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EAP, Work/Life & Wellness The Integration of EAP, Work/Life & Wellness: EAPA Regional Spring Conference Glen Allen, Virginia April 3, 2014 Patricia A.

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Presentation on theme: "EAP, Work/Life & Wellness The Integration of EAP, Work/Life & Wellness: EAPA Regional Spring Conference Glen Allen, Virginia April 3, 2014 Patricia A."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness The Integration of EAP, Work/Life & Wellness: EAPA Regional Spring Conference Glen Allen, Virginia April 3, 2014 Patricia A. Herlihy Ph.D, R.N Flavor of the Day or Here to Sta y

2 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Think Different “The people who are crazy enough To think they can change The world… “The people who are crazy enough To think they can change The world… Are the ones who do…. Steve Jobs, 1997

3 Workplace Anxiety imagine the moments that cause you the most anxiety…

4 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Bring Your Therapist to Work Day!


6 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Question and Answer Definitions Overview 1 EAP Trends 2 Work/Life Trends 3 Wellness Trends 4 6 The Whole Puzzle 5

7 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Related Research  National Survey of EAP and W/L programs (1993) Response Rate 79%  Longitudinal Study of EAP, W/L and Wellness Programs (1990- 2008) Response Rate 97%  National Survey of EAP & W/L Professionals (2000) Response Rate 15% (6,351)  International Survey of EAP, W/L and Wellness Vendors (2002) Response Rate 78%  The Nat. Behavioral Consortium Industry Profile of External EAP Vendors (2012)

8 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Definitions EAPs - set of professional services specifically designed to improve and/or maintain the productivity and healthy functioning of the workplace and to address a work organization particular business needs (EAPA 2011) Work Life - A business strategy based on the knowledge that active support for employee success at work AND at home yields bottom line benefits for all stakeholders (AWLP 2011) Wellness - A state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able is make a contribution to his or her family and community" (World Health Organization, 2007)

9 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Variations in Delivery Models Employee EAP Work Life

10 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness How To Make Stress Your Friend

11 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Historical Backdrop of EAP 1940’s Beginnings 1940’s Beginnings 1950’s & 1960’s (OAPs) 1970’s NIAAA Thundering Hundred 1970’s NIAAA Thundering Hundred 1980s Broad Brush 1980s Broad Brush 2000 Wellness 2000 Wellness 1990’s Managed Care 1990’s Managed Care 1995 Work Life 1995 Work Life 2009 SBIRT in workplace 2009 SBIRT in workplace 2012 Technological Advances 2012 Technological Advances

12 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Trends in the EAP Field

13 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Trends in the Work/Life Field The Working Families Flexibility Act & The Healthy Families National Dialogue (Marissa Mayer – Yahoo) Central public health issueWork-life efforts increasing Legislative/policy activity Telecommuting W/L Research Arena – (global focus) Small to medium size companies

14 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Wharton School of Business University of Pennsylvania Study Hot Topic in Work/Life 1992 2012  79% of students plan to have children  Believed that they could “have it all”  41% students plan on having children  Feel the need to make a choice between work and family.

15 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Trends in Wellness Goal – Saving $$$ Nudging towards a Culture of Wellness Rand Study: Pepsico Debate about Cost Effectiveness of Wellness Programs Gamification Social networking Mobile technology Self Help Apps Video Conferencing Texting with younger clients

16 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Effectiveness of Wellness Programs Low touch not as effective as High touch in changing behaviors  APPS  Social Sharing High Touch Involves cultivating more personal relationships  Phone calls  Meetings  Printed Materials  Emails  Conferences Low Touch Involves reaching as many people as possible


18 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Concept of Integration Quality of the state of collaboration that exists among departments required to achieve unity of effort by the demands of the environment (Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967)

19 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Changes in Integration over Time 10% Claim to be Integrated 93% Integrated in some fashion 23% Claim to be Integrated 33% Claim to be Integrated 62% Prediction for Market Integrated

20 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Putting The Puzzle Together EAP Work/Life Wellness

21 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Variations of Models Internal EAPs* 18% EAP & W/L 62% EAP & Wellness 23% W/L & Wellness 15% * Internal EAPs in this sample did not facilitate an integrative model of service delivery


23 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Barriers to Integration Model Confidentiality Concerns - Major Stumbling Block Concern about decrease in Quality of Services if integrated Corporate Culture of. Decentralization ingrained over time New Administration not focused on Employee Services Multiple Vendors and wanting tighter control

24 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness  Major Umbrella overseeing 6 employee benefit services (i.e. Diversity, Disease Management, and Disability) Emerging Models  Wellness now moving back under EAP focus – due to current debates in field  Health & Productivity- measure their demographic, participation & outcome metrics - using to measure integration of all the employee services

25 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Stress Management

26 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Research Interest from Respondents Cost Benefit AnalysisModels for providing these services globallyHow sustain interest in programs during difficult financial timesHow to measure impact of programs on productivityDemonstrate Effectiveness of Integrated ModelDemographics- How deal with 4 different generations in work force

27 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Employee Assistance Archive School of Social Work Collection A publicly available online, free, permanent digital archive system House Employee Assistance research and current articles in the field Preserve Employee Assistance History with collection of all important documents in the field Authors can submit their own materials once cleared by Dr. Jodi Jacobson Frey

28 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Resources  EAP: National Behavioral Consortium Study of External EAP Vendors  Work Life: Meet Generations Z: The generation within the Great Millennials  Wellness: Managing Manifest Diseases, But not Health Risks, Saved Pepsico Money over Seven Years

29 EAP, Work/Life & Wellness Question & Answer Question & Answer What creates Anxiety in your Workplace? What creates Anxiety in your Workplace? What methods help successfully “soothe” anxiety in your workplace? What methods help successfully “soothe” anxiety in your workplace? How does Integration/Collaboration assist or distract in soothing anxiety in your workplace? How does Integration/Collaboration assist or distract in soothing anxiety in your workplace?

30 Thank you! Thank you!


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