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Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 2: Technical Support Services.

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2 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 2: Technical Support Services 2.1 Production Support Services 192 Beneficiaries provided with PSS Individuals 1,5481,08372167 Groups 6423575 Goods distributed mainly through Organizations. No list of individual recipients submitted INPUT Vegetable Seed distributed (kilos) 100 54.855 Planting materials distributed Perennial crops (pieces) 7,5505,5008,660157 Animal distributed (number) 4,7303,5253,827109 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: PS = 8,693,000.00 PS= 7,109,990.00 PS= 81.79 MOOE= 4,090,000.00 MOOE= 2,923,594.00 MOOE= 71.48 Total= 12,783,000.00 Total= 10,033.584.72 Total= 78.49

3 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 2.3 Extension Support, Education, and Training Services (ESETS) 91 Participants trained 6030 100 INPUT INDICATOR Training and training related events conducted (number) 111100 IEC materials disseminated (number) 2,000 1,25063 Technology demonstrations established/ maintained (number) 777100 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 600,000.00MOOE= 442,003.58MOOE= 73.67

4 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 2.4 Research and Development 100 Research and Development Projects/ Activities Funded (number) Conducted (number) 5 55100 Continuing to be completed 4 th quarter Research Facilities Maintained(number) 444100 continuing Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: PS = 13,764,000. 00 PS= 9,314,479.54 PS= 67.67 MOOE= 2,915,000.00 MOOE= 1,248,288.44 MOOE= 42.82 Total= 16,679,000.00 Total= 10,562,767.98 Total= 63.33

5 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 5: Agricultural Equipment and Facilities Support Services 100 INPUT INDICATOR Production Facilities maintained 18 100 Nurseries (number) 333100 Tissue Culture Lab. (number) 111100 Scion garden/ grove (number) 10 100 Citrus, Rambutan, Cacao, Pomelo, Mango, Guyabano, Santol, Pili nut, Guapple Vermiculture (number) 444100

6 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 6: Plant and Animal Regulation Services 100 FMD-free (no. Of provinces) 6 66100 RFO is doing disease surveillance and monitoring Avian Influenza (no. of provinces maintained at zero incidence) 6 6 6100 INPUT INDICATORS Regulatory documents issued (number) 136 certification, permits, licenses, registration (land use reclassification, animal show, permits, animal handlers, etc.) Quarantine stations maintained (number) 5 Quarantine stations are still integrated as regional RFO act. Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 433,000.00MOOE= 349,570.00MOOE= 80.73

7 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 2: Technical Support Services 2.1 Production Support Services Beneficiaries provided with PSS 13,014 Seeds distributed: Starter seeds (locally adopted) (no. of 20 kg. bags) 812 25832 No available seeds at PhilRice of the preferred variety, remaining targets to be sourced from seed grower cooperatives Hybrid Seeds 214 100 Inbred certified seeds for buffer stocking (no. of 40-kg. bags) 6,0002,5006,000240 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 28,314,000.00MOOE= 22,294,859.17MOOE= 78.74

8 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 2.2 Extension Support, Education and Training Services Beneficiaries trained - AEWs (no.) 154 Beneficiaries trained - farmers 1,580 4,767 Other beneficiaries on IEC, etc (no.) INPUT INDICATOR Training and training related events conducted (no.) 446 IEC materials disseminated (no.) 15,000 12,500 11,500 92 Techno demo established (no.) 50 4284 Individuals given incentives (no.) 1,128 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 34,347,000.00MOOE= 15,947,870.38MOOE= 46.43

9 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 2.4 Research and Development services Production related R&D activities conducted (no.) 856120 Research facilities upgraded (no.) 5 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 18,622,000.00MOOE= 8,912,030.91MOOE= 47.86

10 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 3. Irrigation and Development Services Percent (%) project completion within 9 months 50 SSIPs constructed/ installed/ rehab (no.) 47 1226 Beneficiaries of Irrigation Services ((no.) 2,246 0 Service area generated (has.) 1,405 30 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 143,170,000.00MOOE= 96,744,765.60MOOE= 67.57

11 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 5. Agricultural Machineries and PH Facilities Beneficiaries of PH Equip. & Facilities (# of individuals) 10,941 Farm production equipment & machinery distributed (no.) 106 Production facilities maintained (no.) 11 PH equipment & machinery distributed (no.) 1,210 PH facilities established/ constructed 140 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE = 78,805,000.00 MOOE = 37,284,342.06 MOOE = 47.31 CO = 23,000,000.00 CO = 14,052,028.00 CO = 61.09 Total = 101,805,000.00 Total = 51,336,370.06 Total = 50.43

12 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 2. Technical Support Services 1. Production Support Services (PSS) Individual Beneficiaries on PSS (no.) 3,341 INPUTS OPV Corn Seeds distributed (kgs) 2,360 1,53065 Cassava seed pieces distributed 130,000 54,00042 Bio-control agents distributed 900,000800,000130,00016 Distribution on-going Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 52,091,000.00 MOOE= 41,030,294.57 MOOE= 78.77 CO= 300,000.00 CO= 227,978.70 CO= 76 Total= 52,391,000.00 Total= 41,258,273.27 Total= 78.75

13 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 2. Market Development Services Market related events conducted (no.) 76350 Matching to prospective buyers to be done this 4 th quarter Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 250,000.00MOOE= 115,090.45MOOE= 46.04

14 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 3. Extension Support, Education and Training Services Individual beneficiaries trained (no.) 1,440 93765 INPUTS Training & training-related events conducted (no.) 59462861 IEC materials disseminated (no.) 6,170 2,00032 Techno demo established (no.) 2023 To be established this 2 nd cropping season Individuals given incentives (no.) 60 100 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 7,720,000.00MOOE= 4,333,992.26MOOE= 56.14

15 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 4. Research and Development Services R & D activities conducted 555100 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 600,000.00MOOE= 365,563.77MOOE= 60.93

16 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 5. Agriculture equipment and Facilities support services Group Beneficiaries on production equipment and facilities (no.) 77 Group beneficiaries on PH equipment and facilities (no.) 72 Farm production equipment and machinery distributed (no.) 16 Production facilities maintained (no.) 111100 PH equipment & machinery distributed (no.) 65 PH facilities established (no.) 7 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 59,490,000.00MOOE= 50,251,681.00MOOE= 84.47

17 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 2. Technical Support Services 1. Production Support Services (PSS) Beneficiaries provided with PSS Individual (no.) 2023316 Groups (no.) 60 2847 Seeds distributed (kgs.) 467 34474 Seeds distributed (pcs) 627,20081,38713 Production on-going Planting materials distributed (pcs) Farm equipment/ machinery distributed (no.) 188 196104 Production facilities established (no.) 193989799 Production facilities rehab. (no.) 4 Production facilities maintained (no.) 151112109 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE = 46,285,000.00 MOOE = 35,476,942.02 MOOE = 76.63 CO = 1,050,000.00 CO = 487,112.16 CO = 46.39 Total = 47,335,000.00 Total = 35,964,054.18 Total = 75.98

18 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 2. Market Development Services Market studies/ research conducted VCA benchmarking (no.) 111100 Market related events conducted Local (no.) 22150 To be conducted by November Market related events attended Local (no.) 108338 To be conducted by November International (no.) 111100 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 1,700,000.00MOOE= 1,185,552.48MOOE= 69.74

19 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 3. Extension Support, Education and Training Services Participants trained (no.) Farmers/ Entrepreneurs 810396837211 AEWs 32426414254 Training and training-related activities conducted (no.) 272229132 Techno demo conducted (no.) 444100 IEC materials disseminated (pcs) 2,100 1,00048 For delivery by November Radio plugs connected (no. of times) 666100 Support to AEWs (no. of AEWs) 195 100 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 9,775,000.00MOOE= 7,453,189.91MOOE= 76.25

20 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 3. Irrigation Development Services Percent of projects completed within 9 months (%) 50 Beneficiaries of irrigation services (no. of groups) 918595112 Area served with irrigation services (has.) 19517313579 SSIPs constructed/ installed (no.) 91 HDPE pipes distributed/ installed (meters) 17,400 100 Water Plastic drums distributed (no.) 70 120171 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE = 9,365,000.00 MOOE = 8,502,552.67 MOOE = 90.79 CO = 60,000.00 CO = Total = 9,425,000.00 Total = 8,502,552.67 Total = 90.21

21 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 5. Agricultural Equipment & Facilities Support Services Beneficiaries of PH equipment and facilities (no. of groups) 104100 Processing equipment distributed (no.) 260582 For delivery PH/ Processing facilities (no.) 3531 Procurement and construction on-going PH equipment distributed (no.) 322 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE = 20,855,000.00 MOOE = 11,462,759.46 MOOE = 54.96 CO = 300,000.00 CO = TOTAL = 21,155,000.00 TOTAL = 11,462,759.46 TOTAL = 54.18

22 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 2. Technical Support Services 1. Production Support Services Beneficiaries of PSS services Individuals (no.) 36,52027,81033,362120 Groups (no.) 205165189115 Forage seeds distributed (kgs) 280 27096 Large animals distributed (heads) 65 91140 Poultry distributed (heads) 7,2005,9005,86699 Semen straws distributed (no.) 2,0001,5001,877125 Drugs, biologics distributed (doses) 130,10098,525283,186287 more NCD, blackleg and rabies vaccines from BAI Production facilities maintained (no.) 444100 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE = 38,106,000.00 MOOE = 29,382,963.77 MOOE = 77.11 CO = 2,600,000.00 CO = 1,321,634.51 CO = 50.83 TOTAL = 40,706,000.00 TOTAL = 30,704,598.28 TOTAL = 75.43

23 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 2. Market Development Services (MDS) Beneficiaries provided with MDS (groups) 16 1275 Market related events conducted (number) 16 1275 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 60,000.00MOOE= 56,720.00MOOE= 94.53

24 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 3. Extension Support, Education and Training Services Participants trained (no.) Farmers/ Entrepreneurs 360320358112 AEWs 20 1050 Training and training-related events conducted (no.) 12 Techno-demo conducted (no.) 488100 IEC materials disseminated (pcs) 55,00088100 Support to AEWs (no. of AEWs) 155185 100 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE = 8,624,000.00 MOOE = 6,699,103.52 MOOE = 77.68 CO = 123,000.00 CO = 37,800.00 CO = 30.73 TOTAL = 8,807,000.00 TOTAL = 6,736,903.52 TOTAL = 76.49

25 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 4. Research and Development Services R&D activities/ project conducted 333100 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 500,000.00MOOE= 107,140.00MOOE= 21.43

26 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 6. Plant and Animal Regulation Services Reduction/control in incidence of major pest and diseases Foot and mouth diseases (no. of provinces with zero incidence) 666100 Avian Influenza (no. of provinces maintained at zero incidence) 666100 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE=

27 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 2. Technical Support Services 2.1 Production Support Services Beneficiaries of PSS (no.) Seeds distributed 6005806010 For delivery and distribution on- going Animals distributed (heads) 3,876 261 For delivery Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 9,371,000.00MOOE= 7,945,315.76MOOE= 84.77

28 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 2.2 Market Development Services Market- related events funded- Local 65480 Investment fora Market-related events funded- international 110 Moved to 4 th quarter Market related events conducted (no.) 3 Market-related infrastructure facilitated (organic trading post) 200 Awaiting MOA Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 4,280,000.00MOOE= 3,798,858.91MOOE= 88.76

29 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 2.3 ESETS Participants trained (no.) Training & training-related events conducted (no.) 4 IEC materials disseminated (no.) 20,04420,04342 Printing on-going AEWs, others, provided with incentives (no.) 6 Techno demo projects established (no.) 220 Supplies and materials for procurement Techno demo projects maintained (no.) 440 Proposal for approval Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 6,253,000.00MOOE= 2,968,000.00MOOE= 47.47

30 Program/ Activity/ Project Physical TargetPhysical Accomplishment Remarks Annual As of September 30 % As of September 30 MFO 5. Agriculture Equipment & Facilities Support Services Beneficiaries of Equipment & facilities Individuals (no.) Groups (no.) Farm production related machinery and equipment distributed (no.) 310 Production facilities established (rainshelter, vermiculture, bio-mixing plants) (no.) 174 Production facilities upgraded/ maintained (concoction center) (no.) 3 PH equipment distributed (no.) 12 Total Allotment:Total Obligation:% Obligation: MOOE= 1,030,000.00MOOE= 803,140.00MOOE= 77.97

31 Thank you.

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