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Know Your Nutrition BY Dr. ABHAYA R. JOGLEKAR Professor of Home Science Govt. D.B.P. G. Girls’ College, Raipur(C.G.) +919425203225

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1 Know Your Nutrition BY Dr. ABHAYA R. JOGLEKAR Professor of Home Science Govt. D.B.P. G. Girls’ College, Raipur(C.G.) +919425203225

2 For B. Sc. (Home Science) Part I Unit- I Concept of Nutrition

3 What is Nutrition? As per Turner ”Nutrition is a Combination of process by which all parts receive and utilize the materials necessary for the performance of their functions and for the growth and rejuvenation” The Study how our body uses food that we eat

4 Good Nutrition : Under Nutrition Over Nutrition Good Nutrition : The person is receiving and utilizing essential nutrients in proper proportion as required by the body Under Nutrition : it refers to low food intake. Over Nutrition : it refers to an inadequate or even excessive intake or poor utilization of the nutrients to meet the body requirements.

5 AgeReligionCultureEconomic statusCommunityTraditionGeneticsMedicineHealthAgricultureTechnologyScienceEducationclimate Factors influencing Nutrition

6 Sign of Good Nutritional Statu Sign of Good Nutritional Status 1.Shiny hair 2.Clear eyes 3.Alert expression 4.Well developed strucutre 5.Correct weight in relation to height 6.Good stamina 7.Person have regular sleep

7 Sign of Poor Nutritional Status Person has poor physique. Person has little stamina. Dull and luster less hair Dull eye Slumped posture Fatigue and depression. Over weight Diet, sleep and elimination habits irregular Nutritional deficiency

8 Food Guide Pyramid Fat, oils and sweets to be used sparingly 2-3servings of meat, fish, beans, eggs and nuts 2-3servings of milk, yogurt, cheese 2-4 servings of fruits 3-5 servings of vegetables 6-11 servings of cereals

9 Foods divided in five groups Cereals and millets- 60% Body building foods -15% fruits and vegetables-10% Protective foods-10% Energy group- 5%

10 Nutrients A nutrient is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body. Some provide energy. All help build cells and tissues, regulate bodily processes such as breathing. No single food supplies all the nutrients the body needs to function.

11 Functions of Nutrients Supply energy to body Build and repair tissue Regulate body processes

12 Nutrients Carbohydrates FatProteinVitaminsMinerals Water


14 Macro - Nutrients Carbohydrates Protein Fats

15 Macro- Nutrients provides energy Carbohydrates - 1gram =4calorie Protein - 1gram=4 calorie Fat-1gram=9calorie

16 Micro- Nutrient s Vitamins Minerals

17 Balance Diet Which contains different types of foods in such quantities and proportions so that the need for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients is adequately met and a small provision is made for extra nutrients to withstand short duration of leanness. It should provide bioactive phytochemical such as fibre, antioxidants and nutraceuticals

18 Balance Diet 60-70% Carbohydrates 10-12% Protein 20-25% Fat

19 Variables which affects Nutrient nee ds  Age  Gender  Activity  Climate  Health

20 Build a healthy body Maintain your weight Be physically active Eat rainbow of foods Eat raw fruits and vegetables

21 Continue Continue…. Each meal should consist all the five food group Use whole grains, parboiled grains and malted grains Include 2 cereals in one meal-rice and wheat Small and frequent meals

22 Continue… Continue…. 2-3 serving of pulses should be taken daily Drink plenty of water Milk and milk product should be included daily Salt should be consumed in moderate amount Choose a diet low in saturated fat

23 Keep food safe to eat Avoid processed foods Prepare a menu

24 Start your day with break fast Include sprouted grains Meditation helps to reduce stress


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