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CYCLONE NARGIS MBDS Regional Coordinating Office.

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1 CYCLONE NARGIS MBDS Regional Coordinating Office

2 Cyclones in the Myanmar History 1165 – Bagan Period (Irrawaddy Cyclone) 1476, 1479, 1528 – Hanthawaddy Period 1765, 1782 – Kone Boung Period 1876 – First Meteorology Department May 17, 1884 – Sittwe Cyclone Apr 26, 1936 – Kyauk Phyu Cyclone Oct 5, 1948 – Sittwe Cyclone Oct 24, 1952 – Sittwe Cyclone May 18, 1967 – Sittwe & Kyauk Phyu Cyclone May 10, 1968 – Sittwe Cyclone May 5-7, 1975 – Pathein Cyclone May 12 & 17, 1978 – Kyauk Phyu Cyclone







9 Strong tropical cyclone Nargis developed in the Bay of Bengal about 360 miles off of the southeast coast of India on April 27, 2008. The storm was centred about 210 kilometres west of Haing Gyi island at the mouth of the Ayeyawaddy (Irrawaddy) river, or about 430 kilometres southwest of Yangon. Cyclone Nargis

10 At 14:30 local time on 2nd May 2008, Cyclone Nargis was crossing over Haing-Gyi Island in Irrawaddy Division with winds of 80 miles per hour (mph). At the time, the cyclone was still picking up speed and headed towards the east. At 16:00 local time on 2nd May 2008, category 3 cyclone Nargis made landfall in Irrawaddy Division (southwest of Yangon) with winds of approximate 132 mph and a storm surge of 12 feet.

11 At late night of May 2, the cyclone had struck Yangon with winds of approximate 90-100 mph, tearing down the trees and power lines. It tracked towards the northeast to Bago Division, Kayin (Karen) State and Mon State on May 3. Irrawaddy Division, Yangon Division, Bago Division, Kayin (Karen) State and Mon State were declared as the five disaster zones in Myanmar. The cyclone skirted the northwest Thailand before dissipating the Mon State in Myanmar. Finally, it died down near the Thai-Myanmar border.

12 The government declared 134,000 people death or missing State media announced 77,738 deaths, 55,917 missing, 19,359 injured, 5.5 millions of people affected (May 16) UN estimates around 1.4 million of 2.4 million survivors are living without aid Damage estimates US$ 10 billions Destruction of 980,000 hectares of paddy which accounted for 10% of Myanmar’s paddy cultivated area or a loss of 1.9 million tons of rice Killed 173,000 heads of draught cattle Started 3 days of mourning for victims on May 20

13 Images of the Myanmar Coast by NASA's Terra satellite Before Tropical Cyclone Nargis flooded the region on April 15, 2008 Showing the devastation of flooding caused by Tropical Cyclone Nargis on May 5, 2008




17 Main Affected Areas by Cyclone Irrawaddy Division Haing Gyi Island Ngapudaw Township Labutta Township Mawlamyinegyun Township Bogale Township Pyapon Township Kyaiklat Township Dedaye Township Mawgyun Township Yangon Division Yangon City Mingalardon Township Dala Township Kungyangon Township Kawhmu Township Kyauk Tan Township Twantay Township Thanlyin Township Thongwa Township Kayan Township

18 Source: UNOCHA


20 Aid Promised for the Cyclone Affected Victims by Countries in the World (May 7, 2008)

21 Towns Flooded after the Cyclone (May 12, 2008)

22 Flooding Condition by States & Divisions (May 5, 2008)




26 Aid Condition of Cyclone Affected Victims (May 23, 08) United Nations Red CrossINGOs & NGOs Public Oraganizations Relief Aid Total affected victims in 40 Townships (Of total 2.4 millions affected, 1.4 millions from Irrawaddy Division are worst affected) Among 110,000 victims from the relief camps in 14 Townships, 70% in monastery 28% in Government buildings 2% in tent camps Affected victims in Yangon Division – 680,000 Among 2.4 millions affected, only 42% (1,017,000) was being aided (May 23, 08) Among 2 millions victims from 15 worst affected 15 Townships, only 23% (470,000) was being aided (May 23, 08) Source: UNOCHA, UN Health Cluster, USAID

27 Number of Cyclone Affected Victims & Distances Yangon 680,000 Pathein 34,500 Pyapon 240,000 Kyaiklat 178,000 Maubin 100,000 Mawgyun 230,000 Bogale 286,000 Labutta 190,000 Source: UNOCHA, UNJCL Land River way 204 km 4 hr by car 3 hr by car 81 km 19 km, ½ hr by car 40 km 240 km 35 km ½ hr by car 1½ hr by boat

28 Thai Medical Team to Myanmar With collaboration among 2 countries Ministry of Foreign Affair, Ministry of Public Health and MBDS, Royal Thai Medical Team was departed from Yangon to those cyclone affected area on May 17, 2008. The preparatory team of 8 members arrived at Yangon on May 16, 2008. A Thai Medical Team of 30 members was staying in the cyclone affected areas of Myaung Mya and Labutta Townships, providing treatments for injuries, trauma and general medical care to the locally affected victims during the period May 19 to 30, 2008.

29 Preparatory Team 1.Dr. Prat Boonyawongvirot Permanent Secretary 2.Dr. Wachira Pengjuntr Deputy Director – General Department of Mental Health 3.Dr. Kumnuan Ungchusak Director, Bureau of Epidemiology Department of Disease Control 4.Dr. Surachet Satitniramai Acting Secretary National Institute of Emergency Medical Service Office of the Permanent Secretary

30 5.Dr. Sopida Chavanichkul Director, Bureau of International Health Office of the Permanent Secretary 6.Mrs. Pamornrat Asavasena Public Health Officer, Planning Division Department of Disease Control 7.Mr. Nattapol Intha – it Foreign Relations Officer Bureau of International Health Office of the Permanent Secretary 8.Dr. Moe Ko Oo MBDS Regional Coordinator Preparatory Team (cont’)

31 Members of Thai Medical Team Physicians General Surgeons Orthopedics Surgeons Epidemiologist Psychiatrics Nurses These people from Ministry of Public Health, Red Cross, Hospitals

32 Thai Medical Team Summarized Cases (19-27 May 2008) Total patients – 3,768 cases Total population – 21,953 people Total shelters – 20 shelters Male – 1,785 cases Female – 1,587 cases Children (<15 years) – 930 cases Adult (≥ 15 years) – 2,783 cases

33 Diseases (Most Common Diagnosis) 1. Acute Respiratory Infection – 1,445 cases - Upper RI – 1,373 cases - Lower RI – 72 cases 2. Muscle pain / Joint pain – 582 cases 3. Dyspepsia / Abdominal discomfort – 391 cases 4. Acute Diarrhea – 236 cases 5. Wound / Infected wound – 153 cases

34 10 Syndromic Communicable Diseases in Surveillance 1. Bloody diarrhea – 1 case 2. Acute diarrhea – 235 cases 3. Suspected Measles – 0 case 4. Suspected Meningitis – 0 case 5. Suspected Dengue – 1 case 6. Acute Jaundice Syndrome – 1 case 7. Acute Respiratory Infection – 1,445 cases 8. Suspected Malaria – 40 cases - Confirmed Malaria (Pf) – 1 case 9. Fever with unknown origin– 14 cases 10. Cluster of diseases of unknown origin – 0 case

35 Rapid Test Performs 1. Malaria Rapid Test – 40 cases - Confirmed P. falciparum – 1 case 2. Filaria A+B Rapid Test – 16 cases - All negative Medical Procedures Major operation – 3 operations (2 Cleft lip closure, 1 Release scar contractor) Minor operation 1. Casting – 6 cases 2. Suturing wound – 10 cases 3. Dressing wound – 121 cases 4. Incision & drainage – 28 cases



38 Acknowledgement Ministry of Health & Ministry of Foreign Affair, Myanmar Ministry of Public Health & Ministry of Foreign Affair, Thailand Nuclear Threat Initiative’s Global Health and Security Initiative

39 Reference Links    emid=TC-2008-000057-MMR&rc=3  nargis/index.asp?gclid=COC77Kau2pMCFQE_egodaj3 qYw   =134&Body=Myanmar&Body1=


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