improve the conditions for expanded commercial relations between countries.

10 Agriculture: Russia is almost a $1 billion export market for U.S. agriculture products, and our largest export market for poultry.Russia is almost a $1 billion export market for U.S. agriculture products, and our largest export market for poultry. The 2003 Bilateral Meat Agreement, which covered beef, pork and poultry, will continue to be in force through 2009. WTO Bilateral Market Access Agreement provides the framework for Russia’s post-2009 treatment of these key products in the WTO.The 2003 Bilateral Meat Agreement, which covered beef, pork and poultry, will continue to be in force through 2009. WTO Bilateral Market Access Agreement provides the framework for Russia’s post-2009 treatment of these key products in the WTO. The sanitary inspection by Russian veterinary authorities.The sanitary inspection by Russian veterinary authorities. The tariff commitments will benefit U.S. farmers, ranchers, and food processors of wheat, corn, barley, apples, pears, grapes, raisins, almonds, walnuts, pistachio nuts, dairy, soybeans, soybean meal, soybean oil, pet food, pork, beef and poultry, among others, once Russia joins the WTO and we apply the agreement.The tariff commitments will benefit U.S. farmers, ranchers, and food processors of wheat, corn, barley, apples, pears, grapes, raisins, almonds, walnuts, pistachio nuts, dairy, soybeans, soybean meal, soybean oil, pet food, pork, beef and poultry, among others, once Russia joins the WTO and we apply the agreement.

11 Industrial Goods: Russia is currently a $2 to $3 billion market annually for U.S. industrial and consumer goods.Russia is currently a $2 to $3 billion market annually for U.S. industrial and consumer goods. Russia agreed to cut tariffs on manufactured goods to an average of 8 percent. Industrial goods important to the U.S. – Russian commercial relationship will realize even larger tariff cuts. Sectors that will benefit the most: civil aircraft and parts, medical and scientific equipment, agriculture, power generation and construction equipment, information technology, and chemicals.Russia agreed to cut tariffs on manufactured goods to an average of 8 percent. Industrial goods important to the U.S. – Russian commercial relationship will realize even larger tariff cuts. Sectors that will benefit the most: civil aircraft and parts, medical and scientific equipment, agriculture, power generation and construction equipment, information technology, and chemicals. Russia also will establish a much more transparent system for the import of electronic goods with encryption, a major U.S. export, which permits a simple one-time notification of many products and sets specific ground rules for granting licenses for products that require an import license.Russia also will establish a much more transparent system for the import of electronic goods with encryption, a major U.S. export, which permits a simple one-time notification of many products and sets specific ground rules for granting licenses for products that require an import license.

12 Services Russia agreed to provide improved market access for U.S. service suppliers in a broad range of important sectors, including audiovisual, construction, distribution, express delivery, engineering, environmental, financial, telecommunications, fixed satellite, and business services.Russia agreed to provide improved market access for U.S. service suppliers in a broad range of important sectors, including audiovisual, construction, distribution, express delivery, engineering, environmental, financial, telecommunications, fixed satellite, and business services. On banking and securities, Russia agreed to allow up to 100 percent foreign ownership of banks, broker dealers, and investment companies upon accession.On banking and securities, Russia agreed to allow up to 100 percent foreign ownership of banks, broker dealers, and investment companies upon accession. On insurance, Russia will allow foreign insurance companies to operate through subsidiaries, including 100% foreign- owned non-life insurance companies, and branching after a transition period.On insurance, Russia will allow foreign insurance companies to operate through subsidiaries, including 100% foreign- owned non-life insurance companies, and branching after a transition period. Russia retains the discretion to impose limits on new foreign direct investment in the banking and insurance sectors, if the ratio of foreign investment (excluding many investments) to total investment in the sector exceeds 50 percent.Russia retains the discretion to impose limits on new foreign direct investment in the banking and insurance sectors, if the ratio of foreign investment (excluding many investments) to total investment in the sector exceeds 50 percent.

13 Intellectual Property Rights: Binding blueprint for actions to address piracy and counterfeiting and improve protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights before Russia completes its accession to the WTO.Binding blueprint for actions to address piracy and counterfeiting and improve protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights before Russia completes its accession to the WTO. Russia has agreed to take specific actions, and to enact laws by specific dates, to fight optical disk piracy and internet piracy, and work to enact laws by specific dates to protect pharmaceutical test data, establish tougher criminal penalties for IP crimes, strengthen border enforcement, and bring its IPR legislation into line with international norms. There are specific deadlines built into the agreement.Russia has agreed to take specific actions, and to enact laws by specific dates, to fight optical disk piracy and internet piracy, and work to enact laws by specific dates to protect pharmaceutical test data, establish tougher criminal penalties for IP crimes, strengthen border enforcement, and bring its IPR legislation into line with international norms. There are specific deadlines built into the agreement. Russia has committed to fully implement the TRIPS Agreement and other IPR-related international agreements upon accession, and to ensure that any changes to its existing legislative regime for IPR, including those made in the context of Part IV of the Civil Code, do not reduce consistency with key international IPR standards.Russia has committed to fully implement the TRIPS Agreement and other IPR-related international agreements upon accession, and to ensure that any changes to its existing legislative regime for IPR, including those made in the context of Part IV of the Civil Code, do not reduce consistency with key international IPR standards.

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