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Acquisition Manager’s Guide to CLOE/CBM+ (AMG2CC) And Dashboard

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1 Acquisition Manager’s Guide to CLOE/CBM+ (AMG2CC) And Dashboard
AMG2CC Conference 25 February 2015

2 Agenda Background & Staffing Process
Staffing Comments, Feedback and Observations AMG2CC Overview Dashboard Overview and Demonstration DASA-APL Path Forward Wrap-Up


4 AMG2CC Purpose and Approach
The purpose of AMG2CC is to assist Platform-Level PMs to be interoperable with the Logistics Enterprise through the CLOE and to Achieve CBM+ Functionality Provide “how to” guidance to PMs for selecting and implementing CLOE/CBM+ capabilities Support Self–Assessment of CLOE/CBM+ progress via an accompanying dashboard tool “How to” guidance for implementing CLOE/CBM+ Implementation progress reported at system acquisition reviews Review Purpose (stress platform-level PMs) Approach is to -1) Produce an AMG2CC that provides “how to” instruction for selecting and implementing CLOE/CBM+ capabilities (see graphic on the left) -2) Develop an accompanying dashboard that, based on criteria in guidebook, allows PMs to measure and score and implementation progress Checklist-driven dashboard tool AMG2CC and Dashboard Facilitate Measurement Of Implementation Progress

5 AMG2CC Staffing & Trial-Use Period
2013 2014 2015 DASA APL Guidance Memo ASA(ALT) Vector Check Conference Conference Coordination Penn State ARL NAVSEA USMC AMG2CC AMG2CC Rev 1 PM-STRYKER, JLTV, AMPV PM EE&SS TACOM ILSC CECOM LRC & PM PM-HBCT PM APACHE Log

6 Review - Objectives AMG2CC Dashboard
How-to, Not A Strategy or Business Case Document ~40 Pages In Main Body, Rest In Appendices Dashboard Support PM Self-assessment Of CBM+ Topic areas Described In AMG2CC Staff AMG2CC through Army CLOE/CBM+ stakeholders LIA Conducted Preliminary Staffing With Support From ATEC and The Army Materiel Command Life-Cycle Management Commands at TACOM, AMCOM and CECOM ODASA(APL) Promoted staffing Through PEOs/PMs For Trial Use Period Wrap-Up Conference & Workshop Provide Update to Stakeholders on Staffing Process Provide Penn State ARL, NAVSEA and USMC Perspectives on RCM and CBM+ Provide ODASA (APL) Path Forward for AMG2CC and Dashboards Objectives agreed to between ASA(ALT) and LIA

7 Update Selection of Lead Organization for Army CBM+ Store & Forward (SaF) Implementation Lead Organization: PEO EIS / PD-AMIS; Supporting Organizations: CASCOM, HQ AMC, G- 4/LIA, TACOM/AMCOM/CECOM LCMCs, CERDEC Recent CBM+ Activities AMC CBM+ 5 Year Plan CASCOM CBM+ CONOPS CBM+ SaF Problem Statement CBM+ SaF Course of Action Analysis and Recommendations Continuing Efforts Army Integrated Logistics Architecture (AILA) CERDEC CBM+ Communication Systems Architecture (CCSA) Common CBM+ Architecture (CCA) Governance Army CBM+ Executive Steering Committee (ACSC) – In addition to AMC G-3/4; G-44(M) and CASCOM Chief of Ordnance added as Co-Chairs HQDA Business Process Council and Army Business Council Term: SaF: Store & Forward The CBM+ SaF implementation follows the Operational and Systems Architecture for CBM+ developed by the CERDEC CBM+ initiative. The CERDEC CBM+ initiative consists of the Communication Systems Architecture for CBM+ (CCSA) and the Common CBM+ Architecture (CCA). The CCSA, when integrated with CBM+ threads in the AILA, creates the Common CBM+ Architecture (CCA).

8 Comment Summary, Feedback & Observations

9 Current Status: Comments To-Date
# Organization # Comments 1 ASA(ALT) ASA(ALT), Director of Policy & Staff 28 2 LIA (CLOE) CLOE 26 3 AILA (Govt & contractor teams) 30 PNNL 11 4 5 HQ AMC HQ, AMC CBM+ Systems Engineering IPT 31 6 ATEC IPS Evaluator, Mounted Systems 7 PEO Soldier 29 8 PM PM-ABCT (VHMS) (CPC) 9 PM-GCV ILS PM-ABCT Govt 18 10 JNN 12 JLTV 13 CERDEC CERDEC CBM+ 25 14 UNIVERSITY PSU ARL TOTAL COMMENTS 258 Twelve Organizations Fourteen Reviewing Teams 258 Comments

10 Feedback Positives Negatives Principal Change Recommendations
All Stakeholders Liked The Concept Of The Dashboard. No Stakeholder Disagreed With The Use Of The Dashboard Compliance Gauge In The SQC. Negatives None; The 262 Written Comments Received Were All Constructive Criticisms. Principal Change Recommendations Stakeholders Suggested Scoring Criteria Changes for Dashboard Categories For Platform Software And Platform COMM

11 Observations Surprises Principal Improvement Suggestions
Most PM Log Divisions Are Not Familiar With DODAF - They Have To Search To Find DODAF Expertise (PD-MBTS /VHMS Is The Exception). Most PMs We Talked To Do Not Implement RCM. They Do Implement Reliability Programs. Principal Improvement Suggestions Incorporate Dashboard Scoring Criteria In The Body Of The AMG2CC. Have A CLOE-CBM+ Acquisition SOW Template In The AMC2CC for New Programs. Need Tighter Synchronization Between CAPDEV and MATDEV WRT Army RCM Policy

12 AMG2CC Discussion

13 AMG2CC Topics Introduction, Scope CBM+ Concepts and Platform Examples
Tactical Wheeled Vehicles (MRAP & FMTV) Fighting Vehicles (Abrams, Stryker) Aircraft (AH-64) C4ISR (SICPS w/TQG) CLOE/CBM+ Implementation Assessment Topics (6) RCM DODAF Architecture Standards and the CLOE STDV-1 CLOE/CBM+ Hardware and Software Infrastructure CBM+ Data Categories, Routing and Formatting Platform Communication Capabilities Standardized Integrated Command Post System (SICPS)

14 AMG2CC Topics Dashboard
Cites Weapon System Examples of Hardware & Software Implementation Reliability - Centered Maintenance (RCM) 2 CLOE/CBM+ DODAF Architecture 3 Data Standards 4 Network Communications 5 CBM+ Hardware & Software 6 CBM+ Data Categories 1 Each Topic Addresses: Concept Policy Standards Checklist Transitioning to AMG2CC content, the graphic on the left captures the “meat and potatoes” of the guide, which are the six implementation and compliance topics for CLOE/CBM+. Each topic provides a description of the concept, relevant policy and standards, and an implementation checklist. Starting at bottom is RCM programs…you need to set up this program first to guide CBM+ in terms of maintenance strategies and data collection. Next two levels address CLEO architecture and data standards, ensuring the platform can interoperate with the Log Enterprise. Next topic is HW/SW implemented on platform (e.g. SAE data buses, health mgt computer, IETMs), CBM+ data categories provides guidance on type of data to collect and transmit to Log Enterprise, and finally Commo to transfer the data. Dashboard

15 Army Platform Examples of CBM+ Imple-mentation


17 Dashboard(s) There Are Two Dashboards Why Have Two Dashboards?
A Worksheet-style Dashboard With The Checklists For Five Of The Six CLOE-CBM+ Compliance Topic Areas In The AMG2CC, Which Is Used To Build The Second Dashboard Dashboard 2 A Dashboard Without The Checklists, Adding RCM Status (Completing the 6 CLOE-CBM+ Topic Areas) Why Have Two Dashboards? Cleaner Presentation of CLOE/CBM+ Implementation Topics Without Clutter on the GUI. GUI: Graphical User Interface

18 What The Dashboard(s) Are
The Dashboards Are Adobe Flash Objects, Created Using A Software Program Called SAP Dashboard. As Flash Objects, They Can Be Embedded License-free In Microsoft Office Applications, Such As Word And PowerPoint, And Adobe PDF Documents. The Dashboards Present The Six Implementation Topics In The Form Of Gauges That Give A Sense Of Implementation Progress And Status. Each Of The Six Topics Are Summed Into One Master Status Gauge

19 The Dashboards 1 2 Platform Worksheet Master Assessment 3
Black-bezel Gauge Readings on Left are Transferred to Right Comments on text boxes: Input mechanisms are the icons around the outer black-bezel gauges Two of the inner black-bezel gauges are driven by two outer gauges (values are summed) Inner black-bezel gauges are summed on the master assessment gauge If RCM input is not green, Overall Assessment is set to mid-Yellow. RCM assessment gauge values are drawn from AR and AR 750-1, both of which mandate that The MATDEV RCM program must follow the guidelines of SAE standards for RCM, Identify PoCs, and document the RCM program in the Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCMP). These criteria determine the RCM gauge setting. 1 Outer Black-bezel Gauges Readings are Determined by Input Mechanisms 4 RCM Status Acts as a “Throttle” on the Master Gauge 2 Inner Black-bezel Gauges Sum The Outer Gauges

20 Sustainment Quad Chart with CLOE/CBM+ Implementation Assessment

21 PM Self-Assessment Example

22 PM ABCT (VHMS) Platform Self-Assessment

23 Dashboard Operation (Separate Demonstrations)

24 CCA Discussion CCA: Common CBM+ Architecture

25 What is the CCA? WHAT: The CCA Is An Integrated Architecture Description Which Describes The CBM+ Infrastructure For End-to-End CBM+ Capabilities And Contains Metrics For Analysis. WHY: Solutions For Achieving CBM+ capabilities for A MATDEV Will Vary. However, The Infrastructure Which Those Solutions Utilize Is Common Across The Army. Common: Data Transmission Systems & Networks, Transport Software / Services (e.g. JDMS, JTDI), Standards (ABCD, MIMOSA), CBM+ Consumers (CCBMDW, Maintainers, Commanders, etc.), Etc. Metrics: Data Sizes, Network Background Traffic, Network Throughput Rates, Capabilities, Network Classification Levels, etc.

26 Value of the CCA Reduces Risk Reduces Cost and Schedule
Provides a Common Approved Infrastructure Verified and Validated by ASA(ALT) and TRADOC Ensures Alignment to the CLOE Ensures Interoperability with LOGSA and the CCBMDW Reduces Cost and Schedule Single Integrated Communication Solution vs Multiple Shortens Development timelines Promotes Data Re-Use Eliminates Redundant Efforts Provides Architecture Analysis Capability to perform SoS Interoperability Analysis Network Performance & IA Analysis Supports and Leverages Technology Insertion Supports Effective Decision Making Support Compliancy to Army and DoD AILA Integrated Achieved through the CCA Supports All PM efforts in CLOE Compliance (AMG2CC) Compliant with: CJCSI F, AR 70-1, AR 750-1, DoDI , etc. Redundant Efforts Common Infrastructure PM B Data Function Data Specifics Services Function Specifics Vs Standards Common Services Common Standards PM C PM A

27 What is at the Core of the CCA?
End-to-End “Common” CBM+ Infrastructure encompassing Information and Network Systems 26 DoDAF v2.02 Compliant Views 50 Key Systems (Information and Transmission) 35+ Platform Placeholders include ground, air and C4ISR platforms. 300,000+ Data Attributes organized to provide efficient analysis with minimal effort to support effective decision making Data Attributes

28 Integration Process The AMG2CC identifies at a high level how to integrate with the CCA. The CCA Integration Plan v1.0 is comprised of the following topic areas (Appendix C of the AMG2CC): Integration Methodology Pre-Integration Check List Purpose & Scope Consistency Integration Boundaries Architectural Effectiveness Measurement Integration Methods IV&V Process Transition to Integrating Stakeholder (PM / LCMC)

29 CCA Integration Process Produces an AILA-Compliant, [PM or LCMC] Integrated CBM+ Architect

30 Path Forward

31 DASA APL Path Forward Sustainment Quad Chart
Sustainment Quad Chart Is Preferred Approach for CLOE-CBM+ Implementation Progress Reporting Institutionalize in Army Policy (e.g., AR ) Continuing AMG2CC Support (TBD) DASA (APL) LIA ATEC HQ AMC Institutionalizing AMG2CC and Dashboard DA PAM proposal

32 Discussion

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