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New Technologies for Challenging Situations – Perennial and Nursery Crops in California S. Schneider, T. Trout, J. Gerik USDA ARS, Parlier, CA H. Ajwa,

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Presentation on theme: "New Technologies for Challenging Situations – Perennial and Nursery Crops in California S. Schneider, T. Trout, J. Gerik USDA ARS, Parlier, CA H. Ajwa,"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Technologies for Challenging Situations – Perennial and Nursery Crops in California S. Schneider, T. Trout, J. Gerik USDA ARS, Parlier, CA H. Ajwa, B. Westerdahl U C, Davis

2 Challenging Situations  Field Nursery Crops strict nematode control regulations in Californiastrict nematode control regulations in California efficacy needed to 150 cmefficacy needed to 150 cm crop rescue if nematode management failscrop rescue if nematode management fails

3 Challenging Situations  Perennial Crop Replant roots from previous crop can harbor nematodes deep in the soilroots from previous crop can harbor nematodes deep in the soil management is needed for more than one seasonmanagement is needed for more than one season “minor” failures compound over the life of the vineyard or orchard“minor” failures compound over the life of the vineyard or orchard

4 Challenging Situations  Ornamental Crops diversity of cropping systemsdiversity of cropping systems – 145 crops/grower at one time short cropping cycleshort cropping cycle – residual activity of pesticides proximity to urban areasproximity to urban areas

5 Common Issues  diversity of soil types  diversity of climates  diversity of pests & pathogens  dependence on methyl bromide

6 Potential Solutions  new materials  new application technologies  rescue technologies  site-specific management  innovative combinations of all tools available

7 New Materials  covered previously by Dr. Rodriquez-Kabana  Performance in perennial, nursery, and ornamental systems will be presented

8 Application Technologies  Drip Irrigation Systems as a delivery vehicle for fumigants closed systemclosed system use water to move emulsified materialsuse water to move emulsified materials adapt to distribution pattern neededadapt to distribution pattern needed – bed vs. broadcast – shallow vs. deep post-plant applications of supplemental materialspost-plant applications of supplemental materials

9 Optimization of Drip Fumigation  application rate; minimum efficacious rate for drip fumigation vs. shank injection  amount of irrigation water needed for optimum distribution of fumigants in various soils  drip tape configurations (emitter discharge rate, emitter spacing, and drip tape spacing)  combination of fumigants at reduced rates  impermeable film (VIF) vs standard PE mulch  pre-irrigation, initial soil water content Dr. Husein Ajwa

10 Drip Application Equipment Flow meter Static mixer Injection port Water meter Nitrogen cylinder

11 Micro gas chromatograph with a multi- port sampling valve


13 InLine (1,3-dichloropropene + chloropicrin) InLine (1,3-dichloropropene + chloropicrin)   Monitor 1,3-D distribution in soil when applied in different amounts of irrigation water (26, 43, & 61 mm)   Monitor 1,3-D distribution when applied under standard PE mulch and VIF

14 0 cm 30 cm



17 Metam Sodium (MITC)   Monitor MITC distribution in soil when applied as metam sodium using three different drip tape flow rates: low, < 0.34 gpm/100 ft med, 0.67 gpm/100 ft high, > 1.00 gpm/100 ft


19 Recommendations for drip fumigation To achieve greater fumigant distribution uniformity:  increase the amount of irrigation water 1.5-2 inches for loam and sandy loam soils 2-2.5 inches for loamy sand and sandy soils  use medium flow rate drip tape (soil type?) 0.5-.67 gpm/100 ft for sandy loamy soils  use impermeable film if it is available or affordable if it is available or affordable

20 Field Trials Rose Vineyard Replant – 3+ years after Vineyard Replant – 3+ years after treatment Grape Nursery

21 Grapevine Nursery Trial - 2001

22  makes it “mandatory that nursery stock for farm planting be commercially clean with respect to economically important nematodes”. The California Code of Regulations

23 Experimental Design  85-year-old nematode- infested Thompson Seedless vineyard  11 treatments  5 replications

24 Treatments   Untreated Control   Methyl Bromide (448 kg/ha), Treated Control   Shank Iodomethane + Pic (224 +224 kg/ha)   Shank Propargyl Bromide (202 kg/ha)   Drip Iodomethane + Pic (224 +224 kg/ha), water cap   Drip Propargyl Bromide (202 kg/ha), water cap  )  Drip InLine (468 L/ha) Metam sodium (vapam, 243 L/ha) cap Metam sodium (vapam, 243 L/ha) cap  Drip Pic ()  Drip Pic (448 kg/ha) Metam sodium (vapam, 243 L/ha) cap Metam sodium (vapam, 243 L/ha) cap  Drip Azide (336), tarped  Drip Azide (336 kg/ha), tarped  Drip Azide (336), water cap  Drip Azide (336 kg/ha), water cap  Microspray Metam sodium (vapam, 243 L/ha)

25 Shanked Treatments  Shanks – 45 cm deep  Shanks – 1.8m apart  tarped


27 Drip Treatments  Broadcast  Drip tape  25 cm deep  60 cm apart  Medium flow  90 cm water




31 Caps on Drip Treatments  Applied through microsprays 2.4m x 4.6m spacing2.4m x 4.6m spacing  Water (15 cm)  Metam sodium (Vapam 243 L/ha)

32 Nematode Populations at Planting




36 Nematode Populations after One Growing Season

37 Thompson Seedless – Fall 2001

38 Vineyard Replant Trial Planted 1998

39 Experimental Design  65 year-old nematode- infested Thompson Seedless vineyard  Randomized complete block, 5 reps

40 Treatments  Untreated Control  Methyl Bromide, 448 kg/ha  Shank Iodomethane, 448 kg/ha  Drip Telone II EC (327 L/ha in 60 mm water)+metam sodium (vapam, 243 L/ha) cap  Drip Telone II EC (327 L/ha in 100 mm water)+metam sodium (vapam, 243 L/ha) cap  1-Year Fallow  1-Year Fallow + sudac cover crop

41 Variety/Rootstock  Thompson Seedless, own-rootedown-rooted  Merlot on Harmony  Merlot on Teleki 5C

42 TreatmentMeloidogyne sp.Tylenchulus sp. Thomp Seedless Teleki 5CHarmny Thomp Seedless Teleki 5CHarmny Untreated Control160.3 ab290.7 a4.0989.0 a377.4 a981.8 ab 1 Year Fallow215.0 a 72.8 b0.0512.6 abc465.8 a1141.8 a 1 Year Fallow plus cover crop 204.2 a259.0 a0.16 649.0 ab391.5 a787.8 b Methyl Bromide (400lbs/acre) 4.96 c 0.48 b0.0 0.5 c 49.0 b 61.6c Iodomethane (400lbs/acre) 57.8 c 0.0 b0.16 14.1 c 4.0 b 133.4 c Telone II EC (60mm water)+ Vapam 0.16 c 3.8 b0.0 22.9 c 3.4 b 76.8 c Telone II EC (100mm water)+Vapam 59.1 c 0.48 b0.0 113.0 bc 30.5 b 68.5 c Nematodes – 3.5 years after treatment Shank Treatments applied Apr 1998. Drip Treatments applied Jan 1998. Samples collected Oct 2001.

43 Long Term Fallow/ Vineyard Replant Trial Planted in 2000

44 Experimental Design 4 Vines Removed  Winter 1999 – untreated control  Winter 1998 – 1 year fallow  Winter 1997 – 2 year fallow  Winter 1996 – 3 year fallow 4 Vines replanted – June 2000

45 Effect of Long-term Fallow on Rootknot Nematode in a Vineyard Replant

46 Effect of Long-term Fallow on Citrus Nematode in a Vineyard Replant

47 Rose Nursery Field Trial Jackson & Perkins Wasco Initiated Fall, 2001

48 Rose Nursery Treatments   Controls Untreated control Methyl bromide check – 392 kg/ha   Shanked Treatments MIDAS - 30% Iodomethane/70%chloropicrin, 448 kg/ha Telone C35 with tarp – 449 L/ha Telone C35, no tarp – 449 L/ha   Dripped Treatments InLine, 468 L/ha Telone EC, 327 L/ha Chloropicrin – high rate, 448 kg/ha Chloropicrin – low rate, 224 kg/ha Chloropicrin, split application - 224 kg/ha + 224 kg/ha 7 days later MIDAS - 30% Iodomethane/70%chloropicrin, 448 kg/ha MIDAS - 50% Iodomethane/50%chloropicrin, 336 kg/ha Metam sodium, drip, 701 L/ha Iota (a biological)

49 Rose Nursery Trial Soil pH 306090120150

50 Rose Nursery Trial Nematodes - 0-30 cm

51 Rose Nursery Trial Nematodes – 60-90 cm

52 Rose Nursery Trial Nematodes – 120-150 cm

53 How do you save the nursery crop if your nematode management wasn’t perfect?

54 Rescue Technologies Hot water dips for dormant perennial and bulb crops Hot water dips for dormant perennial and bulb crops Dr. Becky Westerdahl


56 1998 - 2001 TREATMENTS B. Westerdahl, UC Davis

57 TRUNK DIAMETER INCREASE (INCHES) in 2000 1998 Hot Water Treatment – Paradox Walnut B. Westerdahl, UC Davis

58 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 01020304050607080 PERCENT MORTALITY 43.3C 46.1C 48.9C MELOIDOGYNE JAVANICA MINUTES ERROR BARS INDICATE 1 STANDARD ERROR Effect of Hot Water Treatments on Rootknot Nematode B. Westerdahl, UC Davis

59 Conclusions  Good distribution of effective concentrations of emulsified formulations of fumigants can be achieved using drip application technologies

60 Conclusions  Drip applied 1,3-D and shank applied iodomethane have controlled rootknot nematode as well as methyl bromide up to 3.5 years after treatment  Efficacy of long term fallow is dependent on the nematode genera present in the field

61 Conclusions  Efficacy of resistant rootstock depends on the diversity of the nematode population  Drip application of some currently available materials and shank and drip application of some new materials achieved nematode control to a depth of 150cm  Field conditions at the time of application will influence efficacy

62 Conclusions  Rescue technologies, such as hot water dips, are an important tool in the production of clean planting material from field grown nurseries

63 Conclusion  Integrated management strategies that make use of innovative technologies, new materials, resistant rootstocks, cultural practices and post-plant introductions of beneficial organisms offer hope for addressing Challenging Situations

64 Acknowledgements  California Fruit Tree, Nut Tree, and Grapevine Improvement Advisory Board  Sunridge Nursery  Jackson & Perkins Roses  L.E. Cooke Nursery  Tri-Cal  Tomen Agro  Dow Agro Sciences  AmVac  Albemarle  Cal Agri Products  HarborChem

65 Thank you!

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