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FAR Therapeutic Arts and Recreation. Boards are changing fast. Sources for this report: Board Source Independent Sector Chronicle of Philanthropy Center.

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Presentation on theme: "FAR Therapeutic Arts and Recreation. Boards are changing fast. Sources for this report: Board Source Independent Sector Chronicle of Philanthropy Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAR Therapeutic Arts and Recreation

2 Boards are changing fast. Sources for this report: Board Source Independent Sector Chronicle of Philanthropy Center for Philanthropy at Indiana University National Council of Nonprofits Nonprofit Resource Center Rick Kress, Gift Planning Associates

3 The public demands transparency. Sarbanes-Oxley Donors have information and understand it better Charity Navigator, Guidestar Costly government regulation

4 Resources are squeezed tighter and tighter. Competition is ramped up by mega campaigns Some programs within a NPO will close NPO management layers are very thin Public funding is volatile Corporations continue to decline in giving

5 Competition is keen for board members. Oldest Baby Boomers are winding down– younger board members operate very differently Experienced NPO board members even harder to recruit Civic incentives often overshadowed by business demands

6 Technology promises access and efficiency. Online resources provide value with board portals and acceptance of electronic meetings Teleconferencing is efficient and more widespread TED Talks one example of web-based value

7 Diversity is a missed opportunity… so far. NPO boards are not diverse by most demographic measures Circles of influence grow with more diverse board membership Funders now giving scrutiny to board composition and pressuring for diverse voices and skills at the table

8 Governance models are shifting. Caretaker board model fading Board structure focusing more on strategy and impact and advocacy Younger board recruits attracted by this shift

9 Board resources have advanced. Quality training more accessible Many publications now focus on NPO board work Best practices more easily shared

10 For boards, mission remains the anchor. “I want to give back” “I want to make a difference” “I believe in what you do” “I feel a responsibility to advance this organization’s work”

11 NPO boards have a positive future. “Challenges never end, they change with the times. So must we!” “Board service is meaningful, satisfying.” “Being on this board is a way to express my values in a practical way.”

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